HealthHealthy Eating

Stomach ulcer? Diet will help cure the disease

A properly formulated diet helps in creating the most favorable background for a successful therapeutic effect in the treatment of gastric and other diseases. In addition, that already the diet itself has a curative effect on the body (especially in the postoperative period), it promotes the good absorption of medications.

To start treatment of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, as well as of other serious diseases, is useless without quitting smoking and drinking alcohol in any form. Alcohol and nicotine stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid, the increased content of which affects the mucous membrane lining the digestive organs.

Also, alcohol and nicotine disrupt blood circulation in the walls of these organs.

Nervous breakdowns, inadequate rest and nourishment, erratic eating, decreased immunity, heavy physical labor, the presence of pyloric Helicobacter in the stomach - other causes that can cause a stomach ulcer.

Diet № 1 was developed by nutritionists for patients with this diagnosis.

The basic rules of nutrition: the fragmentation of food intake (up to 8 times a day), the restriction of food temperature (from 15 to 60 degrees), that is, you should avoid cold and hot food.

Limit the intake of salt, exclude your favorite seasonings, coffee, in a word, all that can not tolerate a stomach ulcer.

The diet should be at the same time and full - at least 2,600 kcal per day. The volume of food - up to 3 kg, and not less than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

First, let's enumerate what the diet prohibits. Gastric ulcer is aggravated by the use of mushrooms, canned foods, smoked products, lactic acid products, fatty and salty cheeses, fatty hard varieties of meat (goose, duck), fatty and salted fish, white and red cabbage, radish, sorrel, onion, spinach, turnips And trousers, horse-radish, mustard and pepper.

The inflamed shell of the stomach reacts sharply to soup, borsch, okroshki, broths from fish or meat, broths of vegetables, sour berries and fruits, eggs (steep and fried), chocolate, ice cream, soda, kvass, cinnamon, dill, vanillin, parsley.

It is hard to digest a porridge of millet from the millet, corn, pearl barley, yachka. You can not eat dishes from legumes and whole pasta. It is absolutely necessary for a disease such as a stomach ulcer, a diet that completely excludes (this is very important!) Rye bread, any soft fresh bread, buns and puffs.

Culinary processing of food is very important. Cook the food for a couple, boil, wipe the food to prevent mechanical damage and minimize the chemical effect on the organ in which the stomach ulcer settled. Diet at the remission stage of the disease includes enough products to not feel hungry.

Mashed vegetable and vegetable soups-mashed potatoes, cereal mucous soups (without fish and meat), mashed and liquid porridges of mango, hornets, buckwheat; Meat and fish cutlets are low-fat; Boiled veal, cod, perch, pike, chicken without skin, young rabbit, turkey; Milk is low-fat, sour, non-acidic, wiped low-fat cottage cheese, non-fat low-fat sour cream; Eggs (no more than 2 per day) soft-boiled or in omelets; Sweet berries and fruits.

In addition, allowed vegetables (potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini) are cooked, in the form of puree or finely chopped salads. Drinks - jelly, compotes sweet with mashed berries and fruits, tea and cocoa with milk, broth of wild rose. Also sugar, sweet jam, sweet juices from vegetables, fruits, berries; Stale white bread and white rusks (uncomfortable!); Boiled vermicelli; Boiled sausage, ham, cream, olive oil for savoring dishes.

In the remission phase, you can try non-traditional methods that successfully treat a stomach ulcer. Traditional medicine advises for the treatment of propolis and aloe, infusions and decoctions from the roots of althaea, elecampane, licorice, valerian, rhizome blue and cassowal grass swamp. Help in the treatment of ulcers of grass: a thousand-centimeter, St. John's wort, a yarrow, and many others.

You can try this recipe: take flowers of calendula, mother-and-stepmother, chemist's chamomile - in equal parts. Grind the flowers, mix and make from the collection of infusions. In a glass of boiling water pour the collection (1 tablespoon) and insist half an hour. Take infusion before meals in a volume of 3 tablespoons. 4 times a day.

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