HomelinessDo it yourself

Installing the hood in the kitchen with your own hands. Installing the hood in a private house

Even if you have already made repairs in the kitchen and would not like to "smash" it again, you may well make some changes to its design. These operations include the installation of hoods in the kitchen with their own hands. Of course, you should first determine what type of hood is required for you. Perhaps, with this we will begin.

What are they like?

As for the type, they are divided into filtration and evacuation. The first of them run the air in the room through the filter system, and the second simply throw it into the external environment. In general, in the handicraft version of "modernization" you can quite easily install a carbon filter into the cheap evacuation hood .

But especially it is not necessary to strive for this: even industrial products of this class do not provide really high-quality air purification, and their cost is often prohibitively high. In addition, the instruction to install a hood of this class provides for the complete withdrawal of the guarantee for any independent action.

There are built-in and desktop, fireplace and ceiling. We will not talk long about the types and their merits. Let's just say that for the majority of homeowners, the islet extractor, installed directly above the hob (or gas stove), is really the best option. It is better known as the dome hood. The device received its name for the name of the receiving part, which actually resembles a dome.

About electrical safety issues

Before you install the hood in the kitchen, you need to work with your own hands, providing yourself and your family complete safety, eliminating the minimal possibility of electric shock.

The fact is that this category of kitchen appliances is classified as potentially dangerous, so it is simply unacceptable to approach this issue negligently. It is necessary to know that the hoods are connected to the household network by three wires: phase, zero, and earth, which is easy to identify by the yellow color of the wire used, on which the longitudinal green strip is still applied. Be sure to ensure in advance a reliable and reliable earthing!

In no event is it possible to cling to a tap, gas or other pipe, or a battery for this purpose. Remember that this is contrary to the basic safety rules, so as a result of your thoughtless actions, people can suffer! It is necessary to get attached to a blank neutral. How to do it?


All the below described actions, if you are not a professional electrician, are strongly advised to do it yourself! Be sure to call a specialist or an electrician familiar, but do not climb into the shield!

Connect to neutral

Carefully open the input shield, not forgetting the danger of electric shock. Most likely, all the lead wires go into the shield from a certain metal pipe. Probably on the pipe there is some more or less brushed from the old paint and rust pin, to which the wires are connected. This is the desired neutral: from it to the apartment you need to stretch the wire section of at least 2.5 mm. The hood itself should be connected to the network via a 6.3A automatic device.

Once again on security issues

If you are interested in not only installing the hood in the kitchen with your own hands, but also your own life, never in any case and never throw off the "earth" in the form of other wires to make room for your own! It is unlikely, but you can still "catch" the discharge. Alas, but ridiculous deaths happen for this reason every year.

Ventilation is above all!

It should be remembered that the usual installation of cooker hoods in the kitchen with their own hands most often seriously violates the regular ventilation of the premises, the possibilities of which were installed at the design stage of the building. Woe-masters recommend solving the problem in two ways: either by punching the channel into the central shaft, or directly to the street. Both of these methods are incorrect and can lead to serious problems. Including legislative: before doing something like this you will have to get a separate permit in the BTI.

In principle, the punching (if allowed) of a separate ventilation path to the street allows you to get rid of kitchen smells and soot with a guarantee, but it almost certainly will lead to the failure of the fan, since in this case the condensate will constantly settle on it. With all the "inflowing" consequences in the form of a short circuit or something like that.

So what should I do? The way out of the situation is simple: it is enough to install an additional section of the air duct, equipping it with a clapboard valve.

How to neutralize unpleasant odors?

Very often the installation of a hood in a private house (and in an apartment especially) is accompanied by the installation of air neutralizers. On sale there are devices of three types:

  • Chemical.
  • Electroionization.
  • Ultraviolet.

Let's analyze each type a little more. The chemical variety is the most unreliable option. Their working surface is immediately clogged with a film of fat, and therefore they go out of action well before the "official" exhaustion of the warranty period. In addition, there is evidence that the substances released by them are not so safe for human health, as the producers say. In addition, "chemistry" is far from cheap.

Electroionization neutralizers have practically the same principle of action as conventional room air ionizers. That's just the air in the kitchen is so saturated with gases that the device has to "hold" such a discharge that often appears the visible "crown". All this leads to the fact that the air is excessively saturated with negative ions, which is not very useful for human health. Such devices are equipped with almost every second hood dome in kitchens of foreign production.

Ultraviolet lamps are also gradually tightened with a thin coating of fat. In addition, the lamps have to be changed quite often. But such a neutralizer has the most attractive technical characteristics: a harmful ultraviolet lamp radiates a day less than you get, being on the street a couple of hours on a sunny day. In passing, the question of sanitation is solved, since UV rays are harmful to harmful bacteria.

When it is planned to install a hood in a private house, the latter circumstance becomes even more important: a lot of microorganisms and unpleasant smells can come from the street into the house, so that the neutralizer becomes a really profitable acquisition.

About the duct

Immediately warn that the kitchen hoods in the vast majority of cases are not equipped with air ducts. In the most optimal variant, a corrugated aluminum pipe with a diameter corresponding to that for the exhaust hose is ideal for its role. Aerodynamic resistance of the corrugation (at a length of up to one and a half meters) can be safely ignored. Since we will consider the installation of hoods in the cabinet, this is exactly the case.

Advantages of the corrugation in the exceptional simplicity of aluminum processing, which in this case can be cut with ordinary household scissors. In addition, when using such a corrugation, the possibility of a sharp, resonant sound, which at night can wake up half of the neighbors, is completely ruled out. Of course, this material does not look very aesthetically pleasing, that's why you should be preoccupied with making a decorative box that will hide all your flaws.

