
The head is a mushroom disease of cereals. How does the infection of cereals with mushrooms

Cereals are perhaps the most common type of crops. In order to receive large yields of such plants, they, like any others, should, of course, be taken care of. Great attention is paid to the prevention of various fungal diseases when growing cereals. Infection with such infections significantly reduces yields, and, consequently, causes huge losses to agricultural enterprises. More often than not, cereals are infected with smut. This fungal disease is capable in some cases to destroy and the whole harvest of wheat, rye or, for example, corn.

What causes

Mushrooms are called an extensive group of organisms, numbering more than 100 thousand species. In the system of the organic world, they, like animals or plants, form a separate unit. Apart from this, parasites stand in it. It is in this category that the fungus species are also included.

These parasites refer to the group of basidiomycetes. To date, scientists know about 1000 of their species. For order, they are all combined into 40 genera. Cereal fungi are widespread almost all over the Earth. There are these parasites in the steppes, forests, deserts and even in the ice of the Arctic.

(порядок Ustilaginales). Cereals most often affect the fungi of the Basidiomycetes (order Ustilaginales). In the development cycle, this parasitic organism has a mycelium, spores, bezidiospores and gems.

The head is a disease that can not be easily identified

To distinguish infected from this type of fungus cereal from healthy is completely uncomplicated. The ear of such a plant acquires absolutely black, charcoal color. Hence, in fact, the name of the disease went. Zernovki mushrooms often eat completely. Instead, in the spike, in the end, only the black spores of the parasite remain.

How does the infection of cereals with mushrooms

The diseases caused by Basidiomycetes for researchers for a long time remained a real mystery. Explaining the blackening of the ear, scientists first broke the metabolism inside the plants. Later, it was also suggested that such changes are manifested as a result of the vital activity of any insects or infusorians.

Spores of bunting fungi in blackened plants by researchers were found only at the end of the XIX century. Since then, it has, of course, become easier to fight this disease of cereals.

There is a contamination of the crops of the bunt more often when harvesting. The spores of the parasite adhere to the grains and can be stored together with them on the elevators to the very seed. For a long time they can be in the soil itself, well tolerating unfavorable weather conditions.

In the rest period the spores of this parasite do not need. They germinate immediately after the environmental conditions have changed to suitable ones - the air temperature and soil moisture will increase. Begin to develop from the spores of the mycelium can fall or next spring.

During the seeding, spores also enter the ground with grains. The mycelium at the initial stage of the parasite does not form too large. But in the future, the developing mycelium infects seedlings of cereals that have emerged from the grain. Further, the mycelium gradually spreads inside the stem of the ear of wheat, rye, etc. as the plants grow. Approximately by the time of flowering of cultures, it reaches the panicle. Right after that the mycelium considerably accelerates its development. As a result, the spike begins to gradually become black, and the grains are replaced by spores of the parasite.

How the mycelium develops

заболевание не только распространенное, но еще и трудно поддающееся лечению. The head is a disease not only common, but also difficult to treat. The peculiarity of the fungi of Basidiomycetes is a very strong and viable mycelium. It extends through the affected tissue, it is usually between the cells, but sometimes the latter can penetrate right through.

Before disintegration into the spores of the mycelium Basidiomycetes begins to branch very strongly. Its hyphae are then divided by additional transverse septa. After a while, the shells of the mycelium cells become mucilaginous, and then replaced with denser cells. Then the cells are detached from the main branch of the mycelium. Such isolated areas are called head spores. On the ear, they form a well-marked black mass (sometimes dense, sometimes - dusty).

The entire plant is usually not mycelial of this species of fungi. Depending on the specific type of pathogen it can be seen, for example, in the ovaries of cultures, in the stem, in parts of the ear.

