
When and how to transplant strawberries?

Strawberries have always been in price. Those who are engaged in the cultivation of this berry professionally, have a good income for the season. Everyone has their own secrets of "good recoil," but after all, the basis of care has not been canceled by anyone. Within the framework of this article, you will receive information about when and how to transplant strawberries. Actually, it can be done all the second half of summer and the first half of autumn. Let's consider more in detail

So, when to change strawberries in the summer? Definitely after flowering and harvesting. Each variety of berry differs in its intensity of shoot growth. Some begin to "creep" almost from the spring, and others for the entire season give no more than a dozen new shoots. In any case, at the time of flowering and fruiting, they must be removed. If the variety is very valuable and requires urgent breeding, you can leave one or two shoots. A larger number of processes will cause the exhaustion of the mother plant, which needs to expend energy on berries.

After the end of fruiting, you can think about feeding and future young growth. Usually during this period the strawberry starts to start a copious amount of shoots.

At this time, the most powerful bushes are outlined and the best shoots are left. For those who do not know yet, when to change strawberries in the summer, you need to understand two rules:

  • Avoid the peak of heat (the best time is evening, especially "under rain");
  • Choose well-rooted and healthy bushes.

Please note that this berry does not grow in one place for a long time. Therefore, having determined how to transplant strawberries, choose a suitable place. First, it must be a fertile land. The fact is that the soil under the strawberry is rapidly and strongly depleted, which is why a periodic (at least every four years) transplant is recommended. Secondly, in very hot regions, this berry literally burns under the scorching sun. The best (and economical) option of protection is a landing between rows of young trees or shrubs.

When is it necessary to transplant strawberries? The ideal time for successful rooting is in fall. At this time, the heat was already asleep, and rain was falling more and more often. In such conditions, strawberry bushes take root in the new place best. Here, too, have their own subtleties.

The best material for planting is biennial plants. Along with them, you can plant young and not yet wintering bushes, but they must go from the very first mustache (due to the good development of the root system they will have more chances to start). Scions that grew later, it is better not to touch. Let them hibernate next to the mother plant. They are left for the next year.

How to transplant strawberries? The land allocated for a new bed is pre-digged and fertilized. It is better if it is humus or "ripe" compost. Then the site is dug again. Only now you can proceed to disembark. But here there are several nuances. Firstly, having learned all the subtleties, how to transplant a strawberry (or bush), you need to prepare not only a bed, but also the pit itself. Wells should be of such depth that the root can freely hang in it (do not bend). The distance is 40 cm. The wells are watered. And immediately begins the landing (in wet land). The bushes should be freshly dug (the dried roots are inadmissible). Two saplings are planted in one hole. In the event that one does not get accustomed, another grows up. Well, if both of them successfully survive, then there will be more berries.

When planting a strawberry, do not bury the bush too deeply (it will start to rot). But too much above the surface of the core should not protrude (it can freeze). The point of growth (the place from which the leaves depart) should be on a level with the ground.

After the landing, the land is mulched.

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