Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Healthy Qigong system for losing weight

How often do we make a promise to take care of our own health, but for some reason we violate the word given to ourselves! Perhaps this is because we simply could not find our way to a healthy life for ourselves? Agree that there are such active people who can not live without a second for a second, but there are slow people who fall into a stressful state from the thought that life is a movement. And for them it is impossible to find a common rhythm of existence, they must go their own way.

Similarly, we can say about the process of losing weight. There can not be a common system, or rather, there can not exist a universal system that is equally effective for every inhabitant of the planet. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the existing methods of losing weight and improving the body and, perhaps, through trial and error, to find their way to health.

The topic of this article is the Qigong health system for weight loss. This technique is very popular in the East, and among other representatives of mankind finds its admirers. How to know, perhaps, for you qigong is the very path, following which you can achieve harmony with your own body and the surrounding world.

What is Qigong for losing weight? This is an ancient Chinese healing system, the purpose of which is spiritual and physical renewal, self-improvement, strengthening of the body and achieving harmony. I must say that losing weight is only a link in the chain of positive changes that occur to a person following the rules of qigong. All changes, first of all, are connected with "qi" - "internal energy, life force". Therefore, the qigong system means the ability to own breath and inner energy.

Existence of excess weight - a signal about the disharmony of body functions. By combining special exercises and deep breathing, you can get rid of excess, normalize the body and achieve harmony with your own "I". In the light of the above, we will denote the term qigong for weight loss, the whole general health system, aimed at the transformation of the soul and body.

The Qigong system is a combination of a special diet and gymnastics that allow a person to cultivate his own qi. The advantage of this system is that it is available to people of different age categories and does not include any rigid prohibitions and restrictions.

In the world there are many admirers of the Qigong system for weight loss. The reviews speak for themselves: practitioners of the ancient Chinese method get rid of chronic diseases that have haunted them for many years of life. They note the extraordinary flexibility and lightness in the body, they speak of a powerful energy that helps them cope with everyday troubles and achieve harmony with the world. In a word, it's impressive.

According to Qigong postulates, reasonable (rational) nutrition is a harmonious combination of five different flavors: sour, spicy, sweet, bitter and salty. This also includes the ability to listen to the needs of your body. Masters of the ancient Chinese health-improving system are advised to replace the soy meat, stop eating four hours before bedtime and this, in fact, everything related to food. They argue that if you follow the advice described, your appetite should soon go down.

The Qigong system for weight loss advises you before the meal (approximately two minutes) to perform a breathing exercise that activates the metabolic process. The stomach requires much more oxygen than other organs and tissues in the body. Almost all the energy of our body is produced from the combination of "oxygen + food". Therefore, breathing is one of the most important components in the qigong system.

So, put your hands on the lower abdomen, make a couple of deep slow breaths and exhalations (exercise takes about 90 seconds, during which you need to concentrate on the inspiration-expiration process). Now inhale and blow out all the air with a powerful exhalation, while you should feel that the stomach sticks to the spine. Do this exercise for about thirty seconds, with each inhalation-exhalation picking up the pace as much as possible.

After a meal, you will also need to spend two minutes to complete the exercises. The full stomach needs energy to digest the contents. For this massage is suitable: put your hands on the lower part of the chest (where the stomach is located), perform circular motions with your hands (50-100 times).

Very useful may be stimulation of the auricles. It turns out that the ears are closely related to the nervous system, in particular, with excessive craving for food. Therefore, if you want to deceive the appetite, it is enough to massage your ears, clasping the auricle with your thumb and forefinger.

Now let's talk about physical exercises, which are also an integral part of the health complex. So, gymnastics Qigong for weight loss.

There are three basic exercises: a frog, a wave and a lotus.

Frog (exercise reduces appetite)

Sitting on a chair, firmly press the feet to the floor, the feet are on the width of the shoulders, the angle between the thigh and the lower leg is 90 degrees. Clenching your left hand, clasp your right arm. Lower your elbows on your knees, tilt your body forward, lower your forehead on your hands, open your eyes. Inhale and exhale through the mouth at a slow pace. Relax the abdominal muscles, inhaling through the nose, stretch and inflate the stomach, after a few seconds, repeat the exhalation, as described. Perform three times a day for fifteen minutes.

After completing the exercise, sit for a few seconds, closing your eyes.

Wave (exercise with an acute sense of hunger)

Lie on your back, bend your legs at a 90-degree angle, press your feet tightly to the floor. One hand is directed to the chest zone, the other is placed on the stomach. On inhaling, pull in your stomach, blow out your belly and exhale your chest. The number of repetitions is 40 times. After completing the exercise, lie for a few seconds with your eyes closed.

Lotus (exercise stimulates metabolism and restores strength)

Sitting, cross your legs, put your hands palms up, wrists resting on your hips. Straighten your back, open your eyes. Within five minutes alternate deep even breaths and exhalations. Then concentrate on the process of inspiration, trying to perform it as deeply and soundlessly. Perform five minutes, after which return to the usual breathing (10 minutes). Complete the exercise in the same way as the first two.

Especially effective is the Chinese wellness technique in combination with acupuncture.

Contraindicated exercises from the qigong system to pregnant women, people with problems in the work of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. The system is not recommended for those who feel weak and dizzy.

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