Food and drinkLow-calorie products

The most useful food products: for health and vivacity

For hundreds of years, nutritionists can not agree on what foods are most useful, and which foods should not be eaten. Many of them consider this: the most useful food products are fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products. And also nuts, especially walnuts.

Of fruits, the most useful are apples. The microelements and vitamins contained in them contribute to an increase in immunity, as well as maintaining the cardiovascular system in excellent form. Apples also inhibit the development of cancer cells. In Germany they say that if you eat at least one apple every day, then "doctors will be left without work."

For people who are involved in sports or manual labor, it is very useful to eat bananas, as these people need magnesium to build muscle, which is so much contained in this exotic fruit. In addition to magnesium, bananas contain potassium, vitamin B6 and carbohydrates. This is the most satisfying fruit! But no matter how useful bananas were, they are fruits that do not grow in our country, which means that they are stored longer, they are treated with various chemicals. It is more useful, of course, those fruits that grow with us.

Strawberries and blueberries are also the most useful food, but they are also very tasty. In the sweet strawberry vitamin C contains more than in lemons. This berry is rich in iron and zinc, which incidentally affects women's sexuality. And essential oils not only add flavor, but also prevent the formation of enzymes, reducing the risk of such a dangerous disease as cancer. Blueberries contain many antioxidants that inhibit the aging process and prevent various inflammatory processes that occur in the body. It is very useful for blueberries for people with heart problems.

People who care about their heart's health well, what products are good for the heart. This is primarily a fish. It is noted that Eskimos, Japanese and other people who traditionally eat a lot of fish, suffer less from cardiovascular diseases than other nations. Milk also belongs to the main products, which means that dairy products are also the most useful food products. They contain proteins, lactose, a lot of calcium and easily digestible fats.

Many vegetables can be called useful, but especially their useful properties are garlic, carrots, beets, spinach, white cabbage and broccoli. Garlic - a wonderful preventive remedy for colds and excellent prevention of vascular diseases and stomach cancer. Prevents the development of cancer cells and carrots. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene, and is therefore useful for eyes and skin. But that beta-carotene is better assimilated, it is necessary to make salads from carrots with sour cream, or with vegetable oil. A lot of beta-carotene and fiber also contains beets. Folic acid and phytonutrients protect the human body from many diseases.
Many useful substances contain chili and horseradish.

All cruciferous, which include cabbage, contain in large quantities sulforaphane and other useful substances. Recent research has shown that smoking people simply need to introduce cabbage into their daily diet, as it hinders the development of lung cancer, a disease that many smokers are prone to.

Figs, walnuts, lowering cholesterol, flax seed, bitter chocolate, which is called the "vitamin of happiness" - all this is the most useful food. And of course you can not help saying about tea. Absolutely all kinds of tea are rich in antioxidants - both black and white. But the highest amount of antioxidants is found in green tea. Green tea is useful for the heart muscle, strengthens the bones, increasing their density. Green tea is very useful to drink to women after forty years.

In the German magazine "Focus" was printed a list containing the 10 most useful food products. This includes products such as garlic, apples, strawberries, fish, carrots, chili, soy, bananas, green tea and dairy products. And in another printed source, another list is given, which includes chicken, brown rice, garlic, chicken eggs, herbs, blueberries, salmon, spinach, milk and bananas.

As you can see, to this day there is no common opinion as to which 10 products are most plentiful for us.

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