Law, State and Law
Professional standards by profession and their application
The introduction of professional standards began in 2013. In May 2012, the President signed the relevant decree. The RF professional standards are aimed at strengthening the economic system in the country, raising the qualification level of employees of enterprises and institutions. Let us consider this institution in more detail.
Relevance of the issue
Professional standards by profession represent certain requirements for the competence of employees of certain enterprises, institutions, organizations. With the development of the economy, its transition to a qualitatively new level, the old installations become irrelevant, do not agree with the current situation. Some official trade standards of the Ministry of Labor were formed more than 20 years ago. However, the requirements for the competence of specific employees are expressed by several proposals. As the Head of State noted, such "superficial" norms can not contribute to the effective construction of the economy.
Normative justification
The increased attention of the authorities to the determination of the levels of competence of specialists in various fields allows the elimination of gaps in the TC. Federal Law No. 236-FZ of 3 December 2012 amended the definition of the professional standard and qualification of the employee. Earlier, there were no such terms in the Code.
The Ministry of Labor's professional standards disclose the activities of specialists working at different skill levels and linked by a single technological task. This can be research, production, design, maintenance. The description of the requirements, presented to the employee, differs in a complex character. When they are formulated, a more modern design is used. It involves a combination of requirements with skills and knowledge, competence and experience.
Professional standards by profession replaced the existing qualification guides, which are out of date due to the lack of many modern specialties in them, at least in economically motivated areas. However, personnel officers have to adhere to previous standards. This is due to the fact that they contain categories for which surcharges and benefits are established. Application of professional standards will allow to depart from this system. In accordance with it, the privileges are attached to the typical name of the post, and not to the skills, functional, skills and knowledge of the employee. If we allow today a minor change, for example, to change the word order in the title, then the employee will not be able to receive a proper surcharge or other form of state support.
Professional standards by profession: list
Currently, there are about 300 projects of new requirements for specialists. The Expert Council agreed more than 200 categories. Among them are professional standards in the fields of automotive, information technology, space and nuclear industries. The social sphere, patent science was not disregarded. Among the categories approved at the ministerial level, there are professional standards for professions:
- Programmer.
- Social worker.
- Specialist in Patent Science.
- Head of Social Services.
- Psychologist in the social sphere.
- Specialist in interaction with family.
- Employee of the guardianship and trusteeship agency for minors and so on.
Another sphere of activity, in which professional standards for occupations have been formulated, are health care. In accordance with the proposals of federal executive bodies, leading associations, employers' associations and staff representatives, a list of 805 categories has been formed, on which it is necessary to develop and adopt requirements.
The sphere of education
The newly introduced professional standards on education professions have caused mixed public reaction. On the part of specialists, criticism was criticized for the changes under consideration. For example, the teacher's professional standard became the subject of discussions almost immediately after its approval, some dubbed it Utopia. Although the Ministry's only goal in its development was to improve the quality of education in the country.
As noted by Dmitry Livanov, after the introduction of the standard to the full, it will act as a basis for certification. In addition, the teacher's professional standard will serve as a guide for building the trajectory of improving the quality of each teacher's work. Henceforth, teachers will be obliged to not only competently conduct lessons, but also use psychological techniques to solve complex situations, be able to use modern electronic technologies.
Features of implementation
The teacher's professional standard began to be used everywhere from January 1, 2015. During 2014, the process of gradual approbation in a number of regions was carried out as they became available. The professional standard of the teacher formed the basis for the standards for other specialists and organizations involved in this field. In addition, the Ministry did not rule out that separate requirements will be developed for all subject teachers, as well as for senior staff (head teachers and school principals). At present, the professional standard of the teacher of pre-school education, defectologist, tutor, psychologist and others is already working. The standards touched upon institutions implementing programs in boarding schools, technical schools, children's colonies.
Further conversions
In connection with the fact that the strengthening of the Russian qualification system is directly dependent on vocational education, the introduction of changes in the curriculum of universities, colleges and lyceums was discussed. According to Irina Savelieva, if the concept is implemented in accordance with the current economic conditions, the benefits of reforms will be evident. In particular, this is relevant for the field of personnel training. At the time of the beginning of the reform, training in a number of professions was not conducted at all, despite the high demand for them in the market. There was no clear system of training in the field of personnel records. At best, these were short-term training courses. Thus, all the specialists were trained already in the process of work. Personnel accounting is considered a universal and peculiar sphere of activity. A specialist engaged in it must understand many branches. Among them are psychology, labor law, labor protection, financial economics, accounting.
The modernization program
In accordance with the introduction of standards for the teaching staff, a draft reform for 2014-2017 was prepared. Within its framework, 17-25 domestic universities will launch pilot programs for developing new models, training carriers of new technologies and ideology. As another element of the system is the introduction of the process of confirming the level of qualifications of employees through a special examination. It provides for the professional standard of the teacher of pre-school education, pre-university and university training. This mechanism can only be started by building a network of certified independent centers. They will confirm or refute the professional level of employees. Evaluation, which will receive a specialist in the certification center, will act as a kind of passport of the professional status of the applicant for the position.
Spheres of distribution
In the process of developing professional standards, the areas of their application were immediately identified:
- Formation of personnel policy and personnel management.
- Organization of attestation and training of employees.
- Development of instructions.
- Tariffication of work and assignment of categories.
- Establishment of payroll systems.
This means that by introducing a professional standard, the employer must review all the procedures in place at his company. In addition, it is necessary to rework the contents of the instructions, the conditions for providing work to a particular employee, and the entire wage scheme.
