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Products against cancer will help reduce the risk of the disease. What foods will help to avoid cancer?

Cancer is a serious and serious disease, which is difficult to treat even with all modern technologies and drugs. At the same time, all are exposed to the risk. If you want to reduce the likelihood of the disease appearing on your own medical record, pay attention to products against cancer, it is advisable to include them in the diet throughout life, to remain healthy and active until advanced.

Proper nutrition is the guarantee of health

The ancients said that "you are what you eat". Unfortunately, the food of modern man can rarely be called ideal. It often contains semi-finished products, literally filled with artificial colors and carcinogens, as well as an abundance of sugar, flour products, sausages and sausages - all this affects the health status in general. To this, add a bad ecology of megacities and permanent stresses in the workplace. It is not surprising that in the world more and more often doctors make patients diagnosed with cancer. In general, food against tumors is an appropriate menu that does not contain any expensive and exotic ingredients. On the contrary, all dishes and their ingredients are simple and useful, mainly vegetables and greens, citrus fruits, berries and some fruits, legumes, nuts and spices. Details of products against cancer will be listed further in the form of a list. It is highly recommended to include them in your daily diet.

What are antioxidant products?

First, let's look at what antioxidants are. These are special substances that can slow down the oxidation processes in the body, they can be of natural and synthetic origin. It is best if such defenders of cells enter our body with food. Scientists, having carried out research on many food products (berries, fruits, cereals and others), came to the conclusion that a large number of useful anti-oxidants are contained in the following names, these are antioxidant products against cancer:

  • Beans, including red;
  • Wild and garden currants, black and red;
  • cranberry;
  • Raspberries, strawberries and other red berries;
  • Apples;
  • Cherry, plum;
  • Nuts and dried fruits;
  • Grain sprouts;
  • Apples of varieties "Gala", "Smith", "Delicious";
  • Tomatoes;
  • green tea.

Considering that vitamin C and E, provitamin A, lycopene, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins (this is the substance that is found in large quantities in red berries), you can include in your diet products against cancer that contain Specified elements. For example, we all know that a large amount of vitamin C contains lemon, orange, acai berries, vitamin E is present in the aforementioned sprouts, and provitamin A - in carrots.

What foods against cancer can you include in your daily diet?

Of course, the average Russian simply can not afford to submit to the table fresh strawberries, raspberries, acai berries and other rather expensive products all year round. But the list of useful components of the diet is not limited only to the named names, after all, ordinary cabbage contains useful substances that block the activity of genes provoking the onset of cancer. Other useful and very affordable products against cancer can be found all year round in any supermarket:

  • Garlic and onions - in large quantities contain anti-tumor substances and increase immunity;
  • Tomatoes, red pepper - contain lycopene; By the way, tomatoes can be eaten and cooked, the processing has practically no effect on their beneficial properties;
  • Lemons and any available berries - vitamin C;
  • Ginger (fresh, dried, powdered) and turmeric - these spices, which many of us undeservedly ignore, significantly reduce the inflammatory processes in the body and slow the growth of tumors;
  • Any beans are simply irreplaceable products for the prevention of breast cancer, contain a lot of useful protein.

By including these ingredients in the dishes, you diversify your diet and also conduct effective prevention of the disease.

What products protect against breast cancer?

Unfortunately, a malignant tumor that affects the mammary glands occurs in one of thirteen women. This indicator varies depending on the region of residence, but the average value and sad statistics are relevant for Russia, and for America, and for the countries of South Asia. At the same time, in a special group of women are women after 65 years old, as well as those whose close relatives suffered from this disease. The importance of prevention in this case is invaluable, you should also revise your diet by including certain products against breast cancer. Which ones? Here is the list:

  • Love turmeric - this spice, "yellow ginger" - is a recognized remedy for cancer prevention, including breast cancer;
  • Useful and blueberries - it contains a large number of flavonoids, which reduce the likelihood of the disease;
  • Tomatoes and already ceased to be exotic avocados are rich in substances, in particular, lycopene and oleic acid, beneficial to the body;
  • Brussels and cauliflower, broccoli - contain substances that prevent the occurrence of cancer;
  • Among other products that protect the health of the breast, spinach, garlic, green tea, grapefruit, cherry, seaweed kelp and artichokes can be mentioned.

