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How to draw a tit? Very simple!

Tits are birds of our childhood: rotting, very mobile, and yet - winter. Because most often to our feeders under the windows they flew! They sat and waited, when they put something delicious, some delicacy. And we fed them with pleasure. And they were grateful to us for helping survive the harsh winter.

Harder - from life

Синичек it was possible to meet in parks, gardens, squares. There on the trees there were feeding troughs, where the birds flocked. There you can if you want to write from life, if you came up with the question: "How to draw a tit?" But it was rather difficult to do, because it's cold, and the bird itself is rotten. In short, you will not overclock very much.

Now there are a lot of manuals and guides on how to draw a bird, and any bird in general. It is enough just to carefully study the photos, instructions - and for the work, to yourself and children for joy!

Easier - step by step

Titmouse is a bird with a very beautiful and bright coloring. The abdomen is bright yellow with a black strip that resembles a tie. Cheeks - white. The top of the head and neck are black. Wings - with a bluish tint. Such bright colors are hard to miss, they attract attention very much. Thinking about how to draw a tit, you need to consider this feature.

If you do not have the opportunity to draw from nature, you can always depict a bird, taking advantage of our lessons! So, we begin!

How to draw a tit in stages with a pencil

First we recommend a sketch.

  1. You will need a sheet of A4 paper and a soft pencil.

  2. First, draw an inclined axis. This will be the basis for the whole figure of the titmouse.

  3. We have an oval on the axis. This is the future of the body.

  4. Above the oval, we draw a circle. It is also on the axis, but it is smaller than the oval. The ratio is approximately 1: 4. This is the future head of a bird.

  5. At the bottom of the trunk we attach the legs and the tail - in a few strokes.

  6. On the sides of the calf there are wings (more precisely, only one will be visible).

  7. On the head, we draw eyes and a beak.

  8. To our siniichka not hanging in the air, outline a schematic branch on which she will sit.

Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a tit in stages? Very simple! Now our sketch is ready. We proceed to draw the details and hatch the picture.

First step. Mentally mark the top of the head of a bird. From it, gently lead the pencil to the left and down. Let's stop on the beak. Carefully draw it.

The second step. Under the beak we will show the neck of the titmouse - short strokes, making the effect of feathering. Next, go to the breast, which is slightly protruded forward relative to the neck. We round out the contour gradually, we pass to the abdomen. We return back to the vertex, we lead the line to the right and down to the neck. It can be drawn intermittently.

At the chest level - slightly convex - we will make a bend to the right. Again we go down, continuing to trace the contours of the body. Just below the thoracic level we show a broken line - this wing. Approximately in half it will be divided by a vertical line in accordance with the color of the titmouse.

The third step. Draw a black bead-eye. Under it we carry out a contour, starting from the beak. It's a cheek. Leave it unpainted, white. Strongly pressing on a pencil, around the neck we shade a black strip - a collar. From it we draw a tie, closer to the abdomen. We leave the vertex light, unpainted. This will create a gloss effect. The areas under the beak and above the cheek are stroked along the plumage to make it more realistic. We continue to hang the wing just along the plumage, but it is already larger. Draw the paws and branch on which the bird sits. Add more hatching. Our drawing is almost finished. We remove unnecessary lines. Now you know how to draw a tit in pencil!

To all of the above, you can add that in the same way you can try to pencil a woodpecker, a swan, a duck, a chicken - only the proportions of the figures will be somewhat different. The swan has a longer neck, the woodpecker has a beak.

Paint colors

Returning to the question of how to draw a tit, it should be noted that it will work best if it is painted, for example, with gouache or watercolor. To do this, carefully look at the bird in nature or in the photo. How does she look? What colors are best to apply? The gamma is blue-green-yellow. Of course, you will need black and white colors. Perhaps a little red for the beak and legs. Begin to colorize the bird in stages. But first make an accurate sketch (see above). Do everything, as for the drawing with a pencil, but do not draw details and do not shade the contour strongly. Over the outline fill in the paint, remove excess lines with an eraser. To make it more realistic, look at the photo where the bird in color is depicted. Brush the branch with a brown paint. A green leaf is possible. The background of the picture is selected in the tone of the main colors. It is unacceptable, for example, to put pink or dark purple, although this is a matter of taste. Now you know how to draw a titmouse in different ways - both with a pencil and paints. Successful work!

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