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V. Mayakovsky, "The Bathhouse": a summary of the play

Several satirical plays were written by Vladimir Mayakovsky. "Bath", a summary of which we will consider, is one of them. Like many works of the poet, the play has a social orientation. It ridicules the sharpest vices of the modern Mayakovsky society.

About the play

He created the play from 1928 to 1930 Mayakovsky. "Bath" (a summary is presented below) is a satirical work aimed at exposing such an ugly phenomenon as careerism. In addition, the author does not forget about other social flaws - bureaucracy, opportunism, empty talk, "communist swagger".

He gave Mayakovsky tribute and reductions inherent in the Soviet era. So, the author refers to the post of the main character as "chief executive officer".

Mayakovsky, "The Bathhouse": a summary

The play takes place in 1930, when the inventor named Chudakov created a time machine. Now he is going to turn on the unit. Comrade Bicyclebikin comes to see him, to whom Chudakov talks about the importance of his invention. The most important thing in the car is the ability to stop the most beautiful moment in life and enjoy it as much as you like, and reduce the unhappy time to a few seconds. Cycling is imbued with the importance of discovery and suggests using the unit in order to shorten long reports and speed up the growth of chickens in incubators. Hearing such suggestions, Chudakov begins to get annoyed: such practicality is not acceptable to his beautiful invention.

Pont Keach

Introduces and foreigners in his play Mayakovsky ("The Bathhouse"). The summary tells about how an Englishman named Pont Keach is beginning to be interested in Chudakov's invention. He comes to the inventor, taking with him Miasaliansov, an interpreter. Chudakov talks about the arrangement of his car. Pont Keach records something in his notebook, and then offers the inventor financial assistance. Bicycling intervenes in the conversation and says that they have money already.

Bicybodin accompanies the foreign visitor and imperceptibly pulls out that notepad with notes from that of his pocket. Chudakov indignantly and indignantly asks Bicybodin about why he drove the guest out and said that they have enough money. At this friend says that now, of course, there is no money, but he will get them. It turns out that Bicyclebikin decided that the Englishman was a spy, and therefore stole records.


Do not miss the opportunity to describe the bureaucratic delays and other obvious shortcomings of the Soviet society Mayakovsky ("The Bathhouse"). An analysis of the next episode of the play can confirm this idea.

Chudakov turns on the machine, and then an explosion is heard. A letter appears, which is written 50 years after this event. The message says that tomorrow will come a messenger from the future.

Bicybodin and Chudakov go to Pobedonosikov, who occupies the post of chief of the coordination department. It is he who wants to get money Bicycle. However, Secretary Optimistenko does not miss friends to the boss. She already prepared a resolution - to refuse. It turns out that everything in the institution is decided only by Optimistenko.

Concerns Pobedonosikova

Serious criticism in his work exposes the heads of various administrations Mayakovsky ("The Bathhouse"). Analysis of important cases Pobedonosikova perfectly characterizes not only the hero himself, but also the whole type of such leaders.

Busy Pobedonosikov that dictates an illiterate speech on the opening day of the tram line. In it, the hero calls Alexander Semenovich Pushkin, and Tolstoy calls "the bear of the feather". At the corrections of the typist Pobedonosikov meets the threat of her dismissal.

Comes to Pobedonosikov Belvedonsky, an artist. He should help to pick up furniture. Pobedonosikov stops his choice on the style of Louis XIV. But asks to straighten the legs, remove the gilding and make many Soviet arms.

Ends with their conversation by the fact that Belvedonsky begins to paint a portrait of the chief on horseback. Pobedonosikov poses without leaving his desk.

Nochkin and Polya

A lot about public institutions tells the play "The Bathhouse" (Mayakovsky). Accountant Nochkin, who works in the same institution as Pobedonosikov, pretends to have lost state money to the cards. But in fact, Nochkin gave them to his wife Pobedonosikova Paul. The woman promised to give them to refine the machine Chudakova. Only thanks to the efforts of Nochkin and Poly, the invention can be improved.

Because of the loss of money between Nochkin and Pobedonosikovym there is a quarrel.

There comes a time of rest. Pobedonosikov is going to take with him as a stenographer Mesalyansov. His wife will stay at home. Polya understands why her husband does not want to take her with him, and asks for a divorce. Pobedonosikov denied her.


Mayakovsky's work "The Bath" is coming to its culmination. Chudakov brings a time machine to the playground in Pobedonosikov's house. Here the unit sparkles, explodes, and in its place appears Phosphoric woman, a delegate from 2030. He sent a guest to the Institute of the History of the Birth of Communism in order to select and transfer the best people to the communist era.

A woman flies around the whole country and admires everyone. Everyone can go with it to the future, because the main thing is that a person shows up at least one of the following features: ingenuity, efficiency, the desire to share and give.

Pobedonosikov talks to the Phosphoric woman and says that he agrees to go to the future only on one condition: he will be given a position that will be comparable to the current one. And in general, except for him, no one is worthy to go with her. He drinks cocksuckers, and Bicybodin, for example, smokes, his wife is a philistine. Guest agrees that they all work.

Return to the Future

Preparations begin to be sent to the future. Pobedonosikov begins to resent it because he, like everyone else, will have to stand. It also turns out that they have too many things with Mizalyansova.

Then Pobedonosikov begins talking about how, under his sensitive guidance, this wonderful machine was invented. But Chudakov drowns his voice.

The machine starts to work, an explosion is heard, and all disappear. There are only Optimisticheskoy, Pobedonosikov, Mesalyansov, Belvedonsky and Pont Kich.

The satirical plays of Mayakovsky differ not only in their topicality, but also in fantasy. The motif of time travel in general became one of the favorite for the writer. It is used not only in this play, but also in the famous comedy "Bedbug".

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