Of course, the latter can not be found in every store, but cabbage, tomatoes, garlic and turmeric are quite cheap, and blueberries grow in large quantities in the forest during the season. The main thing is not to be lazy and instead of half-finished products to prepare useful and tasty dishes.

Popular works and books about products that prevent the occurrence of cancer

Richar Belivo, "Foods against Cancer" is a book that in a short time became a bestseller in many countries of the world. So, the author, a doctor by training, conducted a series of studies that proved that certain products, mainly of vegetable origin, can significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer and also slow the growth of the tumor. So, the doctor speaks about the benefits of ellagic acid, which is found in large quantities in the already mentioned raspberries, strawberries, nuts, and especially in walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans. The list included cherries, blue berries: blueberries, blueberries and blackberries, as well as cranberries, cinnamon and chocolate with a high content of cocoa, dark. Of course, everyone who really cares about their health will not stop reading this work, although notice that the products listed in the book against cancer have already been mentioned by other doctors. The common thing is that in order to prevent the onset of tumors, you should diversify the ration mainly with plant foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, flavonoids and other substances, which we have already listed in paragraphs above.

Selenium against cancer

Selenium is a valuable microelement, vital for our body. Without it, iodine and vitamin E are poorly absorbed by cells, its deficiency can cause thyroid diseases, decreased immunity, liver disease, anemia and several others. That is why it is very important to fill in its deficiency. As for cancers, selenium plays an important role in their prevention. So, it is a powerful antioxidant, helps to strengthen immunity, and its role is irreplaceable in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Unfortunately, in Russia, almost every resident suffers from a lack of this substance, which is why it is very important to replenish it by taking vitamin complexes or eating foods containing selenium. Against cancer and other tumors, this element is in the top ten most important and necessary.

Where is selenium contained?

Here is a list of available products that are rich in selenium:

  • It's liver, eggs, rock salt;
  • Seafood, especially herring;
  • Also in the list you can include enough exotic seafood: crab, shrimp, lobster and lobster;
  • Many selenium contain wheat bran, corn, seeds, nuts and brewer's yeast;
  • As well as tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic.

Include a product or several in your diet, so you will ensure effective prevention of many types of cancer.

The best products for cancer prevention

All the names listed in this article, somehow prevent the emergence of many types of cancer tumors. But there are also leaders among the products. Of course, their constant consumption of food does not give an absolute guarantee of protection against cancer, but significantly reduces the likelihood of this diagnosis in your medical record. Here is their list:

  • Cabbage - any, but especially broccoli and Brussels. Its use in food significantly reduces the occurrence of intestinal cancer ;
  • Soy - very effective for the prevention of prostate cancer;
  • Nuts, while the leaders are walnuts;
  • Fish - a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the lack of which leads to a violation of fat metabolism, which, in turn, causes an increased risk of tumor formation;
  • Tomatoes - in the product high content of lycopene, which combats many types of cancer;
  • Mushrooms, especially exotic for us, Japanese: Shiitake, Maytake, Reishi and others. The composition has substances that can suppress the activity of even already formed cancer cells ;
  • Seaweed - contain useful iodine, selenium and a lot of other substances necessary for the body;
  • Ginger - protects the pancreas and increases overall immunity;
  • And the onion possesses the same properties.

This list closes the list of tea, especially green. The only thing, you need to drink it without sugar, and brew correctly and clearly according to the instructions. That is not boiling water, insisting at the same time for at least 5 minutes.

Conclusions and conclusion

After analyzing this article, you can conclude that foods against cancer are mostly of vegetable origin. This is not surprising, because it is in them that you can find the necessary vitamins, acids and minerals. In second place in popularity - fish and seafood, all thanks to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Agree, proper nutrition, including anti-cancer, will cost the family no more than a table on which there are abundantly presented semi-finished products, sausages and sausages, white bread and pasta from high-grade flour. The main thing is to understand that your nutrition directly affects the condition of the body. The right diet will give you the opportunity to live a long time and not get sick not only of cancer, but also of other diseases.

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