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Who wrote "War and Peace". "War and Peace" is a novel. Heroes of the novel "War and Peace"

Ten thousand manuscript pages (6-7 copies of the Bible folded one on another), a further 60 pages of typewritten text of rough drafts and unreleased fragments, described in detail in a complex historical period spanning 15 years, more than 500 characters, most of which are very detailed .... And all this for six years of continuous painstaking work. So the brilliant work of Leo Tolstoy appeared - the book "War and Peace".

The work was not written in one breath. The author manually rewrote the novel eight times. And the disparate episodes have been reworked more than a dozen times. And although Tolstoy himself did not pay much of his offspring, "War and Peace" is a novel that received world recognition soon after its publication. And today it has been translated into 40 languages.

Who wrote War and Peace?

The answer, which contains only the name and surname of the author, will be lackluster and, frankly speaking, little informative. After all, it is much more interesting to lift the veil of the secrets of the writer's personality, which, even during his lifetime, was recognized as a great writer and philosopher not only in his own country, but also far beyond its borders.

In this regard, one can not ignore the most curious fact - the influence of Tolstoy's creativity on the young Mohandas Gandhi, who later became the inspiration and leader of the Indian independence movement from the British Empire. Tolstoy's position on the inexpediency of combating evil through violence found a response in the heart of the young Indian. And years later he was able to achieve the embodiment of this idea into reality.

Interesting little-known facts

Lev Nikolayevich was a very gambler. The one who wrote War and Peace, where there is a memorable scene in which Nikolai Rostov loses a lot of money in cards, himself once lost the main building of his estate. And the new owner was not too lazy to disassemble the building and take it to his estate.

Tolstoy also founded his own religion. His followers actively tried to carry her to the masses of the common people. The main postulates of the exercises were forgiveness, the rejection of any kind of war (up to the refusal to perform military service) and moral perfection.

Count Tolstoy himself really wanted to lead a simple life. He refused copyright (this is the first time in history), did not accept the Nobel Prize and in general stated that he hates money. Indeed, in the photos that have survived to our days, the image of a simple Russian peasant, rather than a refined representative of the nobility, is more visible.

The birth of the plan for the famous work

It all began with a small one. Just three years before the birth of the one who wrote War and Peace, there was an outstanding uprising of the Decembrists. Lev Nikolaevich, who came from a noble family, literally grew up on the stories of these events.

Years passed. Some participants in the failed coup were allowed to return to their native places. And Tolstoy plans to write a story about the return from exile of the family of the Decembrists. In his design, this should have been Pierre and Natasha Bezukhov. Today they are well known to us as heroes of the novel "War and Peace".

However, reflections on the fate of the Decembrists are increasingly blowing the writer in the days of the uprising. And at the same time a lot of questions are born: what prompted young people to such a desperate decision? What were the prerequisites for a coup in public life? How was the character of the future Decembrists formed?

Moving along these lines, Tolstoy becomes more and more immersed in history and stops at the period of the war between Russia and Napoleon.

Work on the novel

The historical painting, which stitch by stitch brought to the pages of his novel Leo Tolstoy, really deserves admiration. It is by no means a blurred second plan, against which the play of the main actors is developing. Rather, historical events attract their powerful flow of heroes, forcing them to act in one way or another.

Penetration into the inner world of the formation of the characters of their characters is what Tolstoy wanted to achieve. "War and Peace" is a description of a large-scale historical anvil, under the blows of which weak characters break down, and the strong acquire a new form and purpose.

Pierre Bezukhov

Above this character, the author worked particularly carefully. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" fully reveals the formation of the character of the future Decembrist. He goes through many trials, especially hard emotions, faces betrayal and injustice. However, what was the main thing for the writer, does not lose faith in the possibility to change the existing order.

Appearing in the first chapters as an awkward youngster, then he appears as a man too easily amenable to any influence. At first, it's even surprising that he connects such a person with Andrei Bolkonsky.

