Food and drinkRecipes

Snails with cinnamon. Recipe

Baking many does not leave indifferent. After all, it is not only fragrant, but also very tasty. Its advantage is that, having prepared a lot, you can save in the same form. To do this, it is put in a plastic bag and cleaned into the freezer. Then the products get, they warm up within a few seconds, and taste will be like just baked.

Buns-snails with cinnamon

So, let's make snails with cinnamon. The recipe is in front of you.

For preparation it is required:

- a cup of warm milk;

¼ cup of warm water;

- 113 g of butter;

- 2 eggs;

- a half teaspoon of salt;

½ cup of sugar;

- five cups of flour;

- a packet of rapidly soluble yeast.

For filling:

- ½ cup melted butter;

- a cup of brown sugar;

- 4-5 teaspoons of cinnamon;

- a cup of chopped nuts, if desired.

First, the filling is made, then to prepare snails with cinnamon. The recipe for the filling is simple. In the saucepan, melt the butter, pour out cinnamon and sugar. Stir the contents until all the sugar has dissolved.

The dough is made so. In a small container of warm water is poured, yeast and a little sugar are poured out. All mix and leave for a while warm. Then in the saucepan, heat milk, butter, sugar residues and add eggs, vanilla. The resulting mixture must be beaten for several minutes. Opara is mixed with the oil mixture. Then you need to add salt to it with a fourth part of the flour. And start kneading the dough, the rest of the flour is popped up as needed. The result should be an elastic dough. He put it in a container, greased with vegetable oil, cover and leave to rise in the heat.

When the dough is ready, you can start preparing a dessert such as snails with cinnamon, the recipe of which we are considering now. To do this, roll out the dough in the form of a rectangle, grease the filling and, if desired, sprinkle with nuts. After you need to roll it, starting with the long side. You should get the shape of a roll. It needs to be cut into pieces about three centimeters wide.

Snails with cinnamon are laid out on a baking tray with parchment paper . The recipe takes time. Because they still have to brew for half an hour. And then, before baking in the oven at 190 degrees for 20-25 minutes, buns are smeared with a beaten egg. When they are ready and have already cooled down a bit, they can be poured with glaze.

Snails with cinnamon and raisins

Now try to make snails with cinnamon and raisins. The recipe is a little more complicated than the previous one.

Main Ingredients:

- Yeast - 20 grams;

- milk - 100 ml;

- sugar and butter - 50 g;

- one egg;

- vanilla sugar - 1 packet;

- flour - 250 g.

For fondant you will need:

- powdered sugar - 150 g;

- lemon juice - 2 tbsp. L .;

- Lemon peel.


- Butter - 25 g;

- milk;

- raisins - 50 g;

- 3 tbsp. L. Cinnamon powder and powdered sugar.

In addition, one more egg will be needed.

To prepare the dough in warm milk, dilute the yeast with sugar. Add flour, plain and vanilla sugar, egg and soft butter. The dough should be kneaded, transferred to a bowl and left in the warmth for an hour.

Meanwhile, the cinnamon is mixed with sugar powder and raisins. Then add the milk to make a gruel.

When the dough is doubled, it is rolled into a rectangle up to 2 centimeters thick. It needs to be smeared with melted butter, lay out the filling and roll up the roll. To the edges are better seized, you can walk on them with a brush dipped in milk. Roll is cut into small portions.

Separately whipped egg must be lubricated carefully each snail, and then the products should be separated. After that they are baked at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The lemon zest is rubbed and mixed with the powdered sugar. Gradually add citrus juice to the mixture, so it turns out to be a sweet. She smeared warm snails. After the fudge has frozen, delicious and fragrant buns are ready.

Snail Snails

Not only from a normal yeast dough can you prepare snails with cinnamon. The recipe, the puff pastry in which is used as a basis, we offer to your attention. You need to buy it ready.

This is a quick way of making buns. They are simple, and it takes only ten minutes.


- dough puff yeast - 250 g;

- flour - 1 tbsp. L .;

- sugar and cinnamon to taste.

If the pan is small, you can cut the sheet into two parts. Dough roll of any thickness or not rolled out at all, then the buns get very lush. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and roll. Cut into small pieces. Snails are stacked on a baking sheet, oiled or covered with parchment paper. You can sprinkle buns with sugar or cinnamon. Bake should be at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, as browned, you can take out.

Snails with cottage cheese and cinnamon

This recipe produces tasty, delicate curd snails with cinnamon. The recipe with cottage cheese is very original.


- cottage cheese - 250 g;

- flour - 275 g;

- sugar - 60-120 g;

- one egg;

- oil - 40 g;

- baking powder - 5 g;

- A tablespoon of cinnamon.

Melt the melted butter with baking powder, flour, cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Egg whisk with ½ sugar for about five minutes, then pour in the resulting mixture, knead the dough and let it stand.

Ready dough rolled in the form of a rectangle and sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon. Roll the roll and cut into pieces. Bake until done at 180 degrees. Such snails are especially tasty to eat with milk.

There are a lot of snail recipes. But regardless of the way of preparation, they turn out delicious, lush and fragrant. If you adhere to the technology of creation, the result will please everyone who eats them.

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