HealthDiseases and Conditions

Wen on the neck: how to get rid of it?

Almost every person faced such a problem as a lipoma. It is a local inflammation of the fatty layer, accompanied by growth with subsequent deformation. Most often there is a fatty gland on the neck, back and thighs, because there this layer is less developed. As a rule, it gives a person some discomfort, and from the aesthetic point of view it looks not very pleasant. With such a problem you can fight, for this there are many methods.

Wen on the neck: reasons

According to statistical data, these formations are more often concerned with the female half of the population, and in the age group of 30 years. Until now, scientists have not come to a common opinion about why this is happening. Moreover, no reliable theory was presented. Adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment claim that lipomas are a consequence of slagging of the body. That is why, when answering the question about how to remove a fatty gland around the neck, they suggest methods for purifying the body and removing toxins. Lipoma itself does not bring painful sensations, but with incorrect care, the tumor can become inflamed and deformed. There is a belief, according to which the adipose acts as a harbinger of a cancerous tumor. But these are only speculations of ignorant people, and they have nothing to do with the true state of affairs they have.

Grease on the neck: medication

So, if the feeling of discomfort is still present, you should consult a specialist. Self-removal of the neoplasm can lead to serious consequences, in particular, the spread of infection and infection of the body. Modern medicine offers two ways to get rid of the disease: with the help of drugs and by surgical intervention. In the first case, a special agent is injected into the affected area, which destroys the fat cells. This procedure is applied when the fatty gland on the neck in diameter does not exceed three centimeters. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of this method is small, and the first result can be found at least two months later. If the neoplasm in diameter exceeds the maximum established norm, then one must resort to surgical intervention. Depending on the scale of the problem, general or local anesthesia is done. The rehabilitation period is on average two weeks, during which time the doctor monitors the patient's condition and assesses the effectiveness of the operation.

Grease on the neck: treatment with folk remedies

Before resorting to radical methods, it is worthwhile to try non-traditional ways of fighting the disease. In some cases, they are very effective and can lead to complete healing. For example, every day, it is recommended to apply a fresh leaf of Kalanchoe to the affected area, and compress the leaves of mother-and-stepmother for the night. The first results are observed after a week, so the term of such treatment is on average 14 days. For a long time, cosmetic clay is famous for its miraculous properties . Preparation of a night compress of red clay, kefir and salt will help to quickly eliminate the lipoma. The term of treatment in this case is unlimited, the termination of procedures is allowed only after a complete breakdown of adipose tissue.

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