HealthHealthy Eating

Dietary nutrition in pancreatitis and cholecystitis is the best option for alleviating the disease

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis occur in a third of the world's population. These diseases develop slowly, and if you eat incorrectly for a long time, the disease will take a chronic form, and it will be much more difficult to cure it. What is pancreatitis? This inflammatory process of the pancreas - this vital organ produces the necessary enzymes (lipase, amylase and trypsin) for better digestion of food.

Cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder and often causes complications in the form of pancreatitis. Two diseases are practically inseparable with each other - in medicine even there is a diagnosis of "cholecystopancreatitis". Therefore, the patient simply needs to follow a therapeutic diet to maintain health. Nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is an important component in the treatment, it is selected by a doctor and helps to alleviate the condition.

If the elementary rules are not adhered to, fibrosis, swelling, suppuration may develop, and the production of enzymes may slow down, which will lead to digestive disorders. It should be remembered that the occurrence of these diseases contributes to the use of harmful food (acute, salty, fat), alcohol, constant overeating, replacement of healthy foods with semi-finished products.

Basic dietary rules

During the day, patients are recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water and eat in small portions - 5 times a day. It is necessary to limit consumption of carbohydrate and fatty foods, and increase the amount of protein foods. It is necessary to exclude salted, smoked, fried, dairy and pickled dishes. Fat broths replaced with cereal and vegetable broth.

Nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis should contain more stewed vegetables, fermented milk products and porridge on the water. Beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract is provided by low-fat varieties of meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken). Sometimes it is allowed to eat bread, boiled eggs, berries and biscuits.

At an acute stage of a pancreatitis it is necessary to adhere to some days of medical starvation. These days it is allowed to drink boiled or mineral water (without gas), give preference to "Borjomi" and "Essentuki 4". Gradually the menu expands. Dishes are prepared only for a couple or boiled without salt and spices to reduce the content of hydrochloric acid. Products on 80% should consist of proteins, better animal origin. Dietary nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis involves frequent eating of food, in a wiped, liquid and warm form.

A preference for mucous soups, mashed potatoes, steam cutlets, jelly, lean varieties of fish. Strong tea and coffee replace with broths of black currant and dogrose. In the diet, you can add protein omelets, carrot puddings and cookies. Gentle and lean should be nutrition in pancreatitis.

Recipes of simple dishes


Whisk in the bowl two eggs, add a little mineral water and put in the oven or steamer for 15 minutes.

Fish balsam

At 300 gr. Low-fat fish it is necessary to take the proteins of 2 eggs and a piece of stale buns. Skip the fish fillets through the meat grinder several times to make mincemeat tender. In it, add eggs and a softened bun in the water. Form small cutlets and boil.

Cottage cheese casserole

Wipe 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, mix it with the proteins of two eggs and powdered sugar. Put on a greased form, top with sprinkled croutons, bake for half an hour. You can add a little sugar.

Pumpkin dessert

Peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into small squares, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven for at least 30 minutes.

Even with illness, you can eat deliciously. Take note of the above dietary nutrition in pancreatitis. Recipes should not contain spicy seasonings, lots of sugar, cocoa and chocolate. Drink vegetable and fruit broths, kissels, kefir and mineral water more often. In the morning, prepare oatmeal porridge and brew tea from chamomile. For lunch, boiled meat, a buckwheat soup, and apple dessert for dessert are excellent. For dinner, make steamed meatballs with boiled potatoes. You can fantasize as you please.

The main thing to remember is that nutrition with pancreatitis and cholecystitis should be enriched with vitamins. To remove the inflammatory process in the intestine, discard salt, alcohol, raw vegetables, canned foods, baked goods, sausages, sour cream, juices and food acid. Such a diet will help prevent further development of the disease and aggravation.

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