Food and drinkSalads

"Ryabushka" or salad with chicken and tomatoes

Of the hundreds of recipes, salad with chicken and tomatoes is the easiest to prepare. Most cooks offer to boil a chicken breast and mix it with tomatoes, adding spices to taste, but real connoisseurs of chicken create the most delicious culinary masterpieces by adding various ingredients and seasonings. The main secret of the fragrant salad is the properly selected and cooked chicken. That's why it must be baked in its own juice (in a sleeve or foil), then all the useful properties will not go to the broth, and the meat will turn out juicy and tender.

The versatility of this dish is that it can be filled not only with the usual mayonnaise, but also sauces from sour cream and yogurt, as well as vegetable oil. For adherents of dietary food salad with chicken and tomatoes, we advise you to sprinkle broth, which the chicken will allocate when baking in the sleeve. To give a piquant taste to a salad, you need a chicken with tomatoes, made in a grill.

"Ryabushka" or salad with chicken and tomatoes.

Ingredients for Ryabushka:

- 550 fresh chicken breast;

- two fleshy tomatoes;

- three selected eggs;

- one violet bulb;

- 120 g of hard cheese;

- mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions;

- three cloves of purple garlic;

- greens and large salt.

Salad with chicken and tomatoes (cooking):

1. Wash the chicken breast, cut, crush garlic and rub half of the onion, sprinkle with salt and put into a sleeve, tightly fixing, send to the oven for 40 minutes. Cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Smash the eggs in a prepared container, mix with salt and fry in the form of pancakes. Allow to cool and cut into small blocks.

3. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into small pieces, the remaining onion is small to chop.

4. Grate the cheese on a very large grater or cut it by hand.

5. Mayonnaise and sour cream mixed with crushed garlic clove.

Prepare a deep dish and spread out layer by layer in the following order, pouring each layer with sauce: first lay tomatoes, then finely chopped onions, followed by chicken, then egg pancakes, after grated cheese and greased top of lettuce, decorated with finely chopped fresh herbs.

The second recipe will be "Caesar" with chicken and tomatoes.

For a salad, the following ingredients will be required:

- large fresh chicken breast;

- a fresh loaf or baguette with garlic dusting or simple;

- Fresh lettuce;

- fleshy large tomato;

- 170 g of spicy cheese of any solid grade;

- 30 ml of mayonnaise and 30 ml of any sour cream;

- juice from fresh lemon;

- seasonings for chicken grill and large salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the breast thoroughly, rub garlic and salt, put on a spit and put it in the oven to grill mode. Cut the chicken into small cubes.

2. Grate the baguette with garlic (if it is not impregnated) and grind it into crumbs and dry it in the oven until it crunches.

3. Pour the salad and cut the tomato into medium blocks.

4. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise with a squeezed clove of garlic.

In the prepared salad bowl lay out layer by layer, promazyvaya sauce each level of ingredients:

- tattooed salad leaves with a layer - sauce;

- then tomato sauce;

- on top of the kuru - sauce;

- Then the cheese is sauce.

To give the salad the necessary form, having properly smeared sauce and decorate with the turned out crackers.

And, of course, a salad "hastily" from chicken and tomatoes.


- two medium fresh chicken breasts;

- 24 ripe cherry tomatoes;

- 30 ml of sweet golden mustard;

- five cloves of purple garlic;

- large salt and favorite spices;

150 ml of low-fat sour cream.


Breast the rinds, cut into small pieces and pour the marinade, cooked from sweet mustard with garlic and salt, spiced with spices, put in a sleeve and put into the oven for 25 minutes. At this time, cut into halves of the cherry and fry in oil, you can dip them into flour with a cut. Get the chicken, chill and cut medium sized brusochkami, put everything in one container and season with sour cream, which crush the garlic clove. It turns out delicious and satisfying, it takes cooking 30 minutes.

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