HealthHealthy Eating

Crispy cabbage: how useful and what properties does it have?

Thanks to the archaeological excavations of the Stone and Bronze Ages, it became clear that one of the oldest cultures, beloved by primitive people, is cabbage. What is it useful for a person?

It has long been known that cabbage is not only a nutritious, but also a healing vegetable. It contains a rich composition of B vitamins, vitamin C and A, phytoncides, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. The range of its therapeutic actions is huge. For example, scientists have now established that it is able to fight cancer, since its composition includes a large number of antioxidants.

About whether cabbage for our organism is useful, it is possible to judge on the rich composition of vitamins entering into it. Vitamin C in it is not less than in citrus, and if we talk about vitamins of group B, cabbage is the clear leader. These properties belong to all cabbage species . Peking cabbage (Khabina) in this case is the leader. In it, the content of vitamin C is the highest. This promotes the better absorption of proteins, accelerates oxygen exchange and increases mental capacity.

This vegetable is very rich in fiber and is therefore the best product for stimulating digestion and preventing other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. How is it useful in this case? With serious problems with the stomach and duodenum, there are even special diet programs and other methods of treatment with cabbage juice. Also, it is very effective in dealing with constipation and eliminates the rash on the face, which is their consequence. Experts recommend drinking cabbage juice in a warm form for one or two glasses before each meal. This is an excellent remedy for cough and wheeze in the throat.

In cosmetology, one of the most effective natural remedies is cabbage. What is it useful in this area? This vegetable has very powerful moisturizing and whitening properties and is widely used in the manufacture of masks and other facial and body care products, well strengthens the nails, and is also very useful for hair. Cabbage leaves are often used for eczema. A fresh blank sheet is entirely tied to the sore spot and is not removed within two to three days, then the leaf is removed, the sore spot is washed and a new one is applied. This procedure is repeated until complete healing. Cooling and moisturizing properties of cabbage are good for burns and severe headaches.

It should be said about the cleansing abilities of cabbage. With its help, a large number of toxins and other products of vital activity are excreted from the body. It is low-calorie (27 calories per 100 g.) And therefore is the best way to combat excess weight. Using cabbage daily, you can quickly get rid of all the extra pounds, no wonder most women who watch their figure, adore salads, which are based on cabbage.

What is useful is this queen of vegetables? It contains a fairly large amount of carotene and if there is cabbage every day, a noticeable improvement in vision is guaranteed. Juicy, tender, sweet, varied and useful, she is always a pleasant guest on our table. But she also has one significant drawback. With the use of cabbage, the occurrence of gas formation in the intestine is inevitable. This is due to the reaction of products of putrefaction and cabbage juice. Therefore, for those who want to lose a few pounds and sit on a cabbage diet, it is necessary to combine this vegetable with spinach, carrots or other vegetables to reduce gas production.

Now it is clear what cabbage is, what is useful for our body. It does not cause allergies, is used in medicine and cosmetology and is indispensable in purifying the body in order to lose excess. It is recommended to include it in every person's daily diet, as it contains a large number of useful elements to the body, without which it simply can not do without.

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