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Adult tongue twisters: examples. Complicated patters for improving diction in adults

The adult person independently discovers any problem in itself and fights against it. If in his speech he notices a defect, then he is engaged in correcting it. It is best to use tongue twisters. This is quite simple, because to get the right material it is enough to just open the corresponding article or section of the book.

Tongue twisters to improve speech

The tongue twisters are an excellent solution for developing oral skills, as well as improving speech abilities. These effective and simple exercises are used by politicians, public figures, TV presenters. Many of us believe that famous people were born with the right speech and clear diction. In fact, all this is the result of constant work on yourself.

And not always here is the hand of an expensive specialist, a good speech therapist. Tongues are exercises that are available to each of us. And for the organization of such classes, you need nothing but a small display of willpower.

If you practice complex tongue twisters for adults with seriousness, then it turns out quickly enough to improve their pronunciation. During training, a person begins to clearly pronounce the sounds, breathe correctly. At the same time, speech articulation develops.

For tongue twisters, a special classification is characteristic. It is created on the basis of various signs, which include complexity, simplicity, duration. That is, longer exercises are to improve diction. Folk tongue twisters often sound the shortest.

Selection of tongue twisters

Preliminary it is necessary to choose the most suitable for the situation patter. It should take into account the features of phonetics of personal diction. That is, you need to choose those tongue twisters for adults, whose reading causes difficulties.

For the first training, it is enough to prepare three exercises. After that you can get down to business. But after the completion of the lesson, there must be full confidence in the full mastery of the material. That is, the selected tongue twisters for adults no longer need to be difficult to read.

How to work with tongue twisters

Before you start, you need to take time to get acquainted with the theory. Training speech should be carried out in stages. First of all, you should read the patter on syllables, thoroughly pronouncing each.

Gradually, you need to increase the tempo. But you do not need to engage in forcing events. Exaggeration of their own capabilities will lead to stumbling. Adult brochures should be pronounced with control of diction and articulation.

If it is necessary to study with a child, you must first work out all the exercises yourself. Material in this case is selected in advance. In this case, in no case should not stammer in front of the child. Of course, such an activity resembles a game. But do not make it too light. And be sure to try to be a model for the baby.

Examples of tongue twisters

Toddlers for adults who improve diction:

  1. I'm driving along potholes, eating, I will not leave the potholes in any way.
  2. The weak Kosci is dragged by a thin box of vegetables.
  3. Employees of the enterprise were privatized, privatized, and not pre-privatized.
  4. At the guru, the inauguration passed with a bang.
  5. Is it colonialism? "No, it's not colonialism, it's neo-colonialism!"
  6. Unpromising.
  7. In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardin from Bulgaria.
  8. Confirm.
  9. The eyes of the gazelle stared at her
  10. Unrequalified.
  11. In sewing, the chief is lying - making his sewing.
  12. Do not over-burn all the tongue twisters.

Complicated exercises

Complex tongue twisters for the development of speech in adults help at home and without additional witnesses to cope with the problem of pronounced pronunciation. And you can organize a half-joking game with friends. It consists in reading the tongue-twisters in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. As a result, it will be interesting to spend time.

Indeed, not everyone can cope with such phrases from the first time:

  1. In the field a hill with kulis, I'll go out on a hill, I'll fix it, you'll take a crop. Kul correct in any case.
  2. Carmen Roman put Romain Rolland's novel in his pocket and went to "Carmen" in "Roman".
  3. Who does not work, he does not eat what the one who works is eating.
  4. They were deideologized, deideologized, and dodeideologized.
  5. The fluorograph was fluorographed by fluorographists.
  6. I'm a verticulist. I can be verticulatypyvatsya, I can pervertikultyapyvatsya.
  7. Raffing a Staffordshire terrier, cutting a black-haired Riesen Schnauzer.
  8. Coconuts cook coconut, and get coconut juice in short-brewed.

In 2016 the most popular tongue twisters for improving the diction of adults about monkeys. Their examples can look like this:

  1. Funny monkey gave out bananas, gave out bananas to a funny monkey.
  2. Macaque dipped koala in cocoa, cocoa coca lazily lapped.

The Importance of Beautiful Speech

We all want to be listened to with attention and enthusiasm. But how to achieve this, if you do not work on yourself? Native speakers are one. In most cases, adults identify their own shortcomings on their own. But it's not enough to simply state the fact of your inability to do anything.

A self-sufficient person must consciously exert maximum efforts on the way to achieving the goal. Only in this way will he succeed in significantly improving the state of affairs. Perhaps doing exercises seems boring. But in fact the result is worth the effort.

If at first you can not pronounce tongue twisters beautifully and distinctly, do not be upset. It is necessary to return to the exercises until the diction becomes correct. It is also important to monitor the pleasant sound of the voice. After all, sharp and screaming intonations will not be pleasant for listeners. No one will listen to such an orator, although his diction is clear. People are uncomfortable with harshness, words should be pronounced distinctly, beautifully and measuredly.

That is, tongue twisters for the development of adult speech significantly improve the quality of spoken phrases, make memory better. And for lessons does not require a lot of time and effort. You can exercise at home in a familiar and comfortable environment.

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