Food and drinkMain course

Kosher Products

Judaism was not always just a Jewish religion, but something more, which firmly united the various communities living in all corners of the globe. And since it is necessary for everyone to eat, the laws of kashrut describe in detail what kosher foods are: what it is allowed to eat and what is prohibited. By the way, today many people who are not Jews and do not even suspect about the existence of the laws of Moses prefer this kind of food system. They do not even know what it is - kosher foods, but they use them, wanting to create a healthy diet that is easily absorbed by the body and only useful. After all, it is an environmentally friendly, healthy, healthy food.

Kosher food - what is it?

If we talk about meat, then the indispensable conditions for its kosher - the ability of the animal to chew gum and bifurcated hooves. Thus, kosher products are goat, lamb, beef, and slaughter and processing of any of these representatives must be carried out in a certain way, otherwise the meat can not be called useful. Ducks, chickens, geese, pigeons can also be among other dishes on the table if the conditions described above are met.

As for fish, it is allowed to eat the one that has fins and scales. That is, sturgeon, catfish, oysters, crayfish, sharks under the strictest prohibition.

You can not include insects, reptiles, rodents, amphibians in your diet. The only pleasant exception is honey. But all the vegetable products that many are so addicted to today, of course, are kosher.

Today, people who are watching their food, taking care of the health of their loved ones, try to get such products. How to do this most easily? Of course, to visit a Jewish kosher online store - here and the selection of products is great, and there are no counterfeits, and the prices are lower. For example, the store "Red thread", offering both spices, and sweets, and coffee, and tea, and olive oil, and canned goods, and much more. If you care about your health and the well-being of your family, kosher products are the best gift, a kind of investment in longevity and a happy future. Such food is much safer than the one we are used to, because the production process is strictly controlled, the requirements for technology and hygiene are strictly observed, the animals grow up healthy, their diet contains no antibiotics and hormones, and they are specifically tested before slaughter. So there is no risk that your desk will be a bad, unsuitable product.

What else can you buy at a Jewish store?

If we are talking about Israel, then it must be noted that it is there that the mass of cult places, sacred places, respectively, have various pleasant trifles, so to speak, with a sense that will be pleasing and useful to everyone, because they all carry something sacred, Mystical. As admirers of Judaism, and any person who does not have anything to do with this, will be interested in souvenirs and gifts from Israel, which you can easily order everything in the same store.

These are divine and refined fixtures that clean the room; And talismans from the Holy Land with engravings in Hebrew, bringing good luck, health, prosperity; And mezuzah - a special package from the skin of the "right" animal, which is located above the front door, so that bad thoughts, people, do not enter the house.

Well, can any of these things be superfluous in a house unnecessary? The main thing is to trust in honest bargains who know a lot about their business, for example, get help from experts in the "Red thread", there certainly will not be any of your questions left unanswered!

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