Job descriptions
In these documents, the established requirements for qualification are transferred. Instead of job descriptions, another local act can be used that describes the knowledge and skills that a particular employee should have. In such documents, accordingly, also need to make changes. Often the question arises whether an employee can not sign an updated instruction, if new requirements do not suit him? Refusal of the employee will be illegal if the norms are established at the official level.
As many specialists admit, employees of institutions and enterprises often do not meet the requirements set by the professional standard. Therefore, the employer needs to "pull up" his employees to the required level. How can this be done? It is necessary to create the necessary conditions for the employee to obtain the required knowledge. For example, if the professional standard of the educator requires the availability of a diploma of vocational training, and the employee does not have it, then the latter will have to enter the corresponding institution urgently. If the specialist needs special training or any special skills, then the employer should organize the appropriate courses.
Do I need to know and be able to do everything that the standard requires?
As the experts note, in some cases it is necessary to approach the issue individually. For example, the professional standard of the accountant gives a general description of the specialty, encompassing all the skills and skills that a universal needs to possess. Along with this, an employee of a large company can be a narrow specialist, only in one or several areas. So, for example, it can only perform payroll or only depreciation. In this case, it is more logical to present only those requirements that correspond to its functions in the enterprise. If the tasks of the employee fully correspond to those of the professional standard of the accountant in the general sense, then the level of training should be higher, and the control of the performance of the standards will be accordingly wider.
Is dismissal permitted if the employee does not meet the requirements?
The TC defines the grounds on which the head can release an employee from his position. In the list there is no such thing as "non-conformity to the professional standard". Experts point out that the dismissal of an employee who shirks the development of skills, training, training is possible by the results of certification or as a result of reduction. Both the first and the second procedure will be rather laborious and will require strict observance of the order and execution of a number of documents.
Commercial and state enterprises
Managers are interested in whether the order of application of professional standards in any organizations is the same. The Law allows the establishment of special rules for:
- Extrabudgetary state funds.
- Municipal / state unitary enterprises or institutions.
- State corporations.
- Economic societies and companies, more than half of the shares or shares of authorized capital of which is in municipal or state ownership.
Revision of the wage system
It is necessary to take into account that in professional standards for each individual generalized function not only recommended job titles are established, but also skill levels. The requirements do not determine the amount of salary for each specialty. Nevertheless, you should know that SMIC (minimum wage) acts as a guarantee of payment for the first qualification level. For example, if the functions of the accountant are specified according to the 5-th and 6-th levels, then the employee's salary can not be equal to the minimum wage. This means that an increase factor should be provided.
Assessment of skills and abilities
You can determine the level of education by diploma. Evaluation of skills will be somewhat more difficult. Possible options include:
- Attestation . It is a rather complicated procedure. To conduct it, you need to issue a large amount of documentation, which includes graphs, a local certificate of attestation, orders, characteristics, minutes of meetings and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the evaluation tools to be applied, the composition of the commission and the level of training of its members, criteria for checking skills and knowledge.
- Certification . The legislators had high hopes for this procedure. A schedule was drawn up and approved for the formation of certification centers. Until the end of 2017, it is planned to open 289 such organizations. They will be able to pass certification of more than 70 thousand employees. In the event that for an enterprise an established professional standard by profession becomes mandatory, then the employee's compliance can be confirmed by sending him to such a center. At present, there are already organizations on certification of lawyers, personnel officers and so on. One more important point should be noted. Certification is not allowed for all requirements specified in the trade standard, but for compliance with 1-2 generalized functions, if the employee performs only them.
- Evaluation in special expert centers . It will require large financial investments. However, in this case, the expert's conclusions will be almost impossible to challenge, since they have the necessary qualifications and will be assessed fairly strictly. Tests and procedures in such centers have been developed at a high level.
- Self assessment . It is the internal control of the leader. The director of the enterprise can independently conduct testing, come up with test cases, give special assignments. You can rate employees by polls, recommendations, questionnaires. However, the results of such a procedure can not act as a basis for dismissal if the employee does not meet the requirements.
Supervising organizations
Who is authorized to verify compliance? If the use of the professional standard for a particular profession is compulsory, the assessment of specialists will be carried out by labor inspectors. Skills of employees are difficult to verify, but authorized persons can request documents. They must be confirmed that the head has conducted an assessment of compliance with the established professional standards. If the standards set a minimum requirement for knowledge, the presence of a diploma is checked. In addition, the correspondence of the name of the post to the name in the professional standard is established.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of introducing mandatory professional standards at enterprises, organizations and institutions, the following points should be noted:
- It becomes easier for the employer to develop job descriptions, to establish qualification requirements for personnel when hiring.
- It is clear which skills should be evaluated when selecting candidates for the position or during the certification process.
- The motivation for refusing a job is simpler. This moment is extremely important, since the draft law is under discussion in accordance with which the employer will be obliged to give a motivated answer to each unexperienced applicant.
- The employee is clear what is required of him. In accordance with this, he will "pull up" his level to the required level.
The disadvantages of introducing a new system are:
- The complexity of the process of bringing internal personnel documentation of the enterprise in accordance with the requirements established in professional standards.
- Training, raising the qualification level of the staff. These processes often take quite a long time and require, in some cases, large financial investments.
Despite the presence of a number of shortcomings, the state is aimed at continuing the implementation of the developed program. According to experts, such a system will allow to streamline the sphere of labor, will bring its state in line with current market conditions. In addition, the number of educated, literate specialists will increase at enterprises, which is extremely important for the development of the country's economy.
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