
What is "flattering"? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Sometimes people say compliments to each other. Naturally, then the question arises: "What is " flattering "? Is it telling the truth or emphasizing the real dignity of a person? " We will deal with this in detail, as always, there will be examples and synonyms.


The dictionary is not rich and offers only two meanings of this word to choose from:

  1. To say something pleasant to someone to achieve their own. That is, a person has a vested interest in this matter.
  2. Bring yourself or someone pleasure and joy.

Obviously, in the first case, when a person wants to cajole the interlocutor with compliments, writing down the opponent's merits is a trick of playing a dishonest game. And the answer to the question about what is "flattering" is the following: this means deceiving a person, letting him dust in his eyes, so that he does what is required.

The second meaning of the word, according to the dictionary, is more innocuous, even good. Remember the expression "harboring yourself with hopes," that is, hoping for something that is almost unrealizable in reality. And there is another option "flatter yourself with hopes," but it is used less often than the first. You can do yourself compliments, but you can do it to another, without pursuing any special purpose.


After the value is left behind, the turn of the replacement words has come. Consider these:

  • deceive;
  • Obsequious;
  • Cringe;
  • Embellish reality;
  • prevaricate;
  • Distort facts;
  • Speak pleasant;
  • support;
  • Provide psychological support.

A person who is used to flattery is bad, does not understand how positive definitions have become synonymous. Calm, just calm. As we have already explained, flattery may not carry a negative charge.

Suppose the boss praises the employee for the fact that he is doing a good job. The leader, of course, flatteres the subordinate, because he does not cope brilliantly, but the boss shows sincere sensitivity and wants to support his worker, so that he finally did not lose heart. Now you can think about what is "flattering". But for the time being we will go on to examples.

Fable I.A. Krylova and Jim Carrey

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the fable of "The Crow and the Fox." The fox had a perfect technique of seduction. But in fairness, I must say that the Crow is an easy object for manipulation. In general, a raven is an intelligent bird, but not in a fable, because in Krylov's works the characters are in the service of design and morals, therefore reality is distorted in accordance with the tasks. The plot we all know, so there is no point in retelling it. By the way, it is because of the fable about flattery that only glory goes.

Another example of the flatterer is the hero of the movie "Liar, liar," Fletcher Reed. Do you remember how he behaved before he was released by the truth? All the time lying, toadies, and all this in order to make a career. Of course, then, with the course of events, he was reborn. And how many more people like Fletcher, who did not understand anything and bend the same line? Lots of. Maintaining your memory with the visual example of a famous Hollywood movie, it's easier to understand what "flattering" is, is not it?

"Flattery" is a relative term

And at last a little philosophy for those who, as a rule, take offense at flattery, considering it something low and unworthy.

In life, people meet different people. And some of them quite sincerely make him compliments. The feeling of flattery arises when praise is awarded a quality that is self-evident to the receiving party. For example, an intellectual is told kind words and admires his erudition. He, in turn, believes that this is flattery, because for him the mind is a thing taken for granted.

But the rule does not always work. A beautiful woman does not get tired of compliments to her address and can not always recognize flattery. Therefore, much depends on individual characteristics.

The main thing is to have an idea of what the word "flattering" means, and to understand that people are not always driven by selfish goals, sometimes a person just likes someone, and the first hastens to express it as best he can. But because of Krylov's fable, we are used to treating good with great suspicion, but in vain. Pleasant words are worthless, and the benefits come from a "one-piece car" (MA Bulgakov). In general, you need to manage to admire people, for life is fleeting, and, of course, do not forget about Russian. For example, about the question of what "flattering" means. We think that the reader will remember the correct answer.

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