
How to make a bunch on short hair?

A bunch of short hair - a stylish and elegant hairstyle that fits any clothing and is used for all occasions. The realization of such an idea with the practice takes only a few minutes. In this material, let's look at how to make a bundle for short hair, select several varieties of hair.

Necessary accessories

To make a bundle on short hair, you will need the following:

  • Volumetric, wide, and also tight thin elastic;
  • Thin comb with frequent teeth;
  • A few pinches-invisible.

Features of the formation of hairstyle

Hairstyle bun on short hair requires performing the actions in this sequence:

  1. Pre-combed hair, then curls gather on the back of the head. In the end, you should get a tight tail. Before moving on to fixing the hairstyle, you need to make sure that the hair is laid smoothly. If you can not achieve this effect, you should use gel for styling or mousse.
  2. The tail is stretched through the rubber band. The latter should be located at its very base. Collect the bundle will also allow the use of bandages for curls.
  3. Then, from the already fixed tail, a small strand is separated, which is bent over the rubber band, after which it is fixed with the aid of a hairpin-invisible. To hide from the prying eyes the elastic under the hair, similar actions should be performed with additional strands.
  4. On this bunch of short hair is ready. It remains only to securely fix the base of the beam with a thin, more tight elastic band.

Next, consider several variations of the hairstyle, which are suitable for the formation of individual images.

Curly beam

To create a more airy, playful hairstyle, you must first wind the strands using an iron or curling iron. Use for this purpose can also be a thermal hair.

Prepared for the procedure, curls should be collected in the tail, fixing it with an elastic band in the crown or on the back of the head. If the choice has fallen on a high tail, for secure fastening of the hair, additional invisible ones will be required.

When curly locks are gathered in the tail, you can proceed to fix them with hair clips around the elastic. To distribute strands of hair follows in any order. Carefully hiding the elastic under curly locks, you can get a pretty self-sufficient hairstyle. An excellent solution here is the use of unobtrusive accessories.


To form such a hairstyle, you need to divide the hair into 3-5 equal parts. Each of them alternately turns into a tourniquet. The endings are formed into a small, neat "snail" and fixed by invisible ones. Similarly, you need to do with the remaining strands. As a result, a volumetric bundle of tucked hair arranged in a rather chaotic manner should form.

Bun with bagel for short hair

To create such a hairstyle a special rubber band "bagel" is used. This means can differ in different diameter and width, which makes it possible to determine the appropriate variant, depending on the length and density of the curls.

Hairstyle is performed as follows:

  1. The hair is divided into three equal strands - wide in the center and two smaller in the sides. The divided curls in the lateral part are braided into three-dimensional braids. The middle part is formed in a low tail, which is actually put on a rubber band "bagel".
  2. Hair is divided by hands into two equal parts in the horizontal plane. The resulting strands neatly wrapped around the gum. On top of the formed form, another, more dense elastic band is put on, which fixes the result at the base. Strands that beat out of the beam are fixed with studs.
  3. Elegant braids that are located on the sides, stacked on top of the beam. The received form is again fixed with the help of a pendant-invisible.


Using the above recommendations and showing imagination, you can quickly and easily create the most original bundles on short hair. Let her hair look not too exquisite. However, this option is an extremely practical solution for every day.

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