Sports and FitnessAthletics

How to properly run to lose weight?

The lack of movement destroys the body, leads to weight gain, and very many fat people begin to think how to lose weight? Some get on a diet, while others start running around in the morning. But to run has brought good, you need to well imagine how to run properly to lose weight.

As you know, running is one of the most effective ways to combat obesity. Because during the race burns a huge amount of energy, that is, the body works better and more efficiently. In other words, during the run we improve our health. To get tangible results, you need to follow the rules of running, which some do not even suspect.

How to properly run to lose weight?

As one of the ways to lose weight, running is known for a long time. Even in ancient Greece they said: "If you want to become beautiful, run." It is during a long run that almost all the muscles work, so it gives such tangible results. Running helps to lose weight, but is not a panacea.

It is known that one diet is not enough to lose weight - you need complex measures with the mandatory inclusion of physical exercises. And if your intentions to lose weight are serious, then you need to limit yourself to eating and do other types of physical activities for which running is the ideal basis. But before jogging, consult a doctor, and if there are no contraindications to physical exertion, start running. With a hernia or lowering of the internal organs, a bandage should be used.

How much should I run to lose weight? This worries many people. But there is no single answer to this question. Some say that everything depends on how many kilograms you want to lose weight: if up to ten kilograms, then about two months, and if more than ten - then a longer time. And others on the question how much to run to lose weight, answer that running - it's forever, as well as a diet - if you have already sat down on it, then this is for life, otherwise it will only get worse. Probably to lose weight, we must start running, and then run already to maintain shape and health. Strictly speaking, for weight loss is enough and three kilometers a day.

So, how to run properly to lose weight? For the human body, which led a sedentary lifestyle, unexpectedly appeared loads will cause stress, so that the body adapts to the new conditions, you should start running gradually, starting from a few minutes, until there is a need to go on walking (in this case, no side effects are usually not Arise), and gradually bring up to 20-25 minutes. The period of adaptation will be individual for each person, much depends on physical preparation. When is it better to run to lose weight? Run, usually, every day in the morning - it's convenient and useful. You can run in the evening. In short, this decision is purely individual.

And if you do not have the opportunity to run every day, then you need to do this at least 2-3 times a week. Running should be easy and at a slow pace. You do not need gyms for running, you have to start running in the fresh air through the stadium or park, but not along the asphalt and not near the track, so as not to breathe exhaust fumes. The most ideal option is to run along a forest path or a clearing. When running on a hard ground, beginners can be injured an ankle joint and a arch of the foot, or eventually a vertebral hernia appears.

A few more recommendations for those who do not know how to run properly to lose weight. There will have to show both perseverance and will, because in order to run in the morning, you have to get up at least an hour earlier, and, of course, it is necessary to overcome all bad habits. With unaccustomed use in the calf muscles, pain will be felt, corns or scrapes may appear. But do not quit running - in a couple of days everything will come back to normal. The disappearance of muscle pains indicates that you have adapted to the stresses.

You need to breathe through your nose and grow at the same time, as the body's need for oxygen increases and one nasal breathing can not be avoided. After running, you need to walk until your pulse recovers.

Running is available to everyone, it not only burns excess fat, but also trains the heart, strengthens muscles, increases immunity. To run brought a tangible benefit - you need to run systematically.

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