
Why does my stomach hurt during the months?

About half of women experience pain during months . And according to observations of doctors, this is more susceptible to women in developed countries. Women who have encountered this problem can not help but wonder why during the month's stomach aches.

There is no unequivocal answer, as well as a universal medicine for this ailment, which is called dysmenorrhea. It can be primary and secondary. It depends on the reasons that caused it.

So, why during the month does the abdomen with primary dysmenorrhea hurt? The culprits are prostaglandins, produced by the tissues of the uterus and leading to its tone. The more intense the contraction of muscles, the more pain is felt. The cramping of the uterus is stronger the higher the concentration of prostaglandins in the blood.

These same substances are the cause of deterioration in overall well-being. Because of them, there is nausea, vomiting, apathy, headaches, upset stomach, lack of appetite.

Primary dysmenorrhea is treated with hormonal drugs that regulate the production of prostaglandins. These include birth control pills. They effectively solve the problem, if properly selected. However, some women have to abandon them because of side effects. In addition, in their reception it is necessary to take breaks.

Why does my stomach hurt during secondary dysmenorrhea? This disease occurs against the background of endometriosis, inflammation in the small pelvis, endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids. Treatment in this case is aimed at fighting precisely with these ailments after a thorough examination. Appointed drugs and manipulations, which contribute to reducing the manifestations of these diseases.

In endometriosis, hormones are also used. In this disease, endometrial cells are found in the ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, myometrium, bladder, and rarely in other organs. They grow during the cycle and are rejected during the period of menstruation.

There are hemorrhages, inflammations, swelling, the work of the damaged organ is disrupted. This is accompanied by painful sensations, which are significantly intensified during menstruation.

Inflammations can be caused by STDs and conditionally pathogenic flora. First, the pathogen is determined by sowing and PCR, then treatment is prescribed. In chronic course, physiotherapy is often used.

During the months, the stomach also hurts for other reasons:

  • Super-excitability of the central nervous system;
  • infertility;
  • Underdevelopment or bending of the uterus ;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • intrauterine device;
  • Injuries;
  • Operations on reproductive organs;
  • Childbirth, especially with complications;
  • Abortion.

It happens that after the delivery of soreness passes or significantly reduced. However, to understand why during the menstrual period a woman's stomach hurts, only a qualified gynecologist after a thorough examination can. You can not make diagnoses yourself.

Women who are confronted with dysmenorrhea are interested in what to do if the stomach aches with monthly ones. Regular sports and fitness are very helpful. It is established that women who deal with them, transfer menstruation easier.

Food should be balanced, rich in vitamins and trace elements. A special role in how painlessly the menstrual period passes is played by magnesium and calcium. It is better to eat less meat and fatty foods, especially before menstruation. It is desirable to replace the coffee with green and herbal teas. It is necessary to enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits.

Some women claim that moderate intensity exercises reduce pain. But this is very individual. Most women are saved by taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

Thus, it is only the doctor who can determine why the stomach is hurting during the months. The reasons can be different, and many of them are amenable to treatment. You can alleviate your condition by doing sports, eating properly, taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

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