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What is oratorical speech? Example speech

Speech is an example of oratory, the art of public speaking, which includes rhetoric and the skill of presenting information. Let's see what kind of oratorical speech should be in the structure. Examples of it will be considered.

When the art of public speaking arose

The art of eloquence in Ancient Greece was born, where it developed very quickly and reached its peak. However, because of the eternal rivalry between Greece and Rome, great speakers appeared in both states.

Indeed, only in Greece, where the word was an integral part of every citizen's life, oratory could arise. The first ancient Greek speaker is Pericles. His oratorical speech is an example of logic, clarity, orderly presentation of information.

As for Ancient Rome, there rhetoric appeared only after the conquest of Greece. The Roman manner of speech was distinguished by excessive stylistic decorations, metaphors, parables and was not so comprehensive and philosophical. However, one of the greatest speakers - Cicero - belongs to this state.

The fall of Rome was the decline of the oratory of antiquity, since it can only succeed where free institutions flourish.

How to write an oratory

What do you need to get a competent oratorical speech? Examples of the topic of your speech should be chosen in accordance with the following principles:

  1. You need to navigate the topic better than the audience.
  2. The topic should be relevant.
  3. The audience is interested in what you are about to tell.

After deciding what you will talk about, come up with the name of the speech. It must, on the one hand, accurately reflect the essence of speech, and on the other - attract attention. Oratory examples of names has these: working - "How alcohol and nicotine destroy our body"; For the speech - "Permitted poisons".

Also, you need to determine in advance the purpose of your speech. It can be different depending on the audience. For example: explain, inform, convince, evoke interest, etc.

The selected goal will determine the type of your speech:

  • Informational.
  • Agitational.
  • Hidden.
  • Entertaining.

Having decided on the purpose and type of speech, you can proceed with the formulation of the main idea of the speech and topic.

Speech plan

The plan helps to make the presentation logical, clear, as concise and informative as possible. It allows you to fully elucidate the problem raised in the speech. Make a plan from the time you start. Gradually, of course, he will change, but this will only benefit. Let's see how the plan will look when our goal is informational speech. Example:

  1. We describe the phenomenon or problem.
  2. The reason for the occurrence of the phenomenon or problem.
  3. We determine the regularity or randomness of the occurrence of a problem or phenomenon.
  4. How different components of this problem are interrelated and interact.
  5. We determine the prospects for solving the problem or the development of the phenomenon.
  6. Conclusion or practical proposal.

If your task is to prove something, then the common method is to move from the opposite. That is, first you state the statement, and then refute it, leading listeners to the opposite truth. However, we must remember that you should not use weighty arguments for persuasion. It's not easy to inform, but something can be proved, just by giving enough weighty reasons. You need to choose similar arguments, based on the audience before which you are going to perform. Then your speech will only take effect.

Examples of how to write an oratorical speech can be found in the specialized literature. But there are two laws of its construction, which should not be violated: in order to convey the main idea, use as few means as possible; The audience must be constantly in suspense.

Preparation for performance

Before the performance, you should ask yourself only three questions:

  1. Who is my audience?
  2. What does she expect from me?
  3. What is the task of my speech?

At the same time, you should have a plan in your head. For simplification, you can write out keywords on the card.

Oratory speech. An example of Steve Jobs

The speech of Steve Jobs on June 12, 2005 at Stanford University has already gone down in history and has become a vivid example of rhetorical art, but why?

Let's start with the title: "Stay Hungry, Stay Reckless." These phrases cause several emotions: interest, surprise, some misunderstanding. But in any case - to find out what is hidden behind this topic. The goal is achieved - the audience is intrigued.

This oratory is an example of simplicity and openness. It abounds with verbal turns, simple sentences. The style of speech is colloquial, which brings the speaker closer to the audience - graduates, yesterday's students. Constant pauses make it possible to comprehend what was said, but not to get bored.

Cicero wrote: "There are two arts that can put a person at the highest level of honor: one is the art of the commander, the other is the art of a good orator." His statement is still valid today. Especially in our time, when agreements are preferable to wars.

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