The best option is to directly install the hood over the stove, since in this case it will be possible to catch absolutely all the fumes and odors.

What tool is needed for work?

First of all it will be necessary to buy or take from someone a electric jigsaw with a carbide saw that gives the cleanest and smooth cut. All other tools (a hammer, a drill, a screwdriver, a tape measure and a level) are sure to be at home for everyone. Especially it concerns the cases when it is planned to install a hood in a private house.

Immediately warn. In the article we will consider the option with the hood, mounted in a cupboard above the hob. Since we will do it ourselves, this approach will dramatically improve the decorative properties of the design, reliably disguising all design blunders. Do not forget that the height of the hood is at least 70 centimeters above the stove. If you hang it below, then you can forget about design delights all the more: your entire design will quickly be smothered, or it may even break out from a strong heat.

Features of mounting hoods in a private house

At once we draw your attention to the fact that everything stated in this article can be safely used in this case too. Installing the hood in the kitchen of a private house is practically the same as installing it in the kitchen of an apartment building, but there are some features that are definitely worth considering.

Let's list them separately:

  • First, all places of contact with the ceiling and walls should be carefully insulated. After all, in the apartment all these parts are made of concrete, but in a private wooden house ... in short, it is better not to take risks.
  • Secondly, there are fewer problems with ventilation. In your home - you are your own master, and therefore you can punch a hole under it anywhere. Important! Still, you should not take the box directly to the street, as this is fraught with the formation of condensation on the engine (we wrote about this). But! If you plan to install a gas hood, then gas specialists will have to go without fail. Without their permission, you can not do anything in this area!

In general, this feature ends, everything else has no differences.

Features of installation in the bathroom

Finally, what features does the unit have in the bathroom? First, you should pay attention to the thoroughness of the waterproofing of all structural parts. Secondly, you definitely can not avoid visiting the relevant bureaucratic bodies (BTI), since in most cases you will have to break through the wall, and this requires a separate permit.

Other troubles installation of hoods in the bathroom you will not bring. You can also take advantage of the proposed option in the article, having mounted this unit in the bathroom cabinet, which will disguise the heavy equipment, hiding it from prying eyes. So, let's get started.

Clapper (check valve)

Work begins with the manufacture of a box with a cracker (it is also a non-return valve). As the material, it is most expedient to use thin aluminum. Suitable is also galvanized metal or ordinary tin.

It is best to put the valve in a cabinet suspended directly above the hob. In the self-ventilating window, the cracker can be mounted with the help of the most common mounting foam, and it is best to glue it to the closet for usual sealants. The latter completely eliminates the possibility of resonance.

Of course, first on the upper surface of the locker you need to accurately make a markup, completely corresponding to the lower window of the valve. This can be done simply by removing the shutter for the time in the flapper itself and outlining the contour of the future hole with a pencil. The side of the valve is also desirable to be noted on the "pattern", as this will greatly facilitate further installation.


Keep in mind that the height of the hood installation above the cooker should be at least 70-75 cm from the level of the hob! We release the kitchen cupboard, remove it from the fasteners. Using an electric jig saw, cut out the hole of the required size. To simplify your work and make the contours more straightforward, first drill a hole in the contour (drill diameter - within 8 mm) in 0.5-1 cm steps, and then start working with a jig saw.

If your skills in working with such a tool are far from perfect, you should not worry, because with the method of editing described by us, nobody will see your flaws. The main thing is that the hood itself looks beautiful. With your hands for this still have to do a lot!

The shelves of the cabinet are also removed. The method described by us cut through the holes for mounting the air duct. In this case, the more it is not necessary to strive to achieve microscopic accuracy, since a flexible and well-crumpled corrugation will perfectly fit anywhere. Then in the upper board of the cabinet cut out a hole under the bottom window of the cracker, not forgetting to leave an allowance of millimeters in five on each side. Here it is worth trying to do everything as accurately as possible. Of course, negligence can be hidden by a sealant, but it has the property of peeling off the surface over time, so that the valve can simply fall out of the grooves.

Since the height of the hood installation above the stove is not too great, it has all the chances of "brightening up" on fire, so it's not worth the risk.

Corrugation installation

We put the wardrobe on its back, gently push it into the previously made holes of the duct of the air duct. Form its profile (squeezing her hands), then push it into the upper hole. Formed corners should be carefully cut with scissors and bend to the outer side of the cabinet.

Installing the cracker

Cabinet with corrugated, which you have so hard to mount it, hang it in its rightful place. On the notched ends of the aluminum bell, and also under them carefully apply the sealant sausages. We do not hurry and do not hurry: the more carefully you apply the sealant, the stronger will be the hood. With your own hands, do not create the same problems in the future! If you carelessly treat this work, then you will constantly breathe those kitchen fragrances that (theoretically) should have gone to the street. Do not leave gaps!

The final stage

We begin the installation of the hood. We put its neck into the appropriate cutout in the upper wall of the locker. Corrugation is not necessary at once, since the exhaust pipe will still press it upward. Carefully fix the hood in the cabinet using screws or bolted connections.

Only after this, we put on the exhaust connection of the corrugation and accurately fix it with a suitable clamp. Sealant should not be poured: firstly, this will greatly complicate the maintenance of the installation. In addition, the pressure in the system will be lowered, and therefore nothing will get into the kitchen. Finally, the crumpled corrugation itself will be an excellent insulation.

Finally, the installation of the hood is finished! We hope that you learned about the main points. It is not necessary to follow our advice and push the hood into the cupboard, as you yourself can come up with options with its mount.

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