Food and drinkRecipes

Nuts with condensed milk: a classic recipe. Nuts with condensed milk in hazelnut

The most favorite treat comes from childhood - nuts with condensed milk. They were, are and will be a wonderful decoration for both festive and everyday evening tea drinking. Of course, this yummy can be bought in the store. But the taste is far from the ones that homemade pastries have. Therefore, we suggest you at home prepare nuts with condensed milk. The classic recipe, which will be discussed, is quite simple. To implement it, there is one obligatory condition - the presence of a special form. Perhaps she stayed with your mother or grandmother from Soviet times. And if not, then this form can be easily bought today.

List of ingredients

With such a set of products, many nuts will turn out. And this is important, because such delicacies never happen much.

We take for the test:

  • two eggs;
  • 250 g of butter (or margarine);
  • Half a cup of sugar;
  • 600-650 g of flour;
  • Half a teaspoon (without top) of soda;
  • Half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (lemon juice, table vinegar);
  • A pinch of salt.

For the filling we use:

  • One can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g of butter.

Preparation of condensed milk

If you decide to cook nuts with condensed milk in the hazelnut, then you should consider that the first stage is the preparation of the filling. Take a jar of condensed milk, put it in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cook for about three hours. During this time the condensed milk should acquire a dark color, and taste like caramel. Also, prolonged cooking makes it dense. It is necessary to let the condensed milk cool, so that it is not hot. To save time, it is recommended to cook the condensed milk the day before the cookie is cooked. You can still entrust this case to the multivariate. Similar to the previous method, condensed milk is poured with boiling water. It is cooked for 3-4 hours on the program "Quenching".

Nuts with condensed milk: dough

The recipe that we offer is very simple. Take the butter, melt it in a water bath (you can on very low heat). For quicker kindling of oil, it is recommended to cut it into small pieces. When the oil becomes liquid, add sugar and salt to it, mix everything carefully to avoid the formation of lumps.

Next, preparing a dough for nuts with condensed milk, add soda, extinguished with vinegar. Again mix thoroughly.

Now in a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a mixer (blender), until foam is formed. Eggs are gently poured into the dough, constantly mixing it.

Now, in small portions, pour in the flour, continuously mixing the dough, so that there are no lumps in it. Dough for nuts with condensed milk should be properly kneaded. As a result, it will be a homogeneous, viscous and thick consistency.

Form for nuts

Since it was decided to make this cookie, then the form for nuts with condensed milk, which is also called hazel, you have. If you have just started reading this recipe, then this information is for you. Everyone knows that nuts are different. There are cast-iron, which are heated on the stove. And there are more modern - electric, working from the network. But it does not matter what form you use, the main thing is not to forget that you need to lubricate the halves of the nut halves.

Bakery nuts

We take the ready dough, tear off small pieces and put them into the grooves of the mold. It is important to remember that the dough should fill the groove by 2/3. Now close the hazel. If suddenly the excess dough has come out of the mold, then we carefully remove it with a knife. If this is not done, the dough will be burned while baking. Bake the biscuits to the full. The form is opened and laid out to cool, halves of nuts. Next, gently cut the edges of the excess dough - for a beautiful view. That's how we bake our biscuit pieces, until all the dough is consumed.

Preparation of the filling

So, we cook nuts with condensed milk. The classic recipe suggests that the filling should necessarily consist of condensed milk and butter. Since the condensed milk was cooked in advance, now open it and mix thoroughly in a separate bowl with butter. It is necessary that the taste is more gentle, and even the filling will be more due to the oil.

Formation of nuts

How to make nuts with condensed milk? In the baked walnut shell lay out the filling. Each half should be filled with about one teaspoon of condensed milk with butter. Then add two halves, and thus get a whole nut.

Formed cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. So it will look even more appetizing. We spread the nuts on the table and treat our relatives!

Variety of fillings

If you cook ordinary nuts with condensed milk, a classic recipe suggests that the filling will consist of condensed milk and butter. But you can fantasize a little and make some adjustments. Here we offer some more options for the filling for this wonderful cookie.

The first option is to improve the filling of condensed milk. For example, you can add almonds or hazelnuts. Perfectly fit even walnuts. As for hazelnut and almonds, they are recommended to grind and add to cooked condensed milk. You can also put a whole nut in the middle of the cookie. If you prefer to use walnuts, it is better to first slightly fry in the oven, as a seed. After roasting, the husks are very easily removed from them, and the taste becomes simply unmatched. Fried walnuts put whole pieces in the filling. Such yummy will be happy not only the child, but also the adult.

The second option will suit those who did not have condensed milk at their fingertips, but the desire to cook cookies is very strong. Do not despair, there is a way out of the situation. The filling can be any, make it to your taste. This recipe is suitable for mothers who have small children. For example, you can prepare a delicious cream, which will consist of cocoa powder, sugar, butter, infant formula and milk. It is prepared very simply - you just have to mix all the listed ingredients in an enameled vessel. We put it on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. The only nuance: the infant formula is added to the cream at the end. And add it you need so much to thicken the cream.

The third option is to prepare a custard chocolate cream. And it is prepared easily, and most importantly - quickly. In this case, the taste is not worse than that of condensed milk. For such a cream will need: milk, eggs, butter, flour, sugar, a piece of chocolate. First of all, whisk eggs and sugar. Stir constantly, add flour. Milk is boiled, then poured into a mixture of eggs, sugar and flour. Cook until thickening flour. In the end, add the chocolate, let it melt. When the cream is slightly cool, beat the butter and add to the cream, while carefully mixing. Now a delicious chocolate cream is ready - you can stuff nuts.

As you can see, it is not necessary to cook nuts with condensed milk. A classic recipe can always be changed for products that are available, or just a little to improve it, given your taste or preferences of your family. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment!

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