Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious vegetable casserole with mushrooms, cheese or chicken

Perhaps, every hostess knows how to make a delicious vegetable casserole. But if you do not have your own recipe or you are looking for new ways of cooking this dish, the following article will help you to add to your cooking book with mouth-watering and simple ways of cooking vegetables.

Vegetable casserole: recipe (with photo)

For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 medium zucchini weighing up to a kilogram or 2 small;
  • 1 small eggplant;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • Handful of mushrooms;
  • 200 grams of minced meat of your choice;
  • Small bulb;
  • Grated hard cheese - the more, the better;
  • Spices and salt.

Mushrooms, if large, cut and boil. Onion finely chop, put in a frying pan and brown until golden brown, after add the mushrooms. Cook, stirring, a couple of minutes. Zucchini peel and large seeds, cut into circles, the same thing you need to do with eggplant. Vegetables salt, and then put in a pan for baking separate layers: first zucchini, after - aubergines, then evenly distribute the stuffing, finish with tomato slices and onions with mushrooms. Vegetable casserole will be ready in 20 minutes, after the specified time take out the dish from the oven, generously sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the oven for another five minutes. It turns out a beautiful cheese crust.

Vegetable casserole "Southern"

To make a delicious dish, get it out of the refrigerator:

  • 1 vegetable marrow weighing 600-800 grams;
  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons;
  • 2 tablespoons Wheat flour
  • 2-3 tablespoons Milk;
  • 100 grams of chopped cheese;
  • 1 egg, salt and spices.

Squash and potatoes wash and clean, and then cut into thin slices. In the baking dish or baking tray (oiled), put the vegetables, salt and sprinkle with spices. After prepare the sauce, thanks to which the vegetable casserole will acquire its unique taste: fry the flour in butter (best done in a small saucepan), after pour in the milk and cook for a while until the liquid thickens. Slightly cool and add the egg, salt. This sauce should be filled with vegetables, sprinkle cheese on top of the dish and send it to the oven for 20 minutes.

Vegetable casserole with minced chicken

What could be better than a combination of vegetables and tender poultry meat? For preparation of a beautiful and delicious dish, get out of your stocks:

  • Half a kilo of chicken ground;
  • Large bulbous bulb;
  • 2 large ripe tomatoes;
  • On 1 piece. Potatoes and sweet Bulgarian pepper;
  • A couple of spoons of sour cream, a sufficient amount of solid grated cheese - gram 100-150, spices and vegetable oil.

Thoroughly chop the onions - this can be done in a blender or meat grinder (or simply chop with a knife). Stir the mass with chicken ground, salt and sprinkle with pepper, you can also take spices for meat. Tomatoes and peppers chop a little, and potatoes grate on a large grater. Add a little salt. In the baking dish, first lay the minced meat, potato paste, top pepper and tomatoes. Pour sour cream, generously sprinkle with cheese and roast in the oven (set the temperature within 200 degrees). After 30-40 minutes, the vegetable casserole will be ready. It can be served to a table with sour cream or natural yoghurt, as well as a salad of fresh vegetables. Since the dish is prepared from any vegetables, you can take and carrots, and cauliflower, and zucchini, and eggplant.

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