HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dry corn. Treatment and causes

Dry calluses are compacted formations on the skin, having a yellowish color, representing a fairly thickened layer of corn, penetrating the core into the deeper layers of the skin. Corns are usually located between the toes, on the plantar and back sides of the fingers. The cause of dry calluses on the legs are usually chronic injuries. They arise in those places where shoes, closely in contact with the skin surface, systematically exert pressure on it and provoke the appearance of a protective reaction of the body, the result of which is a considerable coarsening and thickening of the surface layers of the skin. Warn the appearance of dry calluses, dressing alternately several pairs of shoes - it is difficult to find two pairs of shoes that will crush or rub the same place on the foot.

The reason for the appearance of dry calluses is not only uncomfortable shoes

Quite naturally the question arises - all people wear shoes, but not all complain about the appearance of calluses. Studies show that only those people whose liver can not absorb the right amount of vitamin A, dry calluses on their feet appear . Their treatment, therefore, must necessarily have a complex character and have a direction primarily to eliminate not the corns themselves, but the causes of their occurrence.

Who faced the problem of dry calluses knows how uncomfortable they are when walking. Cosmetic defect, very painful sensations with the slightest pressure, sometimes even not allowing you to wear your favorite shoes - such consequences are caused by the dry corn appearing on the foot. Treatment in this case is simply necessary! The risk of corns is significantly reduced with a small correction of lifestyle, changes in diet and mandatory intake of vitamin A.

Drug treatment for dry corns

But the process of enriching the body with vitamin A will take some time, but the soreness of the skin formations will require urgent measures. The treatment of dry callus, applied topically, will be faster. Recently appeared dry corn, the treatment of which is started in a timely manner, can disappear even after one-two-fold application of keratolytic agents. Recommend them can a master pedicure or beautician, you can buy them in the form of gels or creams, in a pharmacy. By keratolytic means means medicinal compositions that promote softening and easy rejection of the horny skin areas. Keratolytic properties have alkalis, lactic acid, potassium soap, resorcinol, the most commonly used in this capacity is salicylic acid. Apply these funds carefully, strictly in accordance with the attached instructions. The recent dry corn, the treatment of which is produced by the method of hardware cosmetology, can be successfully removed in one session.

Folk recipes for treatment

Traditional medicine also paid much attention to such ailment as dry callus. Treatment according to folk recipes, if performed systematically, gives very good results. The simplest way is to apply compresses that soften the keratinized skin and allow it to be removed. To prepare the compresses, you can use different medicinal plants, such as calendula, celandine, dandelions, ivy, aloe, in the leaves and flowers of which there is a large amount of vitamin A. Also for this purpose can come plants from the garden - carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes. To soften the skin is very useful to take soap-soda or salty baths. Very effective may be the use of fir or sea buckthorn oil, resin from any coniferous tree.

Of course, you can try to cure your callus yourself, but if the process is too prolonged, it is best to see a doctor, because the persistent appearance of calluses on extensive areas of the skin of the feet may indicate the presence of serious internal diseases in humans.

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