HealthWomen Health

Pulls the bottom of the stomach? What are the reasons?

What to think if it pulls in the lower abdomen? How to qualify this type of ailment? What prompted our body to give alarm signals? There are several answers to this question.

First of all, this is a sign of pregnancy. Observing several symptoms at once (pulls the lower abdomen, nausea, dizziness, weakness), you can not accurately diagnose fertilization. However, similar phenomena occur at an early stage in the development of pregnancy. Why is this happening? Why does it hurt and pull the lower abdomen?

Egg and sperm meet at the meeting form a zygote. The latter must reach the uterus, moving along the fallopian tubes, and will strengthen on its wall in order to be able to develop into the fetus in the future. Usually the "journey" lasts from six to twelve days. This is due to the individual characteristics of the female body. Conception usually occurs at a time when a woman ovulates, which falls on the tenth - the twelfth days of the menstrual cycle. The zygote gets to its destination at the end of the cycle. Most women feel like at this time pulls the lower abdomen, which signals about the upcoming monthly or pregnancy.

Therefore, early pregnancy is difficult to determine. But even if the lower abdomen pulls, the delay in menstrual periods can be provoked by other factors, for example, stressful situations, the use of hormonal drugs, infection, inflammation, trauma, the consequences of sex or examination in a gynecologist.

With an already established pregnancy, the heaviness in the lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The uterus contracts, trying to get rid of the foreign body, which is a fertilized egg. But nature has taken care of the preservation of the fetus, weakening the protective functions of the female body in the early stages of pregnancy. But this does not always help. It happens that the egg is still rejected by the uterus. In such cases, a woman may not even notice that she was pregnant. Habitual symptoms: pulls the lower abdomen, strains the chest, there are pains in the hip and lumbar region - precede the onset of menstruation. Similar symptoms make it impossible not to notice an unsuccessful pregnancy and keep the psycho-emotional background normal.

If the pregnancy lasts for several weeks and sharply pulls the lower abdomen, pain is given in the lower back and back, bleeding opens, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent the fetus from perishing.

The reasons for pulling the lower abdomen are also:

- diseases of the intestinal tract, accompanied by inflammatory processes and constipation;

- spikes;

- prostate adenoma in men;

- spasms of the intestine;

- Oncology of the abdominal cavity;

- Small pelvic oncology;

- a hernia in the lumbosacral spine;

- appendicitis.

Pain in the abdomen can be accompanied by frequent urination, mucous and spotting. It is also necessary to pay attention to the work of the kidneys and bladder. If there is also nausea, loss of consciousness, pallor, pressure decreases, then you need to see a doctor, as there may be internal bleeding.

Great physical stress or cardinal change of a way of life, stressful situations bring the mite in the reasons of a malaise. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen can also be a harbinger of a hernia, which in most cases causes an organism to overload with physical activity.

Because of the numerous causes of the pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the possible negative consequences of this ailment, you should try not to disregard the advice of professional nutritionists and coaches if you attend a sports or fitness room. Overloading the body with the desire to find the desired form can be very costly for your health. Disregard for the advice of specialists can be fraught with even the inability to conceive, endure and give birth to a child.

To establish an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to undergo examination on special devices (ultrasound, mammography, irrigoscopy, laparoscopic diagnostics).

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