Sports and FitnessAthletics

Press in the Hammer. Feature of exercise

Practically in all modern fitness centers athletes are given the opportunity to perform a press in the hammer. Installation of this type is intended for power training of muscles in accordance with progressive technology. Exercises on the mechanism with the lever system must be carried out with the correct technique - only in this case the athlete will quickly get a good result.


The Hummer press refers to a group of block exercises that are designed to work out different muscle groups. The most important advantage of such exercises is the uniform distribution of weight on the hands or feet. When squats or working with dumbbells, almost all the same muscles are involved, but with them the result will not be achieved so quickly. In the Hummer, the amplitude of movements is fixed in advance, which facilitates the work, but at the same time gives a greater effect.

At first glance it seems that the fixed amplitude is a huge plus, but in fact for some people it is a small drawback, because it limits the choice of the position of the body. The only thing that an athlete can do on his own is to change the height of the seat, and the inclination of the hands in any case will be unchanged. Since this is a block exercise, this drawback is not considered significant.

To perform the exercise, there are certain indications:

  1. Uneven pumping of the chest.
  2. If the basic exercises are not enough for a sufficient load.

It is the Hammer that will become the addition that every athlete needs to get a full load.

Joint and Muscle Involvement

As already noted above, the press in the Hummer has one interesting advantage - the possibility of stress accentuation on the shoulders, chest and legs. During the exercise, many muscles are involved, for example, when training the pectoral muscles, triceps and the front delta will work, but their role, in comparison with the nursing muscles, is minimal.

The lion's share is also in the bundles of the muscles of the chest. That is, if earlier the breast developed unevenly, then the upper hammer press sitting or lying down will help get rid of these distortions. To get a decent result, you just need to shift the load to the hand where the beam is lagging behind in development.

During the exercise, you should carefully follow the back - it must be clearly fixed and tightly pressed against the back of the simulator to avoid injury. In addition, when performing, do not try to strain the maximum number of muscles, since the main goal is precisely the quality bench press in the hammer, but in no case is weight gain.

The joints, unlike the main muscle groups, do not experience a colossal load during training on the Hummer simulator. They move in a clearly defined amplitude. This is another advantage of this type of exercise - the minimum risk of harm to the joints of the arms (elbow and shoulder) and legs.

In general, talk about the lack of risk is possible only if the athlete observes all the rules of performing the bench press. Excess weights can be a big problem, as they will create additional strain on the joints, and the previously fixed amplitude in this scenario will only play a negative role. In the process of performing the exercise, the athlete will not be able to change the position of the hands, since it can only be done with a barbell or dumbbells. The unnatural location of the hands and elbow, as well as excessive loading is guaranteed to lead to injury. Following this, it is necessary to perform the bench press in compliance with all the rules, without trying to complicate the exercises on their own for better effect.

The shoulder press

It is recommended to work deltoid muscles in the sitting position while carrying the vertical press upwards. In this case, work with a barbell or dumbbells is simulated. Equipment is evenly distributed, and the seat and amplitude are adjusted to a specific person, depending on his personal characteristics. This variant of muscle training is suitable for both beginners and professionals, but the load of each of them is radically different.

The angle of inclination in the hammer should be chosen so that the load on the deltoid muscles is maximum. The athlete can work both hands simultaneously, and alternately. At the time of execution, the back should be tightly pressed against the back, and all movements must have an isolated character. In this case, the joints will not experience a super-permissible load, and therefore, will not be sick.

The bench press

If you perform bench presses in the Hummer, only hands work. There is a triceps, and also an ulnar muscle. When flexing the arms, a small load goes to the biceps and shoulder muscles. And the main load is directed to the chest and back.

With the spine clearly extended and the handle raised to the chest level, the arms should be straightened, gradually lifting the load upward. During the whole exercise, you should feel the tension. In order to perfect your own body, it is enough to perform only 15 repetitions, and if an athlete needs to develop mass and strength, then 8 hand extensions will suffice.

Hammering on the pectoral muscles

Training in lever simulators allows developing and honing the shape of the pectoral muscles. From the bench press this exercise is distinguished by the degree of isolation. The athlete takes the necessary position and performs work on the specified trajectory. The whole load focuses on the muscles of the chest, and the stabilizing muscles, which are called to perform other functions, are absent. Professionals recommend performing a bench press on the pectoral muscles after the basic workout in order to maximize the right muscle group.

The main advantages of this type of bench press include:

  • Stabilizers do not work;
  • The opportunity to work out each side of the body;
  • Safety in execution.

Pressing in a Hummer

At the very end of the workout, it is necessary to perform bench press sitting. It is required in order to refine and "finish" the chest. Do the exercise with the following rules:

  • The body is pressed tightly;
  • The end position is fixed for a couple of seconds;
  • The lever goes down at times more slowly.

The breathing should be uniform, otherwise the necessary number of repetitions will not be fulfilled. The downside is the limited movement - the exercise does not work out in its own style, the width of the grip is unchanged.

Foot Press

Equipment of this type is created for the development of the hips. Here the lower part of the body is connected to work. The width of the leg arrangement can easily vary depending on the working area.

Work on a Hummer with bench presses is necessary with the right technique. That is, the desired weight is first set, then the legs are positioned in the correct position, and the supports are removed from the platform, the knees are bent to form a right angle.

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