HealthDiseases and Conditions

In the modern rhythm of life, memory impairment can not be tolerated

The kind of mental function and mental activity that can accumulate, store and reproduce a huge amount of different information is human memory. Already at birth, we begin to fix in our brain all the events related to us. Receiving new information, the brain develops and increases its capabilities from year to year. Specialists have calculated that active accumulation of information occurs until twenty-twenty-five years. Up to forty-five years it is in a stable condition. A peak of activity is observed in the region of fifty years. Then memory impairment can begin to develop.

However, this scheme is not suitable for everyone. For example, some scientists made their most significant discoveries precisely at the age of over fifty, or even sixty years. Poets composed great works, writers gave the world a huge number of priceless creations. Can it not only happen in the years and memory disruption occurs for other reasons? Doctors say that people can complain about memory impairment and attention at any age. Reasoning should be so - there is memory, so there is a reverse process, a disease like forgetting. This loss of access, the inability to take advantage of the information previously obtained in medicine is called amnesia. With each person this can happen. Suddenly, you realize that you forgot a very important phone number, details of a past life, some dates and events, such as birthdays of loved ones.

Memory impairment is rapidly developing in various long-term stressful situations. Such depressions cause a person to think only of his problems. Nothing more is not interested. And the more you experience, the narrower the boundaries. Older people are more prone to these conditions. Constant fatigue, lack of sleep and overfatigue cause a memory disorder over time. Treatment here is a mandatory full sleep (it should be at least seven to eight hours), the correct distribution of work and rest. Experts say that it is during the sleep period that the brain processes all the information received during the day and inserts it into its "databases". If a person does not get enough sleep, he will be absent-minded all day, tired and irritable.

You can not ignore such harmful habits as alcohol and cigarettes. They not only significantly reduce the memory capacity, but, eventually, lead to obvious dementia and a strong decrease in intelligence. At first the person does not remember only some fragments, then the state becomes worse. Smoking causes memory and attention violation. Information is perceived much more slowly, all thinking processes are slowing down and the solution, in fact, of a simple matter requires maximum effort. Some types of diseases, including infectious (meningitis, encephalitis), liver, lung, kidney and heart problems, impaired metabolism, cause memory impairment. Treatment should begin with an immediate visit to a specialist. Beginning to heal, getting rid of bad habits and seriously thinking about such valuable health, you can significantly reduce the manifested memory impairment and significantly increase the concentration of attention. Be sure to add as much vitamins as possible to your brain. These are vitamins of group B, E, C and others. You need nicotine and folic acid. For the central nervous system, they are simply necessary. Serious lack of them in our body negatively affects the brain, damages its cells, worsens work and causes memory impairment. In our time in the pharmacy you can buy special vitamins for memory improvement, including all that is needed.

Take advantage of the ancient means of combating the disease, tested not by one generation of people and enjoying great popularity in our days. This infusion of grass is nine-strength. Spoon the shredded grass carefully into a bottle of vodka and leave in a dark place for forty days. The received infusion, take twenty-five drops daily before meals. Do not find a nine-syllable, use the ashberry bark. It has no less effect. Pour 200 g of bark with boiling water (half liter) and keep in a water bath for two hours. Take the same way.

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