HealthDiseases and Conditions

Puffy eyes and fighting with them

Of course, swollen eyes are a nuisance. And for most women this is a real disaster. Why are the eyes swollen and who is to blame? The reasons can be very different. For example, if a person has slept too much or ate salty foods, then it is quite possible that in the morning he will detect swollen eyes and eyelids. Let's consider options for getting out of such an unpleasant situation.

A woman who has swollen eyes and eyelids will look tired and older. Although this condition is considered temporary, sometimes it can last even a few weeks. How should you behave? Do not rub your swollen eyes. This will only worsen the situation.

What are the eyes swollen from? First, it can be a hormonal failure, because of which the body detains fluid in the eye area. Secondly, the cause may be fatigue, illness or inflammation. The likelihood of edema in pregnant women is increasing. The third reason, indirectly related to the previous one, is dehydration, which can be caused by a hangover or lack of water. Accordingly, sometimes to solve the problem you just need to drink more liquid. The fourth reason is heredity. The fifth reason is the edema that appears during the treatment. The sixth reason is an allergic reaction, which leads to itching and redness.

To prevent itching and redness, you should avoid irritation, give your eyes enough time to relax. The skin around the eyes is very thin and tender, it can be compared to the skin of a newborn baby, and she needs appropriate care.

What are the signs and symptoms of swollen eyes? It:

- A tumor that appears around the eyelid and around the eyes, as well as under the eyes.

- "Extra" skin, which is called "bags under the eyes" in another way. This skin is as if inflated or hanging.

Irritated eyes, red or itchy.

- Inability to close your eyes or open them, this may be due to swelling.

- There are dark circles, which are accompanied by a weakening of the skin in the eye area.

Each woman for herself determines the line by which you can determine if your eyes are swollen or not. In general, the eyes are swollen in the case when large "water bags" are visible from beneath the eyelashes. Everyone can look at himself in the mirror and determine if he has a syndrome of swollen eyes.

Here are some tips on how to calm your eyes (of course, depending on what causes swelling):

- It is necessary to put on a skin around of eyes, as it is strange, a cream from a hemorrhoids. This cream contains anti-irritants that help reduce irritation;

- You can make a cold compress on the eyes. There are special eye packs of gel that can be purchased in stores. These bags should be kept in the cold for a few minutes, and then applied to the eyes;

- You can grate a little cucumber or a bit of potatoes, and then put the resulting mass on your eyes. It is necessary to lie down about 10 minutes with this mask. This procedure will help improve the skin and reduce the swelling;

- You can take a wadded napkin or a piece of some tissue, soak in cold milk, and then hold for about 10 minutes. This will reduce the edema, and dark circles under the eyes will pass.

As you know, the best treatment is prevention. Do not forget the well-known rules:

- It is necessary to avoid caffeine and artificial sweeteners.

- Night sleep should last 8 hours.

- You can attach a piece of ice to the swollen place, it should reduce the edema.

- It is necessary to avoid the strong wind, beating in the face;

Observe these simple rules, and then you will not need to look for the answer to the question "why the eyes are swollen."

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