HealthMental Health

Frustration is not a disease!

Frustration ... What is it? This state of dissatisfaction, arising from the discrepancy between the expected and the real, that is, on the way to the desired goal, there arises some insurmountable obstacle that leads to a strong experience.

A frustrated person finds an outlet to his feelings either through aggression directed at others, or despairs and closes, blames himself.

The study of the phenomenon involved such scientists as Simonov, Maslow, Freud, many behaviorists. Requirements were defined and expectations related to them were identified. Needs are biological, social, ideal (spiritual). If a person can not satisfy any need, then he has a mental tension, which leads to frustration. In other words, frustration is emotional stress.


Frustration is the trigger mechanism for starting a conflict. Destructive behavior is directed to another person or to an object (such people are all ruining, breaking). A strong individual, who is able to analyze the situation and own himself, will try to use external conditions and his internal forces to find the best options for an exit from the current situation. On the contrary, a person who does not know how to control himself becomes impulsive at the moment of the frustration situation, loses self-control, gets angry, scandals, insults, can use physical force.

Sometimes a person reacts to the situation created by care. Aggression does not manifest itself openly, but is compensated by psychological barriers, such as sublimation (aggression - sports, sex - creativity); Fantasy (dreams, world of dreams); Rationalization (intellectual justification of one's behavior). In some cases, a person begins to regress, i.e. A difficult, unattainable task replaces an easier one. Fixation occurs when an individual is obsessed with an unachieved goal, resulting in a complete paralysis of activity (can not think of anything else, can do nothing).

Basic Frustration Causes

Interpersonal relationships:

- Relationships in the family (household problems, money, children).

- Relationships at work (the discrepancy between the labor expended and the remuneration received leads to discontent with the bosses, colleagues, etc.).

- Sexual relationships (excitement does not find an outlet, detente).

Frustration is a traumatic situation. It causes certain behavior:

- Destruction and aggression;

- apathy;

- prolonged excitement;

- fixed behavior (stereotype);

- regression.

Frustration. Treatment

Frustration is not a disease, and it can not be cured. In order to understand the situation that led to dissatisfaction, disappointment, the collapse of hopes, one must have the ability to introspection. Psychotherapists advise to "scroll" the situation back, like a film, and try to imagine all the events in a different way, that is, draw another picture with a positive ending. This is necessary for an early exit from the state of frustration.

In sexual relations, frustration can lead to neurotic disorders, sleep disorders, hysteria, sexual dysfunction. If you do not go to a psychologist or psychotherapist on time, then serious consequences are possible, up to impotence in men and sexual coldness in women. At best, the pairs decay.

To overcome the state of frustration, it is necessary to develop perseverance, the ability to analyze the situation and take it as a regular experience, and not a blow to fate.

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