
Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages

To date, cancer is the most deadly. And in most cases, the disease could be stopped if the symptoms were read and understood in time. But for obvious reasons, people ignore the seemingly minor discomfort, do not go to the examination, and when they feel pain. And when the symptoms become too obvious, it is no longer possible to help the patient.

Among the most common cancerous tumors, the sixth place is occupied by the defeat of the pancreas. And to detect it at an early stage can be quite rare. Today we want to talk about what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages. Perhaps for someone it will be a chance to ask for help in time.

general description

It is very important to have an idea of what kind of body it is. The main functions are digestion and hormone production. All of us from childhood know where we have heart and stomach. However, this tiny gland may be even more important in some respects.

The digestive function is the production of digestive enzymes, that is, special substances, through which the splitting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs. Without this, food will simply not be assimilated. In addition, iron is involved in the production of hormones that are responsible for metabolic processes. This is insulin and glucagon, and even a whole complex of substances responsible for the production of gastric juice.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages often come down to typical manifestations of pancreatitis. That is, a person experiences discomfort after eating, takes painkillers or enzymes and so calms down. The disease progresses and as a result becomes already inoperable. Now the doctor, based on the state of the body, can offer chemistry or radiation therapy. This is not a cure, but a remedy for stopping tumor growth.


In fact, today doctors continue to wonder why the cancer cells begin to develop rapidly in the human body. What is it? It is not an alien organism, not a bacterium or a virus, which is why there are such difficulties in treatment. Cancer is the cells of your body that have degenerated under the influence of various factors. Usually, cells are divided only to replace worn or dying predecessors. But in a cancer cell, DNA is changed, it will be divided uncontrolled, and being immortal. And the cells created by it also do not die as they perform their function.

In fact, one task remains: to grow and multiply. As a result, the tumor fills one organ and penetrates into the second, changing its structure. And such cells can not perform the functions inherent in them. As a result, missing the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages, a person slowly but surely goes to the destruction of the whole process of digestion. The degenerating organ is not able to produce the necessary enzymes and hormones.

Why the pancreas affects the cancer cells

We will not consider all causes of development of cancer, because there are too many of them. Let us dwell only on those that (according to doctors) lead to the development of a cancerous tumor in the pancreas.

  • In the first place is smoking. Regular poisoning of the body with carcinogens, resins and other harmful compounds contained in cigarette smoke, does not contribute to its recovery. Add to this the high cost that you pay for slowly destroying yourself. According to medical statistics, smoking people face a risk of developing pancreatic cancer twice as often as non-smokers. It is very important that smoking cessation sharply reduces the likelihood of its appearance.
  • In second place is age. The older a person becomes, the more harmful substances have accumulated his body. After 60 years the probability of cancer is three times as high.
  • A person's sex can also play a role. Physicians suggest that men are prone to pancreatic cancer more than women. This can be explained by the high percentage of smokers among the strong half of humanity.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. You can not ignore problems such as pancreatitis. Inflammatory process can become one of predisposing factors.
  • Features of nutrition. Indirectly, this can also be considered as one of the reasons. If the diet is rich in fats and carbohydrates, then the load on the gland increases significantly. Conversely, if the diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, the risk is reduced.

Types of cancer

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages will depend heavily on how the disease begins. There are many species, and only the attending physician can understand this. Based on the features of the anatomical concentration of the tumor, the main types are determined:

  • Cancer of the gland head.
  • The bodies.
  • The tail.

Based on this, the doctor can already make certain predictions. However, in addition, the surgeon necessarily takes an analysis on histology. Now he will be able to determine the specific type of cells from which the cancer developed. So in the medical book there are records of "adenocarcinoma", "insulinoma", "gastrinoma" and others.

Disturbing symptoms

In order to timely consult a doctor and stop the development of the disease, it is very important to notice the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages. Diagnosis usually occurs much later, when metastases have already entered the lymph nodes. Therefore, each of us needs to be very careful about your health. If something bothers you, you need to undergo a thorough examination, and do not let things go by themselves.

So, what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages? Signs of an ominous diagnosis are still very weak, but the first bell is pain. It is localized in the upper half of the abdomen, under the stomach. Often gives in the back and can be shrouded in nature. With the growth of the tumor symptoms can only increase, so you should not pull. Characterized by increased pain when tilted forward. In parallel, thirst may increase and a heaviness appears in the right upper quadrant. It is often possible to observe diarrhea. The chair in this case is liquid and offensive.

Do not ignore

How often regrets come to a person too late. When the card is already 3 or 4 stage, so you want to rewind everything back. Then surely a man would not miss the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages. The first manifestations, in addition to the pain syndrome, are also associated with weight loss. Weight loss is associated with a violation of fat absorption as a result of insufficient secretory function of the pancreas. If you notice that you started to lose weight for no apparent reason, then you should immediately contact the clinic and take the tests.

Laboratory diagnostics

What methods will help confirm or disprove the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages? Ultrasound is the very first tool that will allow you to find changes in tissues, however, usually patients undergo this procedure already in the late stages, to clarify the location of the tumor, and not to diagnose it.

First of all, you need to pass a detailed blood test. With cancer, hemoglobin most often falls and ESR increases. If the doctor sees such changes, then without hesitation, he directs to the oncologist for further examination.

The final diagnosis

Only when a person enters an oncology, he can undergo a complete examination. Here experts are able to diagnose tumor processes. In the early stages, even the UAC works very well, it shows typical changes. Biochemistry shows bilirubinemia, as well as hepatic enzymes. Further oncologist defines oncomarkers, which show the operability of the tumor. In the early stages, markers are not detected.

Depending on the location of the cancer

How can the symptoms of pancreatic cancer change in the early stages? Forecasts in the timely detection of the cause are very favorable. The survival rate is 96%. Of course, then it will be necessary to undergo all life supportive treatment, but this is not the worst development of events.

If the tumor is located in the head region, most patients notice jaundice and skin itching, a change in the color of urine. It is with this arrangement of the tumor most often observed anorexia, vomiting when trying to eat. The more the growth grows, the stronger it squeezes the duodenum and the lumen of the stomach.

Localization in the body or tail can be marked by episodes of bleeding. The clinical picture may resemble acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis. At later stages, intestinal obstruction is possible, since the lumen of the intestine narrows.

Degrees of disease

Before the appointment of a doctor, the doctor will find out the degree of spread of the tumor and on the basis of this will diagnose. The most favorable forecasts at the first stage. The size of the tumor is still small, it does not go beyond the gland and affects only one of its parts (head, body or tail).

The second stage involves spreading the tumor to organs that are located side by side. These are the bile duct or duodenum. This is option 2A. Form 2B involves the spread of the tumor to the nearest lymph nodes.

The third stage is already very serious. The tumor affects the stomach and spleen, the large intestine, is selected for large vessels and nerves. At the fourth stage, the process of metastasis begins in all organs and systems.

We told you the main symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages and the degree by which its localization in the body is determined. Now let us briefly mention the possibilities of medical intervention in this process.


Depends on the timeliness of the treatment. If it was possible to identify the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages, treatment will be most effective. In this case, the doctor chooses from three options:

  • Surgical intervention.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Radiotherapy.

In the early stages, the removal of the tumor and the subsequent chemotherapy works best. But when it spreads to the surrounding organs, the doctor will most likely not be able to operate the patient, because everything can not be cut out. It remains to hope only that after the course of chemistry the tumor will decrease to such a size that it becomes operable.

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