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"Apple" - a dance for the soul!

For a long time, service in the Russian fleet was considered prestigious and honorable. The Russian sailor is a provocative bugbear who will do everything correctly and smoothly both on the deck and in moments of rest. Open to all Russian character and such a cheerful disposition is reflected in the dance "Yablochko". It is worth noting that it has a foreign origin: its predecessor was the English Hornpipe, which is known for a long time. Later, from several miniatures, the play "Yablochko" was composed. The dance is performed only by men who can simultaneously sing along a ditty.

In general, there were many variants of the text, and this melody was intended to raise the spirit of fighters of the navy in England and Ireland. After this, together with the English sailors, the Hornpipe danced around the world, including the national characteristics of different peoples. In Russia, such "flaps" and "pritopy" were called "Yablochko." The dance was immediately filled with the movements of the Russian foolish dancer. Experienced sailors still do not mind doing their favorite moves under a cheerful mood.

What is the musical production of "Yablochko"? Dance does not require much space, which is important in a space-limited space. The pace is developing from slow to very fast, which acts on people incendiaryly, and they begin to dance to the performers. Movements start in a wide range, and the soloist simply walks around the stage, and then swing and temperament appear. The pace is growing very fast, and people demonstrate excellent technique of performance.

A lot of power tricks, crackers and prisyadok - all this is a musical production of "Yablochko". The dance is so beautiful and interesting that it captivates, and it wants to be watched to the end. The audience knows how the performers should be dressed - it's a vest, a cap and a wide black trousers. English sailors danced the production in heavy boots, and modern soloists wear boots. Required the presence of a wide belt with a shiny star - this gives some kind of chic image as a whole.

It is worth noting that the children's dance "Yablochko" is a very beautiful sight that the parents of performers like to watch. Naturally, in this formulation there are no power tricks, and many "pritopov", "prikhlopov" and simple movements. Kids can not wear vests, and do with wide white shirts with striped "sea" collars, and instead of boots on the legs should be comfortable and soft shoes. Many choreographers prefer that children dance in Czechs - it's comfortable and at the same time looks cute and gentle.

Features of this rhythmic formulation are bravado and daring, which have remained unchanged since ancient times. This is facilitated by special dance poses - folded hands, a straight body and fast moving feet on the spot. Perpleples that the performer shows, some interesting tricks - all this is a sailor's dance "Yablochko". It is also very interesting that the length of stay on the ship helps enrich the setting with new elements. So new movements were born, which the sailors repeated again and again.

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