Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious buckwheat porridge

Perhaps, no one will argue with the fact that buckwheat porridge - one of the most useful for nutrition. It is rich in iron potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, contains vitamins of group B and PP and, perhaps most importantly, carbohydrates, which are not deposited on the waist in the form of fatty deposits. So, whatever one may say, buckwheat porridge remains an indispensable dish in the diet of any person.

This groats are most often used as a side dish for meat dishes.

A glass of buckwheat washed, put into a saucepan and poured with water. Five minutes after the water began to boil the pan is removed from the fire and the whole broth is drained. I pour the rump again so that the water level is 1 cm above the buckwheat. Bring to a boil, salt, turn off the fire and leave the buckwheat to swell. After 30 minutes you can serve to the table. Prepared in this way buckwheat is friable and retains a maximum of useful properties.

Buckwheat can be served not only as a side dish, but also as an independent dish for breakfast or dinner.

Buckwheat porridge is a traditional way of cooking:

Croup is picked up, all garbage is removed from it and thoroughly washed under running water. Put the pan on the fire, add water to it at the rate of: 2 cups of water per glass of buckwheat and bring it to a boil. Then they cover with buckwheat, the fire is reduced to a minimum, cover with a lid pan and leave the porridge for forty minutes. Then the fire is turned off and the porridge is allowed to stand for another 20 minutes.

Milk buckwheat porridge with the correct preparation turns out not less tasty than porridge on the water.

To prepare it you will need: half a liter of milk, a glass of buckwheat, a slice of butter weighing 30 grams, salt and sugar. The groats are picked and washed, the milk is brought to a boil. When it starts to rise, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Transfer the milk to the rump, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 1/3 of a spoonful of salt, mix, cover and leave to cook on a small fire. After 45 minutes, the porridge is turned off, oil is added to it and left for another quarter of an hour.

Now many people prefer to cook in steamers and multivars. And no wonder - when the preset cooking time has expired, the technician will turn itself off. Buckwheat porridge in a double boiler never boils, it turns out friable and fragrant. To make the porridge more delicious, you can add mushrooms to it.

For preparation it is required: a glass of groats and 8 large fresh champignons, butter. Washed and peeled mushrooms cut into small cubes, put in a steamer and cook them for 10 minutes. Then, put the rinsed and cleaned rump, prepared mushrooms, pour everything in a glass of boiling water and cook for a couple of hours, then add a piece of oil .

Someone who does not like ordinary buckwheat porridge, for sure, like buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms.

To make it, you will need: a glass of cereals, carrots, onions, 100 gr. Champignons and butter. Carrots are cleaned and ground on a fine grater, the mushrooms are cut into cubes, and the peeled onions are finely chopped. Mushrooms and vegetables are transferred to a frying pan, add a small piece of butter and fry them for 10 minutes. From the grains remove the rubbish and pebbles, wash it under running water, pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Ready croup is transferred to a pan, add a little more butter and fry 10 minutes with vegetables.

Very delicious turns buckwheat porridge with meat.

For preparation it is required: a glass of buckwheat groats, a bulb, 200 gr. Pork tenderloin, carrots. Meat is cut into small cubes and boiled in salted water for about 20 minutes. At this time, finely chopped onions and grated carrots are ground. When the vegetables are browned, put them into the meat broth. Then washed and washed buckwheat. The porridge is covered with a lid and left to languish over a slow fire for about half an hour. Minutes for 5 to readiness put a few peas of black pepper.

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