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Celtic knots: meaning, weaving, schemes

In this article, we will get acquainted with the mysterious and fascinating part of the culture of one of the most ancient peoples of Western Europe. The Celts disappeared under the pressure of the Romans and immigrants from the eastern lands, leaving behind many secrets.

Mysterious Celtic knots that adorn stones and books, woven from leather and fabric, engraved on jewelry and weapons, will become the subject of our virtual excursion.

Read on and you will learn not only the classical meaning of these symbols, but also the meaning that is put into tattoos with their image.


The mysterious warlike conglomeration of tribes, which worshiped the forces of nature, believed in the transmigration of souls and reincarnation and was destroyed by the Roman empire. After the seizure of their lands by legions, the Celts gradually assimilated and created some modern Western European states.

Today there are no ancient written testimonies of this people. But archaeological finds allow us to recreate, at least partially, their culture, beliefs and way of life.

The best-known Celtic knots are best preserved to this day. This is a fascinating plexus of lines that go around in a circle and never end. Next, we'll talk more about the individual elements of this art.

Worldview and magic

Often Celtic knots connect with cosmology and magic of the ancient people. Druids often decorated various amulets, amulets and other ritual objects with a mysterious script.

Celtic crosses in Ireland, Wales, Scotland still fascinate with its beauty.

Researchers today see these signs as protective symbols from evil spirits. Parallels are conducted with the Indian "wind catcher" and Mongolian patterns-amulets.

In addition, in Celtic ornamentation, trinity is often used. Scientists believe that this is a reflection of the triune mythological world of the Celts. It included the realm of living people, gods and souls, who are waiting for rebirth.

Simple symbols

Celtic knots are a complex and multifaceted phenomenon in the ancient culture of Europeans. But, like most intricate compositions, these symbols are decomposed into simpler components.

These are circles, spirals, triangles and squares. Let's talk more about each of them.

So, the circle in different cultures corresponds with the sun and eternity. Celts were no exception. Their circles often symbolized harmony, the eternity of creation and the constant cycle of life.

The spiral became the continuation of this thought. They were usually depicted as rebirth, what is known today as "reincarnation". In addition, researchers often see this symbol as an expression of spiritual growth. Especially attention is focused on the tripartite nature of spirals.

Triangles, which are nowadays the most famous Celtic attributes, were portrayed in the form of triskelions and trikvetts. These are the symbols of the sun, the triad, the supreme deities of the pantheon (Torah, Manannana and others).

Also often it was the designation of the triune unity of the parts of the universe - the world of gods, people and souls of the dead.

Squares symbolize magical corners, nodal protection from the evil eye and hostile spirits.

Next, we'll talk about more complex images.

Labyrinth and the Cross

Gradually, the Celtic knot improved and moved from the field of ceremonial art of the priests to the everyday life of ordinary people.

There are amulets carved from wood, and braided amulets of strips of leather.
This stage is characterized by the presence of transitional features to Christianity. At this time, a foreign religion, along with the Roman legions, reached the threshold of the Celts in the north of modern France and in Britain.

The new symbols depicted the spiritual search, the centrifugal force of energies and the life path. In particular, the classical labyrinth belongs to such. It is to him that such meaning is inherent. The Celtic knot consisted of a multitude of plexuses, but all its strings led exclusively to the center of the composition.

With the advent of Christianity, this symbol is slightly transformed and takes the form of a cross. The famous Celtic crosshairs in the circle came out of the first labyrinths. Often, its ends widen outward, which symbolized the infinity of spiritual development in the interconnection of the spiritual and secular, as well as the feminine and masculine principles.

The knots of love

Today, the Celtic knot is perceived as an interesting accessory that will suit different forms of clothing. Leather braiding - to the informal, metal rings, pendants, bracelets with the image of ancient symbols can be combined even with a classic costume or evening gown.

It is believed that any plexus is associated with the interaction of male and female beginnings. Therefore, the perception of the symbol as a love amulet is a matter of personal taste.

However, today a single unit in the form of a heart or whole compositions of such elements is quite common. An example you can see on the following photo.

Modern tendencies

Nowadays weaving becomes fashionable. The Celtic knot instantly became one of the most favorite motifs. In his plexus there is something fascinating and infinite. Many people perceive such compositions as a Western European analogue of eastern mandalas and yantras.

Celtic knots, knitting patterns, the meaning of various variations are often searched on the Internet. We give some examples that will help you learn how to create the simplest patterns. Further development is already a private matter for everyone.

So, below is a photo of step-by-step actions that will lead you to create an amazing knot in the form of a heart.

Next, we will understand the meanings that people put in these symbols, depicting them on their own body. We'll talk about tattoos.


Who does not enchant the Celtic knot with his endless tangles? Tattoos with a similar ornamental masterpiece, many lovers of extreme jewelry are not averse to seeing on their body.

What do those or other images mean? Let's look at this in more detail.
Strangely enough, but in this area of tattoos there are no hidden elements or coded images, as, for example, in the criminal world. Each Celtic pattern reflects one thought, no matter how it was created.

A spiral on arms or armor, the wall of the house or the shoulder of the master always means only growth and development. So, three similar figures symbolize only perfection in three plans. Today, esotericism is called physical, astral and mental.

Labyrinths, which are the most popular ornaments, depict the life path of a person. The Celts did not believe in the final death, so all the patterns are infinite, the movement in them goes in a circle.

Thus, we have today got acquainted with the unique culture of the ancient West European people. Today, in a period of special interest in the mysterious and sacred, this information will be interesting to many.

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