
Who is an autistic? Sentence or hope?

Who is an autistic? Autos is a Greek word for "self". Autists call people who are self -contained. In fact, they are completely different. Children with Kanner's syndrome are so indifferent to everyone around them that they do not even have the need to learn to perceive speech and talk, although the voice apparatus, and their hearing is in order. The brain without knowledge of the language ceases to develop, which leads to mental retardation. People with Asperger's syndrome are good intellects, they are often outstanding people who understand mathematics, music, programming, linguistics, chess ... However, communication with other people is not their goal.

Who is an autistic? He is a man who does not have the strength to surround people. An autistic child can be a two-year-old, well versed in aypadah, but not recognizing himself in a mirror image or own mother. It can be an adult, spending all his time at the computer and absolutely not noticing around himself anyone, not even the closest.

Causes of Autism

Scientists suggest many reasons for the appearance of this disease. From the negative reaction of the body to vaccination to the age of the parents. Both ecology, the environment, and genetic factors play their part.

Every year the number of such people increases. Now we can say that autism is one of the most common diseases. In Russia every 1000th child is an autistic. In America, 88 children have one, suffering from a similar disease, in Israel - every 200th. Poland counts every thousand children to autism, Sweden - every 500th. However, these figures can not be considered accurate. The quality of diagnosis of the disease leaves much to be desired. Who is an autistic? Modern medicine often makes an autistic diagnosis of "schizophrenia", he is credited with mental retardation and other diseases. Quite often these children are defined as uneducated, they close any doors to the future. Often, autism is diagnosed in mentally healthy children, but with hearing defects.

Outsiders can not!

In pre-school institutions, such autistic children are accepted, but rather quickly expelled because of the difficulties in the educational process. A special school for autistics is an exit in which a child can not stop in development, and, as far as possible, develop further. In our country there are schools for such children of eight kinds. For example, for children with visual impairment, hearing, with mental retardation. But they are very few, and the incidence increases from year to year. In Moscow, there is only one such school, and there are only primary schools in it. An institution enters the Center of psychological, medical and social support for children and adolescents with autism. Most of the classes at the school are designed to teach the child to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, maintain conversation and answer questions.

They can work

Who is an autistic? On the one hand, it's a person who can see and hear well, but, on the other hand, he does not want to notice anything around him. However, more than a quarter of autistic children who receive quality care are able to get education, live normally and do not differ in any way from other people. Such people are able to enter the university, get a profession, marry or get married and have their children. Of course, the warmth and affection that the baby needs, the autistic parents are simply incapable of giving. They will perceive the cry of the baby, the moving of the fetus as a threat or aggression, so they will try to avoid the baby or give a response, but not care. In every subsequent generation, the features of autism and distortion of the psyche will be more pronounced.

If such a child was born in some small town where timely diagnosis is impossible, and even more so with proper work with autists, most often everything is very sad. The patient is diagnosed with "early schizophrenia" and is placed in a specialized institution.

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