Food and drinkRecipes

Pie with cranberries - simple, fast, tasty and useful. Decoction, compote and jam from cowberry

Cowberry ordinary is an evergreen perennial shrub which belongs to the family of cowberry and reaches a height of 25-30 centimeters. Cowberry leaves are leathery, obovate, dark from above, and from below light green with dark dots, the flowers are collected in drooping little-flow brushes located at the ends of shoots. Cowberry blooms in May-June, but inflorescences form in the kidneys since the autumn. Berries of red bilberry are red, rough, ripen at the end of summer. Reproduction occurs by seeds, but vegetative reproduction is much more effective. Annually the rhizome grows to 70-80 cm, and begins to bear fruit at the age of 10 years.

Berries cranberries are rich in organic acids (lemon, apple, salicylic, etc.), carbohydrates, they contain tannins, pectins, carotene, vitamins. Cowberry contains fructose, sucrose and glucose, as well as iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Due to the presence of a large amount of acid, benzoic berries are stored for a long time and have excellent preservative properties.

This shrub grows in the forest-tundra, mountainous and lowland coniferous-broad-leaved and coniferous forests (except Central Asia and the Crimea) and tundra. Lingonberry is widely spread in North-Eastern Siberia, where a pie with cranberries, jams, jams and cowberry morsels are very popular.

Cowberry pie

Pie with cowberry will be equally tasty as with fresh, and with dried, previously soaked, berries. So, in order to prepare a pie with red bilberries you will need the following products: 250 gr. Berries cranberries (if desired, they can be replaced with cranberries, currants or cherries without pits), 100-120 gr. Butter (which can be replaced with ordinary margarine), 2-3 eggs, 350 gr. Flour, 170 gr. Sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of soda vinegar (or 1 teaspoon of baking powder). And also 200 gr. Sour cream 20% and 150 gr. Sugar for cream.

First, you need to grind butter and sugar, mix thoroughly and add to them eggs, then add flour and baking powder (soda). Knead not too steep dough and place it in a mold, previously greased with cooking oil, vegetable or butter. On top of the dough, lay the washed and dried berries of cranberries and level. Put the pie with cranberries in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Meanwhile, you need to beat the sour cream with sugar, and when the pie is ready, pour it with the resulting cream. After that, it is necessary to cool it and place it in the refrigerator for four hours.

Thanks to the content of many useful vitamins and microelements, berries and cowberry leaves are used in folk medicine. It has astringent, antipyretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antiseptic properties.

Curative berries cranberries: recipes of infusions, compote and jam

When gastritis is used decoction of leaves of cranberries, for the preparation of which you need to pour 750 ml of boiling water 30 grams of leaves of cranberries, boil them for ten minutes, allow to cool, then drain. The whole resulting broth is taken in one day, before meals in three divided doses. At night urinary incontinence (enuresis) is used a decoction of a mixture of leaves and berries cranberries with grass St. John's wort. The broth is prepared similarly to the previous one.

With frequent catarrhal diseases, temperature, edema of cardiac origin, nephritis, rheumatism, diarrhea and gout, a fresh fruit juice and canned berries are used.

From berries cranberries are very delicious stewed fruit and jam. To prepare compote, berries must be sorted, removing small, damaged and underserved, and thoroughly washed. After this, cranberries must be placed in pre-sterilized cans. Berries pour boiled sugar sugar syrup for a few minutes - 450-500 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water and pasteurize at 80 ° for 6-10 minutes, depending on the volume of jars.

Jam from cowberry is prepared in a 1: 1.5 ratio, i.е. For 1 kilogram of berries cranberries put 1.5 kilograms of sugar. First, you need to pour the berries with a ready-made sugar syrup of 3/4 sugar, boil and then add the remaining 1/4 sugar. Boil to the desired density.

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