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Pediatric Schizophrenia: signs and treatment

Diseases of the psyche have always been difficult to treat and have been a mystery even for scientists. Despite the many achievements of medicine, these pathologies are still referred to as complex ailments that can not be fully investigated. Signs of mental illness can occur at any age. Often, they are diagnosed among children, adolescents and young people. One of the most common ailments encountered in psychiatric practice is schizophrenia.

Unfortunately, despite the long study of this pathology, it still can not be explained. Children's schizophrenia is not uncommon. In order to control the disease at least partially, it is important to diagnose it in time and to observe it with a psychiatrist throughout his life.

Schizophrenia in children: a description of the pathology

Childhood schizophrenia is considered a common psychological pathology. On average, it affects about 1% of small patients. Such a high incidence rate is due to the fact that it is impossible to diagnose an ailment before the development of a clinical picture. Also, one can not assume the emergence of schizophrenia in the period of intrauterine development, especially - in the absence of a burdened anamnesis for this pathology. Some time ago, this diagnosis was made practically with any mental disorder that the child has. At present, there are clear criteria that characterize this disease. Childhood schizophrenia refers to severe mental pathologies, characterized by a chronic and progressive course. Common symptoms of the disease are: disorder of behavior and thinking, changes in emotional background, hallucinatory syndrome, catatonia, delusions, etc. The signs of childhood schizophrenia can be different. First of all, it depends on the form of pathology.

The causes of schizophrenia in children

A lot of research has been done to find out why schizophrenia occurs. Childhood type of the disease is not much different from the adult forms of the disease. However, it has a more unfavorable prognosis due to early development. Despite the works of scientists, to identify the exact cause of the disease was not possible. However, psychiatrists point to a number of factors that increase the risk of developing schizophrenia in children. These include:

  1. Weighed down heredity for this disease. In most cases, there were people in the family who suffered from schizophrenia. The risk of a pathology increases not only in the presence of a disease in the parents, but also among other family members. It was revealed that there is a special gene responsible for the development of schizophrenia.
  2. Adverse effects on the embryo during the period of the laying of organs. To damaging factors should include drugs, drugs, alcohol, ionizing radiation, chemicals. Especially dangerous are these effects in the first trimester of pregnancy. In fact at this moment there is a bookmark of nervous system.
  3. Late pregnancy. Conception of a child aged 35 years increases the risk of developing mental pathologies in the fetus.
  4. Chronic infectious diseases in a pregnant woman.
  5. Stay in stressful conditions. It is worth remembering that the nervous overexertion during the wearing of the baby affects not only the condition of the pregnant woman, but also detrimental to the fetus.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to establish the exact cause, it is worth taking measures to eliminate all risk factors.

Pathogenesis of childhood schizophrenia

Given that the etiologic factor is not accurately established, the mechanism of development of schizophrenia is also unknown. There are hypotheses according to which the pathogenesis of this mental disorder can be partially explained. Schizophrenia in childhood has the following developmental mechanisms:

  1. Hypoxia of brain cells during the maturation of nerve tissue. This means local oxygen deficiency. During the diagnostic procedures in patients with schizophrenia, it was revealed that the cortical areas of the right hemisphere of the brain, the thalamus, the amygdala, the temporal gyrus and the prefrontal region were subjected to hypoxia.
  2. Genetic changes. Most scientists believe that the pathogenesis of childhood schizophrenia is played by the mutations found in the short arm of the 6 chromosome. In addition, there is information about other violations of the genetic code in patients. However, the data are not confirmed by large-scale studies.
  3. Change in activity of neurotransmitters. Mostly it concerns dopamine. It is believed that the transmission of impulses under the influence of this substance in patients with schizophrenia is accelerated. In addition, other changes have been identified. For example, a decrease in the activity of glutamate receptors, caused by medication ("Ketamine"), causes the development of signs of schizophrenia in healthy people.

It is believed that the pathogenesis of the disease is based on a combination of several factors. However, it was not possible to establish a direct connection between neuronal damage, changes in mediator activity and genetic theory.

Forms of schizophrenia in children

Childhood schizophrenia, like an adult, can take place in various forms. Type of pathology is established on the basis of clinical manifestations of the disease. Often, children develop the following forms of the disease:

  1. Gebefrenic schizophrenia. This clinical variant is considered the most unfavorable. Its main manifestation is the hebephrenic syndrome. It is characterized by senseless excitement, krivlaniem, negativism and ridiculous flashes of fun. Children suffering from this form of schizophrenia are not amenable to education and training. The first signs of pathology appear in 10-14 years.
  2. Simple schizophrenia. This form can develop at any age. In some cases, the first manifestations are observed in school years. In this case, the diagnosis is made: "early childhood schizophrenia." A similar variant of pathology is distinguished by the absence of productive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions). Characteristic manifestations of the disease are apatiko-abulic syndrome and disinhibition of reflexes (hypersexuality, bulimia).
  3. Catatonic schizophrenia. This form of the disease is considered malignant. It occurs in 1-3% of patients. The peculiarities of this variant of schizophrenia include: mutism, negativism, disinhibition of primitive reflexes, copying behavior (echopraxia). Characteristic signs are: unnatural posture of the patient, increased muscle tone, catatonic arousal and stupor.

