HealthMental Health

What is depression and how to deal with it?

The state of oppression or depression is felt by many people at certain moments in their lives. This is a completely normal reaction of a person to personal setbacks, loss of loved ones and other life hardships. However, sometimes this depressive feeling grows into something more. What is depression and how to deal with it, you will learn by reading this article.

So, to begin with it is necessary to familiarize with a designation, that such depression. And this is a mental disorder of a person that is characterized by a decreased mental activity and the ability to enjoy pleasure, malfunctioning of the whole organism or individual internal organs, severe mental suffering and depressed mood. A depressive state can arise as a response to any negative event that has occurred in life, or psychological trauma. In any case, it requires immediate treatment, and otherwise it can even lead to disability.

There are certain types of depression:

  • Due to the occurrence of:

- neurotic depression - is conditioned by internal conflict;

- reactive depression - a reaction to a trauma;

- Clinical depression, it is also acute - a stable depressive state;

Internal endogenous depression;

  • By the nature of the current:

- classical;

- latent - somatized and hidden;

  • The severity of the current is small and large.

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to recognize a depressive state even for doctors, that it's already time to talk about yourself. But there are some symptoms that directly or indirectly, but indicate the presence of such a dangerous disease.

So, consider the main symptoms of depressive states:

  • Irritability;
  • Loss of ability to empathize or experience certain feelings;
  • Decreased interest in everything around;
  • Complete or partial loss of the ability to enjoy formerly loved activities;
  • Decreased self-esteem or self-confidence, as well as dissatisfaction with yourself;
  • Frequent self-incrimination and guilt;
  • Waiting for trouble, a feeling of constant internal tension and anxiety;
  • Despair, a depressed or depressed mood, suffering or anguish.

If you have noted more than five of the symptoms listed at the same time, medics will be diagnosed as an unambiguous depression. To the question "What is depression?" We answered, now we need to find out what is causing it. And there are a lot of reasons, and they are all diverse:

  • Features of personality;
  • Congenital neurochemical disorders;
  • Deficiency of blood supply to the brain;
  • Prolonged pain;
  • Surgical operations;
  • Severe diseases (and long-term) internal organs;
  • Trauma of the brain;
  • Overwork;
  • Prolonged and / or severe mental stress.

Do I need to be reminded of the importance of correctly determining the causes of a depressive condition for subsequent treatment? Probably not worth it. This disease requires special attention to yourself and the appointment of a specific treatment. After all, it has a detrimental effect on the human body in a variety of areas. First, depression reduces the immunity of a person, as a result of which he is exposed to the emergence of new diseases. Secondly, depression affects the human bone system, and, more precisely, contributes to the development of brittle bones (osteoporosis). Thirdly, it is worth noting the effect on the cardiovascular system, that is, the risk of diseases related to the work of the heart or vessels is doubled. Well, finally, the main dangerous effect is on the nervous system.

Human memory, the concept of attention, possible dementia development, as well as other thinking processes of the brain are exposed to dangers. The function of the whole body is completely dependent on depression, because because of it there may be a love for overeating, and as a result the appearance of excess weight. Or vice versa - malnutrition and weight loss.

So, what is depression, it is already clear to the full, it remains only to recall that the main cunning of this disease is the defeat of the soul, mind and body of a person at the same time. So, having noticed at yourself even some symptoms, ask for help to specialists, in order to prevent the deterioration of the situation.

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