
What is kun? Detailed analysis

The article describes what kun is, what this word means, where it came from and how it is used by modern youth.


In the not too distant past, computers were not at all, and many users just dreamed of unlimited high-speed Internet. Fortunately, now everything has changed, and no one is surprised by the numerous electronic gadgets and quick access to the network. Gradually, the Internet from the source of knowledge, entertainment and communication became a kind of a world inside the world, various and usually short-lived subcultures, myths, legends and slang arose in it.

As it often happens in any society, including virtual, people always tend to divide into groups. On the Internet, this usually happens in the interests, and before the mass distribution of social networks, various forums and other thematic sites were very popular. Gradually, they formed their own slang, which was a modified or distorted foreign words. And one of these words is kun. So what is kun, where did this word come from and what does it mean? In this we will understand.


It all started with fans of anime. The fact is that the vast majority of adults are difficult to understand why their peers are watching "Japanese cartoons." It does not help even the fact that the plot is not intended for children at all, and sometimes explicit scenes "for adults" are encountered. Because of this, fans of this kind of entertainment began to unite in the Internet, where it's easier to find like-minded people, to discuss this or that graphic film, etc. And it was from the anime that the word "kun" came into use.

Want to know what kun is? It is a suffix in the Japanese language, which denotes a certain degree of relation to a person, to whose name it is used. Simply put, a similar prefix is used by close friends or comrades, usually in order to emphasize the informality of communication. Also it can be done by the girl in relation to the beloved guy. But to persons of an older age to address in such a manner is impossible, it will look indecent. So now we know what a kun is. By the way, in the Japanese language there are many such suffixes, and all of them are used, depending on the attitude or position between people.

Wide use

But gradually the meaning of the word was somewhat distorted, it happened with his arrival in the broad masses, and now use it sometimes even those who do not like anime. Modern youth use it not as a prefix, but as a kind of common word, the meaning of the word "kun" has changed. Usually it is used by girls in relation to a fashionable, stylish, handsome and cute guy, as if showing a disposition towards him, and sometimes, a similarity with some of the anime heroes.

The word was also served by a site called "dacha" in the common people, it was there that the word "kun" was often used by fans of anime, and this kind of baton was also picked up by people who are indifferent to such a genre of art. By the way, there is very specific slang on the site of this already, but he did not enter the broad masses, except for some words.


Also the word "chan" was widely spread among young people, it also came from Japanese and means the same as "kun", but with respect to the girl. This prefix is used in an informal appeal to a girl who is younger, to a close friend or lover.

Gradually, in Russian, it was used as a nominal designation for a cute, attractive and positive girl.

So we have analyzed the origin of the word "kun", the translation of it and the reasons why it became so popular among even those young people who are not fond of watching anime.

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