Self improvementOratoan art

A universal speech code is worth knowing to everyone

The universal code of speeches is a system of words and phrases, built step by step and allowing, using code words and adding the necessary statements, to compose a competent logically structured speech. This code is often used by our politicians. A set of phrases can confuse the interlocutor. You can talk a lot of common phrases, but in general, do not tell the listener anything new. Need a universal speech code in order to confuse the listener, or, conversely, he is able to help make a beautiful presentation of the report? Let's understand.


Oratory is the ability to speak beautifully to the public in order to persuade. In such an art, acting techniques, rhetoric lessons and psychological techniques are combined.

What is the purpose of the speaker from the rostrum? First of all, the speaker expounds his position before the audience or opponents, defending his own point of view. To achieve this, he can only by using all the techniques of oratorical skill. One of them is the universal code of speeches.

Things to know

What other goals are pursued by a person acting as a speaker?

1. The speaker addresses the people with a speech not only to convey information to the listener, but also to receive a response in the form of interest (persuasion) or any actions (motivation) from the audience. His speech can be agitational. If this is so, then the speaker needs to be informed in the inspired form of the statement.

2. Very important for the speaker is his authority. If he can inspire respect for himself listeners, through a special psychological attitude and examples of his "exploits", then his speech will be crowned with success.

3. Using a universal speech code, the speaker can long walk around the bush, if you need to pull the time. For example, when there is a situation in the society and the state institution is the guilty party, there must be a person in the structure who is specially trained in the answers. The purpose of such a speaker is to respond to the public. Usually it consists of an appeal, a set of common phrases, examples, praise, deviations from the topic and a brief statement at the very essence. An example of this:

"We do not have money yet, but in the near future we will try to help." In the meantime, all the good and good mood ... ".

List of codewords

The following is a list of code words that will help to create a convincing speech for the speaker:

1. Comrades!

2. On the other hand ...

3. In the same way ...

4. However, we should not forget that ...

5. In this way.

6. Everyday practice shows that ...

7. Dear colleagues!

8. Let me remind you that ...

9. As well as ...

10. In general, of course ...

Let's sum up the results

The above instructions and a list of basic code words for preparing a speech will help you write and pronounce a universal text, placing emphasis on the right details. Such code from simple phrases is now available not only to politicians, but also to the most ordinary people, who are not related to oratorical performances.

If you understand everything correctly, then at least now you are on the rostrum.

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