
Tomato Dubok. You can give tomatoes to hand.

Tomato Dubok is a dwarf tomato variety that can be successfully used for growing on a windowsill. In a word, tomatoes of oak can be considered as indoor tomatoes. How to take care of such a plant so that it can reward you with fruits?

We form the bush . The formation of the bush is undertaken with the aim of providing the plant with ventilation and lighting, that is, those measures that help prevent the development of fungal diseases. Tomatoes of the variety Dubok, like all low-growing varieties of tomatoes, form, leaving both the first stepson and the second, so as a result, a bush consisting of two or three stems.

In order to avoid thickening, it is necessary to remove all stepsons from the bushes in time. These shoots, remaining in place, take away a significant part of the nutrients that the plant receives from its roots for its growth and development. For this reason, fruits are formed and grow on such bushes with a backlog and yield low yields.

We provide lighting and temperature control . Tomato is a light-loving plant. The absence of light or its lack act on him fatal. It is also very important for indoor tomato cultivation to observe the temperature regime. During the growth period, the optimal ratio of day to night air temperature in the room should be strictly controlled. The most suitable temperature is in the daytime up to 280 and up to 160 at night. During the flowering and fruiting period, the temperature can be reduced by several degrees. In addition, we will provide our tomatoes with light and heat, we must not forget about the fresh air for them. The room where tomatoes grow should be regularly ventilated.

We spend fertilizing and watering. Tomato oak, as well as other indoor tomatoes, especially needs top dressing. Feeding can be mullein, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizer - a mullein is good to make, as soon as seedlings are planted on a permanent place and this will serve as the first fertilizer of an independent bush. Subsequent feeding can be carried out with mineral fertilizers during the fruiting period every two weeks. To improve the growth and development of tomatoes, you can do and foliar top dressing. They are carried out by spraying the leaves with a nutrient mixture. This way to feed plants gives a very good result and prevents the flowers from falling off.

Tomatoes like abundant, but not frequent watering. Therefore, water them one or two times a week as necessary with warm water, preferably in the morning. It also requires timely loosening of the soil around the bushes in order to slow the evaporation of moisture and provide the roots of the plant with air. While doing the loosening, do not forget to hill the tomatoes, because it promotes the formation of new roots.

We help to blossom and bear fruit . Tomato Dubok, like any other tomato, is a self-pollinating culture, the artificial pollination of which is not required. However, in order to make the fruits better, tomatoes can be helped by lightly shaking the stems during flowering. Then the pollen from the upper flower brushes will easily fall on the lower flowers.

You can help tomatoes and fructify. To accelerate the formation of fruits and their maturation, it is necessary to conduct a peculiar formation of the bush. The top of the plant can be broken and removed all the flowering brushes. The fact is that they will not have time to develop, and their removal will promote the accelerated growth of those fruits that have already started. Another way by which the effect of accelerated fruiting is achieved is to strengthen the root system. For this, the bush needs to be pulled a little, as if pulling it out of the ground. At the same time, all small roots will be cut off, respectively, their growth will stop. After this procedure, the plant needs watering and hilling.

Thus, even without having your own garden plot, you can grow your favorite vegetables for yourself. To date, there are quite a few varieties of tomatoes that can be grown on a windowsill. One of the representatives of this remarkable family is Tomato Dubok.

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