What types of bunt exist

как происходит заражение зерновых культур головневыми грибами и как развивается этот паразит, мы выяснили. So, how the infection of cereal crops with the fungi occurs and how this parasite develops, we found out. Basidiomycetes может все виды хлебных злаков, а также кукурузу. To destroy Basidiomycetes can all kinds of cereals, as well as corn. Depending on the place of the main concentration of the mycelium and on the features, the following species of the bunt are distinguished:

  • Stem;

  • Bubble;

  • Solid;

  • Dust;

  • Dwarfish.

зерновых культурах головню делят на твердую и пылевую. According to the nature of manifestation on cereals , the head is divided into a solid and dusty. In the first case, the plant itself is affected only by the grains themselves. At the same time, their shells are almost completely preserved. In them, as in pouches, and there are spores of the fungus.

When a dust mite is infected, the plant is destroyed almost completely. Spores of the fungus do not stay on the ear. Gusts of wind very quickly carry them around the field.

What harm does the fungus cause?

головня — это з аболевание, которые при определенных обстоятельствах может уничтожить весь урожай. As already mentioned, the bunt is a disease, which under certain circumstances can destroy the entire crop. Apply mushroom-parasites of this variety to plants and indirect harm. Infected with mycelium ears develop poorly, become weak, can not resist all kinds of infections. At the same time, to all other things, their winter hardiness and drought resistance are also significantly reduced. Many sick with a smut of plants do not even have time to sweep to the harvest. зерновым культурам . In particular, the strong damage caused by the smut caused winter cereal crops .

Flour from wheat, rye, etc., infected with smut, turns out to be substandard. At the manufacturing stage, the infected grain has to be sieved additionally from the spores of the fungus. However, bakery products from such flour still get tasteless. Products, unfortunately, acquire a characteristic taste of the bunt.

How to fight

To prevent contamination of cereal crops, you should:

  • Be sure to dress seeds before planting;

  • To observe agrotechnics - to alternate the sowing of cereals with other crops.

You also need to try to grow in the fields only resistant varieties of cereals. Such breeders were brought out a lot. головня проса довольно-таки редко развивается на таких сортах, как Кинельское 92, Харьковское 86, Саратовское 3 и т. д. For example, the bunt of millet quite rarely develops on such varieties as Kinelskoe 92, Kharkov 86, Saratov 3, and so on.

Etching is usually done by keeping the planting material in warm water (about 47 ° C) for 3 hours. Also you can kill spores of bunt with special preparations, for example, "Vitavax".

As already mentioned, the infection of cereals by this disease can occur directly through the soil. In addition to the alternation of species of agricultural plants, it is therefore necessary to take measures such as the peeling of the soil in the spring.

What kind of damage can the disease cause to the summer resident

очень опасны. Fungal diseases of cereals are in fact very dangerous. ладельцы загородных участков на своих огородах, конечно же, выращивают редко. However, grain crops in the suburban areas of their gardens are, of course, rarely grown. и в саду головня может нанести довольно-таки ощутимый вред. But even in the garden the smut can cause quite a perceptible damage. Very often it is faced, for example, by summer residents, who grow corn. та популярная культура обычно заражается пузырчатой разновидностью головни. This popular culture is usually infected with a puffy species of bunt. не только метелки и початки, но и другие части растения. In this case, the fungus affects not only panicle and cob, but also other parts of the plant. A parasite develops usually on young, not yet hardened maize tissues. The loss of crops with infection of cobs on average reaches 50%.

In order to protect plants, in the garden, as well as in the fields of agricultural enterprises, one should first of all adhere to the rules of crop rotation. If this condition is met, the cottage dweller will most likely not have to deal with such a problem as a bubbly corn smut.

Also, to reduce the risk of crop loss due to the fungus, it is worthwhile to use the seed material of only resistant varieties and dress it before planting with the drug Tritikonazol. The corn bushes themselves need to be treated occasionally for the prevention of any fungicide. In autumn all plant residues should be collected from the beds and burned. At the same time, the land itself should be dug into the spade bayonet.

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