Health, Diseases and Conditions
Cuts in the arms: first aid. What to do when cutting a hand with a knife, a blade or glass?
Cuts are a violation of the integrity of the skin with pointed objects. If the cuts are affected only by the skin and fatty tissue, they pass by themselves. If the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels are damaged, the doctor should be consulted. Such injuries are considered common in everyday life. They are received by adults and children. To avoid the negative consequences of cuts with a knife, blade or glass, you need to know the basic rules of first aid.
What is the danger of cuts?
- Injuries with pointed objects: a knife, blade or glass are dangerous for damage to the artery, nerve, large vessels. If cuts on the hands of a blade or other pointed object do not immediately handle, dangerous microorganisms will enter the wound. Gangrene may develop or a trophic ulcer may form which does not respond to healing. Infection can be life threatening.
- If the cut becomes inflamed, complications can occur in the form of purulent swells and phlegmon. This is a condition where pus does not flow out, but remains inside and spreads into surrounding tissues. With an increase in temperature and general weakness, it is urgent to call a doctor.
First aid for cuts
Anyone can get injured by a sharp object. Cope with a small cut yourself, too, you can, if you know how. What should I do if my arm is cut in the first few minutes after getting injured? First of all, do not panic. If a person is afraid of the type of blood, first aid should be given by someone who does not intimidate it. It consists in the following:
- The cut is carefully inspected to reveal how serious the injury is.
- After inspection, the wound is well rinsed with running water. If there is no way to do this, you can use water from bottles, which is sold in each kiosk.
- To prevent the spread of infection in the wound, do not touch it with your hands. If necessary, rinse the cut with soap foam, which after treatment of the wound should be immediately washed off. You can not use laundry soap. For this purpose, the baby is better suited.
- Next, you need to get a wound with a bandage. If it is not at hand, you can use any clean cloth, including a handkerchief.
- Everything that is described above is done very quickly, in a matter of seconds. The most important thing is to stop the blood, for which the hand, finger or leg is raised so that the cut is above the level of the body. The place of cut should be squeezed with fingers, wrapped in bandage or clean cloth. In a few minutes the blood should stop, if the cut is shallow.
- If the artery is touched, which can be determined by the blood stream of bright scarlet color, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the wound. And if the bleeding is venous - lower. From the veins, blood flows smoothly, no jet, and has a dark color. When the tourniquet is applied, the circulation of blood in the hand stops. Therefore, to prevent the necrosis of the limb, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- After all steps have been taken to stop the bleeding, the cut must be decontaminated. To do this, it is treated with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. But if the wound is deep, the solution should not get inside, as small sosudiki can become clogged with air. Place around the wound treated with alcohol solutions. This is suitable for iodine or zelenka.
- The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of antibacterial component of silver sulfatiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The agent has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and besides, it helps to heal wounds without a rough scar.
If more than ten minutes have passed after the first aid was given and there are no positive results, that is, the blood does not stop, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
Injury to glass
Cuts in glass most often a person can get in domestic conditions or at enterprises associated with its release. Glass is very fragile and brittle material, which often beats. The slightest carelessness leads to injuries.
Cuts on the hands and other parts of the body, obtained from glass, have their own characteristics. They are cut, bleeding wounds. Their edges are smooth and even, so they do not crush or crush the fabric. This is more favorable for healing than lacerations.
Cuts on the hands and hands are often. As a rule, their back surface is damaged. The most dangerous injuries are hot glass. It has the feature of rapidly cooling down and disintegrating in the cutaneous and muscular tissues into many small fragments that are not visible even on the radiographic image. Such fragments are difficult to remove, and migrating to tissues, they cause pain, new injuries and bleeding. Sometimes the fragments remain in the tissues for years. A wound with hot glass can be exacerbated by a thermal burn.
What should I do with cut glass?
- To make a wound toilet, that is to wash it with 70% alcohol solution or chlorhexidine.
- Make local anesthesia by imposing primary sutures.
- For shallow damages, use the Michel brackets. The victim does not need surgical help. It is enough to impose on the wound an aseptic bandage after washing the wound.
- If cuts on the hands are accompanied by burns, the wound does not need to be stitched. It should be treated and put a bandage lubricated with ointment.
- If you find in the tissue glass fragments visible to the eye, you need to remove them and for further treatment, consult a doctor.
At a cut, a person lost consciousness. What to do?
Sometimes even small cuts on the fingers of a hand can lead a person to a fainting condition. To prevent this, you need:
- Provide fresh air if the victim is in the room. To do this, open the windows and doors, but exclude draft.
- Take a few deep breaths several times.
- Massage the lobes of the ears and the upper lip.
- Vigorously rub your cheeks.
- If this does not help, you should soak the cotton wool with ammonia and give a sniff to the victim.
Cutting with a knife and a blade
Most often, a person gets a cut with a knife, as this cutting object he uses constantly: at work or at home. Carelessness leads to injuries. There are times when knife wounds are intentionally applied. This happens during a fight or robbery against a person. Equally rare are cuts on the hands of the blade during shaving or creative work related to its use. Cuts are different. It depends on what they were done.
- For a trauma caused by a sharp object - a knife, a blade, a glass, cut wounds are characteristic.
- If the injury is caused by a blunt object, the cut has torn edges. Such wounds are most often on the hands and fingers.
- If the injured object is simultaneously applied to the arm, leg or any other part of the body with blunt and sharp objects, the wound will be of a combined nature.
- A sharp and thin object: an awl leaves a stab wound.
Venous bleeding in cuts
During a trauma, a vein can be cut on the arm. This is easily determined even visually. Blood from the wound flows smoothly, not pulsating, has a dark color. In this case, a person loses a lot of blood. Particular danger is caused by the fact that air is absorbed into the vessels and can get into the heart. If this happens, death occurs.
In order to stop bleeding from the vein, a pressure bandage is applied. The wound is covered with clean gauze and pressed on top with an unopened bandage. If it is not at hand, you can fold several times the handkerchief or clean cloth. Then the applied means should be pressed to the wound. The blood must stop. If there is nothing at hand, the cut of the vein on the arm or leg is immediately pressed with the fingers, and the limbs go up.
In what cases when cuts need to see a doctor?
- If the cut is deep and its length is more than two centimeters.
- When it's impossible to stop blood quickly.
- If during the first aid was not possible to remove from the wound fragments of foreign objects.
- When cuts on the hands or other parts of the body are caused by a contaminated object. It can be a shovel or rake.
- If the victim is a child or a person of advanced age.
- When on the second day after the injury the skin around the cut acquires an atypical color, the pus oozes from the wound and numb the place of the injury.
- If there is an increase in body temperature and general weakness.
- When a week after the injury, the wound does not heal.
The victim is obliged to tell the doctor what actions were taken to provide first aid and how the wound was treated. Then the expert himself will decide how to treat the cut.
- Cuts in the arms (photo above) can result in irreversible consequences if they are applied to the wrist area. In this case, nerves and tendons are damaged.
- Often during a trauma the victim receives a deep cut in the arm. What to do? Immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that the treatment of deep wounds is performed by stitching immediately after the injury. If eight hours after the cut is not done, then in general it is impossible to sew a wound, since bacteria will be able to enter it. When the wound is closed, they can cause suppuration.
- If cuts on the hands are accompanied by a strong bleeding with a bright scarlet color of blood, then the artery is damaged.
- Remember, even a slight cut, especially on the face, leaves a scar.
- If you do not remove the fragments of a foreign body from the wound, it becomes inflamed and pus can drain from it.
- To prevent a serious injury with a cut caused complications, a tetanus vaccination should be given.
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