Health, Medicine
The belly aches - the most widespread children's complaint
Pain in the abdomen of a child often indicates problems with the intestines. If the child is still very small and can not say anything, then he expresses discontent with anxiety, crying. Children can flex their legs to the stomach, bend them. It also happens that the children grunt, blush, tuzhatsya. The tummy is dense, slightly swollen, and rumbling and transfusion is heard from the inside. Pain in the abdomen of a child is the main cause of crying and problems with sleep, so with these symptoms you need to consult not only with a neurologist, but also with a gastroenterologist.
Children have stomach aches due to colic or gas accumulation. This happens in most babies - because of the immaturity of the digestive system, enzymatic systems, dysbiosis. Such phenomena are typical for almost all infants, so healthy babies up to three to four months may experience anxiety due to pain in the tummy.
With the problem of intolerance to milk sugar - lactose - the parents of many children are familiar for up to a year. Lactose is found in breast milk, a milk formula. Lactose intolerance is provoked by a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Lactase deficiency is manifested as follows: liquid, sometimes - foamy stool, abdominal pain during feeding or after, bloating, with a severe form of lactase deficiency, children slowly gain weight or even lose it. Such a diagnosis is made after the analysis of feces for carbohydrates.
It is possible to make and the analysis on a dysbacteriosis is will help or assist to learn or find out, how much normally the intestine works. Many problems of the digestive system are eliminated when correcting the dysbacteriosis.
Parents need to know a few simple ways to help the baby on their own when the stomach is hurting. Give him a special tea for children with fennel or chamomile, bake the tummy with a warm warmer, do a gentle tummy massage in a clockwise direction, bend the legs to the stomach. Put the baby on his tummy, and if the above measures have not helped - put the child in the anus the so-called gas pipe (it can serve as a cropped pear). The tube can be in the anus no more than 10 minutes.
There are a number of drugs that are designed to alleviate pain and contribute to the escape of gases. What is best to give your baby, your doctor should advise you.
If suddenly the child screams for a long time and without stopping, and using a gas pipe does not lead to emptying, and while you can not calm the child, you need to call an ambulance soon.
If preschool children, complaining that the abdomen hurts, is shown on the navel, this does not mean that it hurts there. The fact is that they can not yet localize the pain.
In children from one year to four, abdominal pain can be acute and chronic. If the pain has appeared abruptly, the child can not rise, thus the temperature rises and it vomits - it is impossible to give anesthetics before the examination by the doctor. You need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Acute pain can testify, for example, about appendicitis, intestinal obstruction. It should be noted that appendicitis in young children is rare, but if it does happen, the pain is not sharp and not strong. The state of health worsens with time.
Chronic pain that appears, then pass. Sometimes the pain is strong enough, sometimes - pulling, sometimes the pain can go through a few minutes after the appearance. The causes of chronic pain are diseases such as pancreatitis, intestinal dysfunction , dysbacteriosis, constipation, parasitic diseases. If such pains occur - again, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary tests to identify the cause of abdominal pain, and then - individual treatment.
Do not be skeptical about the complaints of the child, if he says that the stomach hurts. Be sure to go through the examination, and if the children complain of acute pain - you need to see a surgeon. Agree, it will be better if in fact it turns out that there are no serious reasons for concern, than if time is lost and irreparable changes occur.
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