Sports and FitnessOutdoor Sports


An old Russian game is hunting a hare. At all times she was one of the favorite kinds of male leisure, especially if it's hunting with hounds. The hunters go out to the forest to the forest, to the Prusaka - to the field, to the coppice, to the fringes. In this form of hunting, the decisive role is played by dogs. With a loud barking, the hounds chase the hare.

Dog hunting for hares implies observance of certain rules and ethics, which are carefully transferred by hunters from generation to generation. The area in which they intend to hunt is carefully selected far from the places where the hoofs are raided.

Hunting for a hare in the autumn is interesting. When the snow does not drop out for a long time, and the hare has already changed its fur coat to the winter coat, it is fascinating to hunt "into the lake". Hunters, having united in two or three people, go through the forest, to the places where the hare is found, and carefully peer into all the white spots nearby. At this time, the animal lies on the ground very tightly. It's quite easy to approach him on the couch.

When the snow falls, the trail of whites and tracers will begin to follow the trail. At avid, experienced hunters begins hunting for a hare, when severe frosts and deep snow allow the use of hounds.

It is advisable to go out early in the morning, when dogs are much easier to find Fresh, not yet cooled hare's trail. Having lowered dogs, people chain in a locality on which hares have settled down on a lezhku. Experienced hunters know perfectly well that in rainy, wet years the hare should be looked for in dry places on hills, and in arid ones - in lowlands. In autumn, hares are most often arranged in open spaces. In the forests they are disturbed by drops. With the fall of snow the whitefish rushes deeper into the forest, and the hare comes closer to the nearest villages where it feeds on winter crops.

In those places where there are small villages or settlements on the hunting grounds, the raised hare tries to get out onto the road, cross the settlement and get rid of the pursuit of the dogs. Most often local hunters know about such "tactics" of the hare and take up positions at a crossroads near the nearest village in advance. Thus, hunting for a hare is facilitated. The hare makes a circle, the size of which depends on the terrain on which the rut is going, but mainly from the dogs.

If the hare is pursued by fast dogs, then it makes a much larger circle than when pursuing silent, "walking" dogs. This is built hunt for a hare in Western Europe with a dachshund. Picking up the beast from the cradle, the hunter takes out the dachshund from the backpack and lets it on a fresh trail. The dachshund pursues it slowly, but noticing the eared one, gives a voice, thus hunting for rabbits is simplified.

While waiting for the beast, it is necessary to choose a place from which it is easy to see the area of the animal's legs or those transitions that it used to go the previous round. When the rider approaches, the hunter must stand still, but be in full readiness for the shot. You can not move from place to place: a hare can throw his habitable area, take dogs away and spoil the hunt.

Observe precautions when shooting to prevent injury to the dog. Shoot the hare only when you can clearly see it, shot number 2 or number 3. When the hare is killed, the hunter notifies the other participants of the hunt by voice, encourages the dogs to paws and continues the hunt.

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