Another form of pathology is paranoid schizophrenia. It is characterized by the development of delusions of persecution, overvalued ideas, mental automatism (Kandinsky-Clerambo syndrome). Often, such manifestations of the disease occur in adults (25-40 years). However, the development of this form of pathology in children is not ruled out.

Pediatric Schizophrenia: Symptoms and Signs of Disease

Clinical manifestations of the disease can occur, both at an early age and in adolescents. It is believed that up to 5 years, pathology can not be detected. However, in the following years, it is impossible to immediately diagnose: "childhood schizophrenia." Symptoms of the disease should be monitored for a long time. Only after this, if there are several signs of pathology, a diagnosis is established: "schizophrenia" indicating its form. Symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Apatiko-Abulic Syndrome. It is expressed in the fading of interest in familiar activities (school, favorite pursuits, games), laziness, indifference to the opinion of parents.
  2. Hallucinatory syndrome. In addition to the progressive isolation, the child can talk to himself alone, perform some actions that imply the presence of the company (play with an imaginary friend, swear, have fun, etc.).
  3. Gebefrenic syndrome.
  4. Catatonia. With this form of the disease, there are specific manifestations such as the uterine pose, the "air cushion symptom" - when the platen is pulled out from under the neck and head, the position of the patient does not change. That is, he remains in the same position.

The signs of early schizophrenia may include: the child's unmotivated crying, screaming, mood changes, reluctance to communicate, and so on.

Features of pathology in adolescents

Signs of childhood schizophrenia in adolescence are somewhat different. In addition to these symptoms, patients have a disinhibition of simple reflexes (increased appetite, sexual concern), delusions, pseudo-hallucinations may appear. Teenagers often become uncontrollable, refuse to communicate with their parents, commit antisocial behavior. The sick stop attending school, expressing complete indifference to the events taking place, a disorder of thinking is noted.

How does autism manifest itself in childhood schizophrenia?

Earlier autism was considered one of the criteria of schizophrenia in childhood. At present, this disorder is isolated as a separate disease. Autism is the violation of the child's ability to social interaction. In addition, pathology is characterized by impoverishment or lack of emotional background and speech reactions addressed to others. Childhood schizophrenia is often accompanied by signs of autism. However, it is not the only manifestation of pathology and is characterized by poor expression.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia in children

To diagnose "schizophrenia" is not always easy, since this disease can combine many features characteristic of other psychiatric disorders. Wave-like course of pathology (change of exacerbations and remissions) is taken into account. The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and special psychological tests. It is important to exclude harmful effects on the child's body (toxic poisons, drugs).

How to treat childhood schizophrenia?

Treatment of childhood schizophrenia is aimed at increasing the duration of remission, arresting pronounced mental syndromes. Medicines from the group of neuroleptics (medicines "Eglonil", "Thioridazine") and nootropics are used. All patients are shown psychotherapy, as well as preventive hospitalization and supervision at least 2 times a year. That the hallucinogenic syndrome is used to prescribe drugs "Haloperidol" and "Triftazine".

Prognosis for schizophrenia in children

A favorable prognosis may be with a simple form of schizophrenia. Symptoms become less noticeable, the frequency of exacerbations decreases. However, a complete cure rarely occurs. With the catatonic and hebephrenic form, the outlook is unfavorable. Children suffering from these pathology options need constant care, they are assigned 1 group of disability.

How to behave with a child with schizophrenia

Communicate with a child suffering from schizophrenia is quite difficult, especially in the period of exacerbation of pathology. Despite the desire to help, it is worth remembering that it is possible to provoke inadequate behavior, aggression, or vice versa - even greater isolation. Therefore, it is advisable not to reproach the child, and also not to indicate to him that he is sick. Handling such children should be the same as with healthy people so that they do not feel alienated. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to hospitalize a child in a hospital.

Prevention of schizophrenia in children

It is impossible to prevent childhood schizophrenia, but it is worth doing everything to make the child born healthy. To do this, avoid stressful situations and adverse environmental effects. In the presence of pathology, relatives should be examined by a psychologist and a geneticist for both spouses before conceiving a child.

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