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Kokki in a smear during pregnancy. Kokki in a smear - what is it?

Nature has thought of everything in detail in the creation of our body. On the human body there live millions of different bacteria that not only do not harm health, but have useful properties. But when do microorganisms help, and when they become a dangerous pathogenic flora? We will tell you about such bacteria as cocci. They are opportunistic, so they can both help and cause the development of inflammatory processes.

Norms and deviations of indicators

Normally, the epithelium of the vagina is lined with lactobacilli, they are also called Doderline sticks. Their percentage should be at 95%. The remaining 5% should be peptostreptococci and bifidobacteria. It is this bacterial content in the smear that provides an acidic environment that protects against pathogenic microflora.

If cocci are found in a smear on the flora within a few units, then they are not dangerous and are considered a kind of norm. Kokki is considered a conditionally pathogenic microflora. This means that, being in the body in small quantities, they are absolutely safe and do not require special treatment. But under the influence of various negative factors, which you will learn below, the sticks begin to multiply, violating the acidic environment. In this case, it is possible to detect cocci in a smear in women by a laboratory method. How can this be dangerous? Let's figure it out.

What is the danger?

Cocci in the smear were found: what is it? With the change in the acidic environment towards alkaline, the amount of useful flora sharply decreases. This leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the organism to pathogenic microbes. First of all, the dysbacteriosis of the vagina develops, which leads to inflammatory processes, for example, endometritis and erosions. If a pregnant woman has a pathogenic microflora (cocci in a smear), it is dangerous that the sticks can enter the uterus, urogenital and intestinal systems. This leads to inflammatory processes in the infected organs, causes a number of unpleasant symptoms and often requires antibacterial treatment. All this can adversely affect the development of the fetus, including miscarriage or premature birth.

Types of infections

Sticks (cocci) in the smear are of different types and can cause various infectious diseases:

  1. Staphylococcal infection (is the most common). The disease is caused by various microorganisms, of which only 3 are dangerous to humans. Of these, most often there is Staphylococcus aureus, which can have a negative impact on the body, especially to toddlers and pregnant women. This type of coccal infection is very resistant to antiseptics and many antibiotics, which complicates the treatment process.
  2. Streptococci penetrate through the membrane to the fetus of a pregnant woman and provoke self-defense.
  3. Enterococcus is a bacterium of the gastrointestinal tract. When it gets into the organs of the small pelvis, inflammatory processes develop.
  4. The presence of gonococci in the smear on the flora indicates the presence in the body of such a sexually transmitted disease as gonorrhea.

Causes of coccus in the smear

Kokki in a smear - what is it and what can be the causes of the disease? In medicine, the following possible causes of the development of the problem stand out:

  • Decreased immunity of a person (for example, during pregnancy or catarrhal disease);
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs, especially without strengthening the body with bifidobacteria;
  • Uncontrolled use of contraceptives;
  • A sharp change in the hormonal background (during pregnancy, with various hormonal diseases);
  • Cocci in a smear on the flora may appear with unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner;
  • Syringing without prescribing a doctor;
  • Non-observance of personal hygiene rules;
  • Tight underwear made of non-natural materials.

Symptoms of coccus infection

The analysis indicated the following: microflora - cocci in the smear. But you do not feel any symptoms? Quite often about the development of coccus sticks people do not even guess, since the disease occurs without significant symptoms. Most complaints appear even when the bacteria are in the body in large quantities. Such a state can manifest itself as follows:

  • Abundant thick discharge of milk or yellowish color;
  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Itching, burning, discomfort in the genital area and anus.

Kokki in men

Have cocci been found in the smear in men? Strong sex is also prone to infection. But, unlike the female, the disease is usually transmitted sexually from an infected partner. A man may be bothered by itching, pain during urination and during intercourse, sometimes there are reddening or rashes on the genitals. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to give a smear from the urethra and the anus. When cocci is detected, treatment is performed with antibiotics.

Cocci during pregnancy

Kokki in a smear - what is it and can they have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy? Decreased immunity, hormonal reorganization, predisposition to anxiety in a pregnant woman are a favorable environment for destabilizing the vaginal microflora and, as a consequence, the development of a coccal infection, which is a real danger for both the mother and the future baby.

In addition to unpleasant symptoms in the form of abundant secretions, dryness of the vagina and burning, infection threatens the possibility of gestation: sticks can provoke miscarriage, bleeding, placental abruption, premature birth. Cocci in the smear during pregnancy cause a number of complications in the process of labor. In addition, both in the womb, and during passage through the birth canal can become infected with a baby, which will negatively affect its development and health. Therefore, at least twice during pregnancy the gynecologist conducts a smear on the microflora of a woman. The first analysis is carried out at registration, and the second - at the 30th week. And if you have any symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the analysis unscheduled.

Treatment of cocci during pregnancy

In some cases, when only single cocci are found in the smear during pregnancy, the doctor will advise you to pay more attention to personal hygiene, perhaps prescribe vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli to restore the flora (for example, "Atzilak" or "Geksikon"). Help to reduce the content of cocci in the flora of sessile trays of herbs that have antiseptic properties, for example, chamomile. And also the gynecologist will recommend to pass the analysis on coccal infection to the sexual partner of the woman. If he finds the sticks, both partners are treated.

It presents a difficulty and complicates the treatment of a pregnant woman from a coccus stick with the unwanted use of antibacterial drugs. But with a serious stage of the disease without their help can not do. Since the negative effects of infection in the uterus and urogenital system exceed the risk of taking antibiotics.

Kokki in children

Children, especially girls, are increasingly finding cocci in the smear. What is it, what is dangerous for the child and how to treat it? This phenomenon is explained by the special sensitivity of the fledgling flora to various pathogenic microorganisms against the background of unbalanced nutrition, intellectual and physical overloads, and non-observance of hygiene rules. In this case, it is better to take care of preventive measures in advance: do not allow children to use poor-quality products, teach them how to take care of their bodies. A doctor can prescribe a wash with herbal decoctions of herbs, a bath with chlorophyllite and intake of drugs containing lactobacilli.

Treatment of infection

If sticks (cocci) are found in a smear in a small amount, while there are no symptoms, special treatment is not required. But in this case, it is mandatory to monitor the doctor and regularly pass the analysis to the flora.

In the presence of the disease and the detection of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, in the first place, the doctor will send the patient to additional tests to determine the pathogen. Based on the results, a specialist can prescribe treatment with antibacterial drugs of the tetracycline group, macrolides or fluoroquinolones. Before taking medications it is necessary to pass an analysis to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Local treatment is carried out with candles with metronidazole or ointments with clotrimazole. In addition to taking medications, the doctor will prescribe syringing with warm herbal decoctions of herbs: chamomile, calendula, celandine.

Keep track of your health - take timely regular medical examinations and do not forget about preventive measures. If a coccus is found, be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

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