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What vitamins are in the zucchini? Composition, useful properties of courgettes

The zucchini plant belongs to the Pumpkin family. Originally it was grown in America, and Europe saw it in the 16th century. Russia learned of the existence of this unique product only in the 19th century.


A properly cooked zucchini is a very tasty vegetable. This species brings fruit for a long time - from the end of spring, summer and early autumn. The difference in color, shape and size does not affect in any way what vitamins in the zucchini contain.

Nutritionists without exaggeration call the drug young vegetables. Since this is a very low-calorie product (for 100 g - only 27 kcal), it is recommended to use it for fat people. In addition, it includes useful ingredients that are essential for healthy eating.

This low caloric value is due to the fact that the vegetable marrow is almost 95% water. The remaining components - 0.7% protein and 5.3% carbohydrates, organic and fatty acids. Sucrose, a part of carbohydrates, is low-calorie and is used in dietary nutrition. The nutritional value of zucchini is equivalent to lettuce.

Most of the fiber is contained in the peel. Therefore, with diet for weight loss zucchini should be eaten with skin, preferably in raw form - this will accelerate the intestinal peristalsis and improve digestion.

Zucchini necessarily included in the children's menu in the grinded form without peel as the first complementary foods. Older people also can not do without this vegetable, as it has anti-anemic and anti-allergic properties.

Zucchini: what vitamins does it contain?

The content is given per 100 g of product in milligrams.

  • Vitamin B 1 - 0.03.
  • Vitamin B 2 - 0.03.
  • Vitamin B 3 - 0.2.
  • Lutein - 2125 mcg.
  • Vitamin B 6 - 0.11.
  • Vitamin B 9 - 14-24 mcg.
  • Provitamin A - 0.03.
  • Vitamin C - 17-20.
  • Choline is 9.5 mcg.
  • Vitamin E is 0.1.
  • Vitamin PP - up to 0.6.
  • Vitamin K (phyloquinone) - 4.3 μg.
  • Choline is 9.5 mcg.

Micro- and macro elements

How many micro and macronutrients are in the zucchini?

  • Calcium - 15-33 mg.
  • Magnesium - up to 23 mg.
  • Silicon - 30 mg.
  • Potassium - up to 261 mg.
  • Sodium is 2-7 mg.
  • Phosphorus - from 12 to 40 mg.
  • Iron - up to 0.85 mg.
  • Manganese - up to 255.0 mkg.
  • Aluminum - 72,1 mkg.
  • Bora - 19.2 mcg.
  • Copper is up to 55.0 μg.
  • Selenium - up to 0,243 mkg.
  • Zinc - up to 390.0 mcg.
  • Cobalt - 1.1 μg.
  • Vanadium - 6.2 μg.


What vitamins and trace elements in the zucchini will do more good? There are many reasons why you should include these vegetables in your diet.
A vegetable is used in dietary nutrition. 100 grams of zucchini contain 27 calories and a tenth of the norm of fiber per day. Fiber normalizes digestion, maintains normal sugar levels.

Cholesterol is the main enemy of blood vessels. And even here the tavern comes to the rescue. The level of cholesterol is reduced due to rapid processing of fats by the liver, which produces more bile acids by digesting zucchini fibers. Vitamins C and A clean the vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Reducing the cholesterol in the blood, you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But all this is relevant only if you eat raw vegetables or cooked without oil.

Cancer Prevention

What vitamins in zucchini help prevent cancer? The use of fiber, contained in large quantities in zucchini, is an excellent means for the prevention of colon cancer. Thanks to fiber, carcinogenic toxins are excreted from the body.

And also it prevents their appearance. Zucchini is a powerful antioxidant due to the presence of folic acid and vitamins C and A. It also stops the action of free radicals on the body, thereby slowing down the aging process. Studies have shown that eating zucchini at the cellular level increases the regeneration of body cells. In this case, the benefits of these vegetables will be more if they are put out or baked.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Cure the prostate is possible with the help of zucchini. These vegetables, through the maintenance of a large number of nutrients help in the treatment of benign prostate adenoma.

With the help of ascorbic acid, many inflammatory diseases are treated, as it is a powerful antioxidant. And with the help of copper contained in zucchini, you can avoid the development of diseases such as osteoarthritis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.

What vitamins in zucchini contribute to the prevention of heart attack and stroke? The magnesium contained in these vegetables in a large quantity reduces the risk of these diseases. Lack of folic acid increases the occurrence of heart attack and stroke. And in the vegetable marrow it is kept in sufficient quantities.

Excellent means for normalizing blood pressure and preventing atherosclerosis

Strengthening blood vessels and reducing blood pressure is possible with potassium. It is also found in vegetable marrows. And in combination with magnesium, they are a powerful antidepressant, which also helps to reduce pressure. Atherosclerosis, which occurs in people with hypertension, can lead to heart attacks. The relationship between this disease and the lack of magnesium is proven. Zucchini is a preventive for this disease.

Other useful properties

One fruit contains about 19% of the norm of manganese per day. This microelement promotes the assimilation of protein and carbohydrates, takes part in the production of sex hormones and cholesterol, the synthesis of acids. The work of enzymes depends on the presence of manganese in the body. It is involved in the production of vitamin C and collagen amino acids, thanks to which rapid wound healing and healthy skin are maintained.

Zucchini is a strong diuretic. Many liquids and pectins contained in these vegetables contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals and purify the body of toxins.

Separately, you need to say about zucchini seeds, which have in their composition, vitamin E and fats of vegetable origin. They are a powerful antidepressant and help in the treatment of diabetes. You need to use them fried, like pumpkin seeds.

Vitamins in zucchini after cooking

What vitamins in zucchini after heat treatment are preserved, and which are not? Heat treatment significantly improves the taste of products, promotes the destruction of microbes and toxins. But together with them the content of useful substances decreases, since most of them do not tolerate high temperatures.

What vitamins in zucchini persist in cooking? In 6, heat treatment is not terrible. On the contrary, under the influence of high temperatures, it releases useful substances. Vitamin A retains its useful properties when sterilized to 120 degrees. Vitamin E is not afraid of exposure to high temperatures. In 1 and B2 lose up to 45% of the useful properties. Some do not tolerate high temperatures. These include ascorbic acid and B 9 .

Preserving vitamins

How and what vitamins in the zucchini can be preserved when cooking:

  • It is necessary to maintain a temperature of not more than 100 degrees;
  • The minimum heat treatment time will help to save more useful substances;
  • Preferably zucchini stew or bake without using oil;
  • Cook at a time, as the subsequent warming affects the content of vitamins in the product;
  • Use only fresh vegetables for food. Because with freezing or prolonged storage, the nutritional value of zucchini is reduced.


Now you know what vitamins are contained in zucchini. Knowing about the useful properties of these vegetables and the methods of their heat treatment, you can get the maximum benefit from eating and recharging energy for the whole year.

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