HealthDiseases and Conditions

Enterobiosis in children

Enterobiosis in children - intestinal helminthiasis, which is caused by small nematodes, belonging to the class Enterobius vermicularis. It is characterized by a blurred and unexpressed clinical course, the symptom of the disease is perianal itching, which occurs at the site of laying eggs by sexually mature females.

Enterobiosis in children begins with the ingestion of invasive eggs, which in the duodenum become larvae. They reach their sexual maturity in the lower parts of the small intestine. This occurs 15 days after ingestion. Males usually die after fertilization, and females calmly rest on the mucosa of the large intestine and are able to move along it. They creep out at the night from the anus, as all the sphincters at this time are relaxed, and lay eggs on the anal folds, and then die. The life span of pinworms in the human body is one hundred and eleven days. The length of stay can be prolonged due to repeated infections.

Clinical picture

Enterobiosis in children is characterized by perianal itching, which usually occurs in the evening, at night. Also common irritability, decreased ability to work, memory, headaches, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, lack of body weight, unstable stools, sleep disturbances. Sometimes there are complications presented by vulvovaginitis, anogenital pruritus, local inflammation of the anus area, which is accompanied by local soreness.


Scraping on enterobiasis in children is the main way of diagnosing. In the laboratories, the intensity of the lesion is noted, which is determined by the number of eggs found. This allows us to assess the degree of danger of the infected for others and take appropriate preventive measures in the outbreak. In a rare case, pinworm eggs are found in the urine, which was taken for other clinical indications. The causative agent of the disease is often found during colonoscopy.


Often there are cases in which enterobiasis is treated with uninfected people. Detection in scraping eggs of pinworms is not an indication of the presence of sexually mature individuals in the body, as females die on leaving the anal opening.

The most effective and often used drugs for the treatment of this disease are derivatives of carbamate benzimidazoles. They act on sexually mature forms of parasites. They are also characterized by the presence of ovicidal and larvicidal activity. In this case, the transport of glucose to the body of helminths is disrupted, so egg laying and development of larvae are suppressed.

Enterobiosis in children can be accompanied by the development of complications, which are sometimes caused by anthelmintic drugs. They lead to allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, impaired liver function, dyskinesia of the biliary tract.

At present, various biological supplements are often used, which help to cope effectively with the disease, do not cause complications. For the treatment of the latter, local remedies are used, with the penetration of parasites into the tissues of the anal region, a surgical operation is used.

If there is an illness, the name of which is enterobiosis, treatment with folk remedies can become a good alternative to medicines: infusions and decoctions of elecampane, St. John's wort, carrots, carrot juice, pomegranate juice, walnuts, lyubovok, garlic, wild strawberry.

For the prevention of enterobiosis, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, with the immediate emergence of suspected invasions, immediately begin treatment.

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