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How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

Man differs from an animal in the first place by the ability to intelligently and comprehensively expound his explanations and thoughts in speech form. The speech of any person and people is determined by the level of his being. The more civilized the people, the more educated and erudite a person, the richer the language will be. We all live in a talking society. If a person does not have any congenital abnormalities, then almost to two years almost all children begin to express their thoughts more or less distinctly. Naturally, with age, speech becomes more beautiful, more meaningful. However, this does not mean that in this direction it is not necessary to exert certain efforts, and that everything will turn out "by itself." This is far from the case. Many adults have problems with communication and communication, and they often ask themselves how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully. But on this seemingly difficult question, it is quite possible to find an intelligible and sensible answer.

So how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully? For a person who has a desire, nothing is impossible. In the question of how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully, the first thing to say about the voice. Scientists have proved that the most pleasant for the nervous cents responsible for the perception of sounds is the low timbre of the voice. However, one must take into account the nuance that the low voice of a man differs markedly from a woman's low. But still, squeaking and squealing are perceived negatively and cause irritation of the hearing aid. It can be concluded that for a pleasant and convincing communication it is better to speak in lower tones.

Further, for an intelligent answer to the complex, raised above question of how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully, it is necessary to say about the main mistakes that need to be radically changed. You can give an example. At a business meeting, an opponent who has the talent of a speaker and a certain eloquence will undoubtedly evaluate your ability to talk. Therefore, it is necessary to try to completely eradicate annoying words-parasites ("this", "well", "like", "in general", "pancake" and so on, and so on). Try to avoid long pauses, inappropriate stops, observe the coherence of speech (temporal endings, cases , etc.).

In the question of how to learn to speak competently, stress plays a big role. Fear of the audience, incompetence in the subject, personal problems - all this negatively affects the beauty of speech. How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully? As in any case, training is necessary. They are divided into natural and artificial. Natural training is daily conscious communication. Artificial training - this increase in the time of communication is already artificially. Work on your speech in front of a mirror, mimic announcers or speakers, increase vocabulary and work on stress resistance.

So how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully? As it turned out, there is nothing complicated here. We need only desire and effort. Train, replenish the vocabulary, work on the culture and quality of speech, enrich your terminological apparatus from books, articles, movies.

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