Then the reader begins to involuntarily sympathize with the sincerity of this young man. With the development of the plot of the novel, we increasingly become attached to Pierre and begin to empathize with him. From a short-sighted respect he turns into a man with firm principles. And although he continues to seek his place in life, he can not be called easily influenced.

Idyllic completion of the trials of Pierre Bezukhov looks even somewhat unusual for the always pessimistic Tolstoy. However, do not forget that the author intended to bring the story to the rebellion, the link and the subsequent return. In addition, the novel "War and Peace" was written by Tolstoy at the time of a happy period in the writer's family life. And his mood could not but be reflected in the book itself.

Natasha Rostova

Young Natasha - the center of the irresistibly beating directly from the depths of the heart of positive energy. She is cheerful and spontaneous. And often we see moments when, it would seem, it was more decent to cover this spontaneity with proper manners. However, youths tend to go to extremes, and the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" therefore appear before us so real and alive that we see their real emotions.

However, later frivolity played a cruel joke with her when, as the bride of Prince Bolkonsky, once so desired, Natasha takes courting Anatole Kuragin and agrees to flee with him from the country. But this same sincerity allows Natasha Rostova to maintain the true purity of the soul throughout her life. She encourages her to feel compassion and help others. And the estate for Natasha does not matter. Episode, when she, without hesitation, gives out carts to transport the wounded - a vivid confirmation of this.

Andrei Bolkonsky

This character is the embodiment of calm and discretion. Perhaps someone seems boring to him, but his inner world is no less rich than that of Pierre Bezukhov.

Andrew is balanced and purposeful. Yes, like other goodies in this work, his goals change throughout the narrative. However, every time, determined with his desires and priorities, he acts decisively and concretely.

The young Prince Bolkonsky is very reserved in showing his feelings. However, if you recall the nature of his father, it becomes clear that he simply could not be otherwise. And the one who wrote War and Peace knew this very well. After the prototype of Prince Nikolai Andreyevich Bolkonsky was the native grandfather of Leo Tolstoy. And he was well aware of the conditions under which his hero grew. In childhood, adolescence, and in adulthood Andrew, moved by reverence to his father, had to remain silent and keep his emotions deep inside. Although this did not prevent him from having his own opinion.

At first we see Andrei Bolkonsky as an ambitious officer. However, after the memorable battle near Austerlitz, the system of its values is radically changing. Andrew wants to return to the family and catch up, but life disposes of differently - his wife dies during childbirth.

The next serious turning point in his life was the meeting with Natasha Rostova. He saw in it that which was hidden inside - not just external naivety and immediacy, but the original purity of a kind and sympathetic heart. The more terrible was the blow that was inflicted upon him by the infidelity of the bride.

True to his philosophy of forgiveness, Tolstoy invests this virtue in Andrew's death. His forgiveness is not just a tribute to church dogma. The author describes it, rather, as the enlightenment of the soul. This is a sincere and all-consuming feeling, which gives real peace.

Nikolay Rostov

Another positive character. He is simple and open, loyal and honest. And this is not a complete description of it. "War and Peace" is a novel in which Tolstoy tried to reflect all the social classes. And Nikolai Rostov in this context is the representative of the best that the author saw in officers and ordinary soldiers.


A girl, initially pushed into the shadows and her position in society, and the subject of the novel. However, if we take a closer look at it, instead of a modest gray mouse, a really strong nature appears before us, unable to betray the trust of people close to it for the sake of personal happiness.

"War and Peace" is a novel worth reading

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" was repeatedly screened. For the first time the movie was released in 1913. For this work talented directors were taken, stars with a world name took part in the pictures. Admittedly, the results were impressive.

The last screen version appeared in 2007. This is a joint work of the team, in which there were representatives of Italy, France, Germany, Russia and Poland. The director really managed to convey both the spirit of that era, and the characters' characters.

However, if you want to really touch this masterpiece of world literature, pick up a book and immerse yourself in a world accessible only to the reader.

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