Food and drinkRecipes

Buckwheat flour - what can you cook from it?

Flour from buckwheat grains is rich in protein and fiber, and there is very little fat in it. It contains so-called complex carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed by the body. Simple carbohydrates, responsible for the collection of excess weight, in it, on the contrary, very little. Buckwheat flour contains B vitamins, rutin and vitamin E, as well as potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, zinc. It also includes essential amino acids. Finally, buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, or gluten, the use of which in food is contraindicated in certain diseases - for example, celiac disease.

Just like buckwheat, buckwheat flour helps reduce blood glucose levels, helps to normalize digestion. It has detoxification properties and effectively cleanses the intestines and liver. Baking from buckwheat flour turns out tasty and crumbly - it is used for making pancakes, pancakes, flat cakes, cookies, cupcakes and even biscuits. Due to the absence of gluten in it, buckwheat flour without adding other ingredients is unsuitable for baking bread, but it can be mixed with wheat or rye.

Bread with buckwheat flour can be baked according to the recipe below. It is thoroughly mixed with wheat (one glass) and bran (one third of the glass), then add one and a half cups of kefir, baking powder (one sachet) and 1 tsp. Salt. The test is allowed to stand for 15 minutes. Bake it at a temperature of 180 degrees. Practically any bread with buckwheat flour turns out to be denser and lower than wheat flour, since it rises worse. However, its pleasant, original taste completely redeems this small flaw.

Another recipe - with the addition of honey. To make this bread, 500 g of flour (425 grams of wheat and 75 grams of buckwheat), vegetable oil and, preferably, dry milk (2 tbsp), as well as dry yeast and salt (1, 5 tsp), a glass of water and 1 tbsp. L. Honey. After kneading, the dough is allowed to brew for 40 minutes, then baked at 180 degrees 45 minutes, and another 15 minutes at 160. The same composition can also be used for the bread maker. Bread will taste even nicer if you add crushed almonds to it or sprinkle top with sesame seeds.

Very delicious and the boat of buckwheat flour. To prepare them you will also need water (milk), eggs, sugar and salt. First flour (1 glass) stir with sugar (3 tablespoons) and salt, taken to taste. If you want, you can add a bag of baking powder to it, but usually this is not necessary. Buckwheat flour does not rise well, but fritters from it will still be quite luxuriant due to proteins - they are separated from the yolks and whipped to a strong foam (four eggs are needed). The yolks are mixed in a glass of milk and combined with flour. Introduce the whipped proteins and mix the dough - carefully, so that it does not settle. Fritters are fried from two sides.

Below is another recipe for buckwheat pancakes - it will come in handy if you have cooked buckwheat porridge, which no one wants to eat. Take a glass of cereal, wheat flour and yogurt and stir all together with a blender to grind the croup. Add one egg and 2 tbsp. L. Sugar, soda and salt (0.5 tsp each). The test is given a little to stand, then bake pancakes in a hot frying pan.

As for cookies with buckwheat flour, there are many recipes for its preparation for every taste: with honey, raisins, candied fruits, cocoa, poppy, etc. The simplest of them: mix buckwheat (½ st.) And wheat (1 st) .) Flour, add vanilla sugar or vanillin. A pack of oil (250 g) is kneaded with ½ tbsp. Sugar and a pinch of salt, add cocoa or nuts (optional). Combine the oil with flour, stir the dough and leave it for two hours in the refrigerator. It turns plastic, and it is very convenient to sculpt various figures from it. After that, cookies are formed and baked at 180 degrees for about 5-10 minutes (depending on the thickness).

Dishes, which include buckwheat flour, are useful in atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes. It activates metabolic processes, therefore, it can be recommended to those who care about maintaining the optimal weight. In addition, such pastries are very tasty and perfectly combined with various drinks. Pancakes with buckwheat flour will serve as a great breakfast for the whole family, and the original buckwheat cookies will not be ashamed to serve even the most demanding guests for tea.

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